Results for: Republican National Committee

Pelosi: Why Yes–We're Looking At Ways To Impeach Trump
– Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) held a prebuttal conference in the First Amendment Lounge of the National … With a solid Republican majority, that’s not going to happen. … Keith Ellison (D-MI), who ran to be the next chair for the Democratic National Committee, said it was on the table.…
New DNC Chair: Hey, If Hillary Wants To Run In 2020, She Should
– New Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez is open to having Hillary Clinton run again in 2020. … In the modern era, once you lose a national election, you can be the party elder, a key spokesperson, or an adviser. … The rural areas are solidly Republican.…
After Perez Paints Rosy Picture, Chuck Todd Shows Him the 'Hole' His Party Is In
– Todd made the comments early on Sunday before interviewing the new Democratic National Committee chair on “Meet the Press.” … Since 2008, the Republican National Committee had a $227 million advantage over the DNC. …
Chuck Todd: Perez's 'Establishment' Win Proves the Party Has Gone Far Left…stablishment-win-proves-the-party-has-gone-far-left-n2290876
– "Tom Perez elected to lead Democratic National Committee in a blow to liberal wing," The Washington Post wrote. … I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2017…
Perez Tells Trump He's Going to Be His 'Worst Nightmare'
– President Trump appeared to be pleased with the Democratic National Committee chair results on Saturday, tweeting a sarcastic congratulations … to the victor, Tom Perez, and the Republican Party. … — Rain Duran (@RainDuran) February 26, 2017 The Republican National Committee recognized the lost opportunity that may result in…
It's Official: FBI Director James Comey to Testify About Russia, Trump Wiretapping Claims Next Week…ussia-trump-wiretapping-claims-under-oath-next-week-n2299326
– Earlier this week, FBI Director James Comey was invited by the House Intelligence Committee to testify about Russia's meddling in … Today, he's officially accepted the invitation and will testify under oath in front of the Committee on Monday.  … In January, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that although Russia did interfere with the 2016 presidential…
Will The GOP Obamacare Replacement Bill Put The House Majority In The Crosshairs?…eplacement-put-the-house-majority-in-the-crosshairs-n2298384
– Is the Obamacare replacement bill the death of the Republican Congress? Piggybacking off what Leah wrote yesterday morning, Sen. … In other words, a Republican president is probably a prerequisite to a Democratic House. … Guy added that the Republican Study Committee proposed two amendments to the bill concerning Medicaid expansion, which capped new enrollment…
Democrats Seek To Escape Their Whirlpool Of Failure And Fail At That Too…ape-their-whirlpool-of-failure-and-fail-at-that-too-n2297884
– I acknowledge my pallor and phallo privileges,” Schumer replied, placating the two chairs of the Democrat Jewish Outreach Committee … “Our working group reviewed the new Republican health plan and we can't find anything wrong with it. … said Democratic National Committee Chairbeing Tom Perez.…
IMPEACH: Last April, Trump Met With Russian Ambassador Prior To Foreign Policy Speech (And By Met, I Mean A Receiving Line Introduction)…assador-five-minutes-prior-to-foreign-policy-speech-n2296681
– It was also very clear that Donald Trump was going to be the Republican nominee and potentially (at the time) the next president of … Even former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s discussions with Kislyak don’t appear to be illegal or out of bounds. … No, because Sessions was a member of the Senate Armed Service Committee—and these meetings aren’t uncommon.…
Democratic Female Lawmakers Stage a Walkout From House Chamber for “A Day Without a Woman" Protest…rom-house-chamber-for-a-day-without-a-woman-protest-n2296042
Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel noted that the women participating in today’s demonstrations do not…
Trump Warns Hesitant Republicans: Pass Our Healthcare Bill, or the Midterms Will Be a 'Bloodbath'
– Yesterday we reviewed the attributes and flaws of the Trump-Ryan healthcare bill, committee mark-ups of which begin today. … All those are important Republican conservative principles many of us have been fighting for, for years and years and years... … I’m going to talk at our Republican conference again this morning on that. I hope your listeners will tell them that.…
Former WH Ethics Lawyer: We Don’t Have All The Facts, But ‘Sessions Needs To Go’…we-dont-have-all-the-facts-but-sessions-needs-to-go-n2295609
– a Justice Department antitrust suit against International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, a campaign contributor to the RepublicanNational Committee. … Sessions was an adviser to the Trump campaign. […] President Trump has already fired his national security adviser, Michael…
The Information Vacuum Inside the Trump Russia Controversy
– James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, admitted that he does not know of any evidence that proves collusion, … Remember that Clapper was head of national intelligence until Jan. 20. … On Feb. 27, Republican Rep.…
Vanity Fair: There's Really Nothing To These Meetings Sessions Had With Russian Ambassador…nothing-to-sessions-contact-with-russian-ambassador-n2293876
– unusual about Sessions’ meetings with the Russian ambassador, one of which was an Obama White House-sponsored event during the RepublicanNational Convention in July. … Sessions recently said that his answers to Leahy and Franken were truthful, and that he did not misled the committee.…
Howard Dean: I Don't Think There's Room For Pro-Lifers In The Democratic Party…k-theres-room-for-prolifers-in-the-democratic-party-n2293877
– Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez is now helming the Democratic National Committee. How is the party going be in the Trump era? … Beshear is out of office and Republican Matt Bevin replaced him.…
AG Sessions: I Did Not Mislead Congress In My Confirmation Testimony…d-not-mislead-congress-in-my-confirmation-testimony-n2294922
– In fact, the rendezvous Kislyak had with Sessions at the Republican National Convention in July was an Obama White House sponsored … The other times Sessions met with Kislyak were within the capacity as a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. … Sessions said in the letter that he "spoke briefly" to Kislyak on the sidelines of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland…
Uh Oh: At Least 36 Republicans Plan To Vote Against GOP Health Care Bill…publicans-plan-to-vote-against-gop-health-care-bill-n2303816
– Ohio Republican Congressman Dave Joyce just announced his intention to vote against the American Health Care Act. … Dave Brat (Va.) — Brat voted against the bill in the House Budget Committee. Rep. … Mark Sanford (S.C.) — Sanford voted against the bill in the House Budget Committee.…
Hyperpartisanship Is Hurting the Country
– The week began with testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence by FBI Director James Comey and National … The chief objects of Republican wrath were suspected Obama appointees. … Those differences are important, and national elections reflect voters' preferences.…
The Meaning of Devin Nunes’ Revelation of “Incidental” Spying on the Trump Campaign by the Obama Administration…g-on-the-trump-campaign-by-the-obama-administration-n2303106
– The media has ignored the contentions by Republican committee members and President Trump that the abuse of U.S. intelligence and the … before he shared this information with the House Intelligence Committee. … He worked in national-security positions for 25 years with the CIA, the State Department, and the House Intelligence Committee.…
Poll: With New CBO Score and Floor Vote Looming, Narrow Plurality Favors TrumpCare…rs-trumpryan-healthcare-bill-though-concerns-remain-n2302515
– In light of the bill's ugly polling nearly across the board, Republican supporters of the American Health Care Act will take good … Then again, the last survey in this series had an unusually Republican-leaning sample. This one is D+1. … Pete Sessions, chairman of the House Rules Committee.…
Very Low Energy: DNC Can't Count On Anti-Trump Fervor To Fill Their Coffers…ant-count-on-antitrump-fervor-to-fill-their-coffers-n2302226
– For all the passion, all the hatred, all the whining, all the dumpster fires, and all the protests, the Democratic National Committee … The Republican National Committee raised $9.4 million for the month compared to a little over $6.4 million for the DNC. … Yet, the Republican State Leadership Committee says the GOP is in solid shape at the state-level—and gerrymandering has nothing to…
Analysis: Four Key Takeaways From Monday's House Intelligence Committee's Hearings on Russia, Leaks…he-house-intelligence-committees-hearings-on-russia-n2301697
– If you missed it, you should go back and peruse Katie's coverage of today's House Intelligence Committee hearing, at which FBI Director … James Comey and National Security Agency chief Mike Rogers faced hours of questions from lawmakers. … It's also worth noting that prior to the hearing, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, a Republican, asserted that no…
Trump's Budget Turns 'Policies Into Numbers'
– Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the United States Institute for Peace. … To make a dent in the national debt, Trump would have to cut entitlement spending. … "While nearly every Republican claims to be a fiscal conservative, many of them defend subsidy programs important to their states or…
Trump: Look, Obamacare is 'Dead' and I'm '100 Percent' Behind Our Replacement Plan…dead-and-im-100-percent-behind-our-replacement-plan-n2300529
– Up first, a key nugget of news: Now that the Trump/Ryan healthcare bill narrowly cleared another hurdle in the budget committee … this week (more on that in a moment), it has been sent over to the rules committee -- the final stage before a full floor vote. … One additional lost vote, and the American Health Care Act would have been tied up in committee.…
Denials of Wiretapping Claim Come From All Directions
– Mike Rogers, who heads the National Security Agency, have agreed to undergo questioning, under oath, before the Republican-run House … "It's not if they're treating us differently than another committee. … Clapper Jr., the former director of national intelligence at the time, said it never happened.…
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