Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Wait, Larry Hogan Is Still Talking About Running for President?…hogan-is-still-talking-about-running-for-president-n2627931
– I didn't want to see a repeat of 2016. … We need to narrow it down to find a leader who can get the Republican Party back on the right track. … Mitt Romney (R-UT), another anti-Trump Republican, has also called for more candidates to drop out, as he did in a column that The…
Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'
– These aren't presidential people. These aren't presidential talents," Trump said. … He then criticized the answers of candidates who participated in Fox News's first 2024 GOP presidential debate, saying that their responses … Still, it is not enough to keep him from securing the GOP presidential nominee. …
Will Pelosi's Denigrating Comments Help Trump Just Like Hillary's 'Basket of Deplorables' Did?
– , I'm into the Democrats, and, hopefully the Republican Party can find a candidate that the Americans can live with."  … "I say to the Republicans all the time, take back your party, the Republican Party is a great party, you've done great things for our … Republican Party, a strong Democratic Party too, but a strong Republican Party."…
Republicans Running Against Trump Must Issue a Letter Defending Him Against Dems' Political Hit Job
presidential elections were stolen. … "violently claimed the last three Republican presidential wins were stolen, rigged, and illegitimate." … Rights which far-left anarchists are trying to steal from him in broad daylight as specific Republican candidates and “Leaders” watch…
Is It Time for Conservatives to Support A National Popular Vote?…or-conservatives-to-support-a-national-popular-vote-n2588119
– Bush and 2016 with Donald Trump. … Virginia, once a Republican bastion, turned blue in 2008 and hasn’t looked back. … Instead, the current system sees presidential candidates campaigning in, and making promises to, swing states only.…
Is JD Vance a Future President?
– This is why Hillary Clinton failed in her efforts back in 2016. … Tucker Carlson, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Donald Trump Jr., all of these names are being thrown around as potential presidential candidates … The future of the party appears to be more “progressive,” with a capital P.…
The Worst Argument for a National Popular Vote
– Leftwing pundits have long predicted the demise of the Republican Party owing to demographic changes. … The 2016 election offers all kinds of cautionary tales to political prognosticators. … presidential elections.…
For the Good of the Country, Donald Trump Should Pass the Torch…d-of-the-country-donald-trump-should-pass-the-torch-n2589185
– At this point, every indication is that former President Donald Trump will announce his third presidential bid as soon as it makes … When this happens, like it or not, most political analysts think he will win the 2024 GOP nomination similarly to how he won in 2016 … Fairly or unfairly, Donald Trump would bring far more negatives than positives to a 2024 presidential campaign.…
Go, Jenner, Go
– If you think Trump has destroyed the Republican Party, you're either a casualty of the left's propaganda war or you're rooting for … As journalist Salena Zito noted during the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump's followers took seriously his vision for a country with … What happens when immigrant, Hispanic, Black, Asian, gay and trans candidates for public office run on a Republican ticket, with a…
The Big Lie Is the New Litmus Test
– Donald Trump issued a proclamation on Monday that should become the new standard against which Republican candidates are measured. … No Republican will win another presidential election until the fraudulent voting tricks by Dems are stopped. … Also on Saturday, Mitt Romney (R-UT) was nearly booed off the stage by the Utah State Republican Party convention of thousands.…
Republican Populism Finds Model in Curtis Sliwa Running for NYC Mayor…m-finds-model-in-curtis-sliwa-running-for-nyc-mayor-n2590598
presidential candidate Donald Trump. … If Republican candidates in 2022 and 2024 think they can just ride a populist wave to victory on bumper sticker slogans like “Make … There are clear differences between the two, but both go to show that running in a Republican Party primary does not necessarily mean…
Stop Perpetual Election Fraud Bill
– Misnamed the “For the People Act,” this misbegotten legislation passed the House without a single Republican voting for it, while senior … H.R. 1 would nullify good state election laws passed this year in Republican legislatures, including Georgia and Florida. … Manchin for ostensibly standing up against Leftists in his own party, but the future of his own state is on the line. …
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Are We Headed to a Contested Convention?…ace-roundup-are-we-headed-to-a-contested-convention-n2135872
– Ask any pundit lately and they seem convinced the 2016 GOP race is going to a contested convention. … Even House Speaker Paul Ryan acknowledges the increasing likelihood that none of the three remaining candidates will amass the needed … Meanwhile, former presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) called Cruz the “only true conservative” left in the race.…
Cruz Camp Say There's 'Zero Chance' of Kasich Going to Convention…ay-theres-zero-chance-of-kasich-going-to-convention-n2134721
– Kasich may have won his home state of Ohio Tuesday night, but his remaining competitors say he has no business staying in the presidential … At his victory party following last night’s primary results, Cruz announced he is more than ready to face Trump on his own. … Kasich is a selfish sideshow. — David Limbaugh (@DavidLimbaugh) March 16, 2016
Cruz: Why Yes, Denying Trump the Nomination at a Contested Convention Would be Legitimate…ation-at-a-contested-convention-would-be-legitimate-n2134448
– When it came time for the delegates to vote on the presidential nomination, delegates would rank their candidates — with pledged delegates … putting the candidates to whom they are pledged at the top of their lists. … @jaketapper: "We're probably going to be covering a contested Republican convention" — Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 16, 2016
Frontrunners and Political Conventions
– One year ago, a forecast of a contested Republican Convention was not unrealistic given the number of announced candidates for President … Last week, Donald Trump responded to a question about who should get the nomination of the Republican Party if no individual garners … Trump did not intend to play by the Republican convention rules when he began his campaign as a Republican, why did he not start out…
Lost in Campaigning
– This presidential candidate’s campaign frequently packs sports arenas with tens of thousands of adoring fans. … candidates into sparring with Trump. … Unfortunately, Republican presidential candidates have barely touched on the issue, and the media has yet to do so.…
Hugh Hewitt: We're Going To an Open Convention
– Early on in the 2016 presidential election when more than a dozen GOP candidates were in the race for the White House, nationally … The Republican Party is headed to an open convention in Cleveland.  It is happening. … Yours, NostrHUGHdamus — Hugh Hewitt (@hughhewitt) March 16, 2016 Well done, Mr. Hewitt.…
Brownshirts & Republican Wimps
– All three Republican rivals blamed -- Donald Trump. … With his "dangerous style of leadership," Trump stokes this anger, mewed Rubio, "This is what happens when a leading presidential candidate … COPYRIGHT 2016 CREATORS.COM…
GOP Candidates Finally Drop Personal Attacks, Stick To The Issues…s-finally-drop-personal-attacks-stick-to-the-issues-n2131902
– My #GOPDebate focus group feels everybody won tonight.The candidates. The Republican Party. … Those people are signing up to his vision of the Republican Party. What do you think is wrong with that vision? … You know, we've seen prior presidential candidates who proposed massive tariffs, you know, Smoot- Hawley led to the Great Depression…
Scott Walker Endorses Ted Cruz Ahead of Wisconsin Primary…alker-to-make-presidential-endorsement-this-morning-n2140376
– “Ted Cruz is in the best position to both win the nomination of the Republican Party, and to then go on to defeat Hillary Clinton in … "His leadership has made a profound impact on the people of Wisconsin and I welcome his advice on how we can unite the Republican Party … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2016 Here's a quick look at his schedule for the day:  Mr.…
If Trump Wins The Nomination, The House Is In Play, Believe Me
– Loud foot­steps up­stairs in the presidential race could easily shake the Senate races below. … You’d think that party leaders would be raising holy hell to protect their hard-earned gains. … The Republican Party is moving closer to either erasing, or severely curtailing, the Obama legacy regarding Obamacare.…
Let's Get This Straight: Trump Is No Reagan
– Catering to the conservative base, the GOP presidential candidates keep trying to put on the Reagan mantle the way Cinderella's ugly … Every election season, Republican candidates start rising to their feet to declare, like the slave rebels in "Spartacus," "I'm Ronald … Before the GOP became the Party of Reagan, it was the Party of Lincoln.…
CNN/ORC Poll: 'Little Appetite' Among Republicans For A Convention Fight To Stop Trump…e-appetite-among-republicans-for-a-convention-fight-n2137543
– Just 35% overall say they want to see another Republican run as a third party candidate if Trump wins the Republican nomination. … Among non-Trump backers, however, 51% want to see another Republican get in the ring as a third party candidate. … He certainly has a shot, whereas John Kasich has no shot whatsoever to be the 2016 Republican nominee.…
McCain Could Be Fighting For His Political Life This Year
– Now, as we get into the thick of the 2016 election cycle, Sen. … ; the Maricopa County Republican Party censured him in January of 2014 for cozying up too much with liberal Democrats: As leaders … in the Republican Party, we are obligated to fully support our Party, platform, and its candidates.…
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