Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

We're Becoming More Partisan
– As the Concord Monitor's Allie Morris (via Chip Griffin's "The Notch") wrote: [Nearly 20] Republican Presidential candidates - declared … As the political spring training season moves along, more candidates have hired more staff and are better prepared for these early, … Why don't those numbers translate to Presidential results?…
Libertarians Outnumber Both Liberals and Conservatives
– Rand Paul’s entry into the presidential race raises an interesting question: Just how many people consider themselves “libertarian … Just as a firm needs both capital and labor, so do political candidates. … supporters to add to their coalition; candidates that are labor-intensive will do the opposite.…
Friday Filibuster: The Battle for the White House Is On
– Scott Walker over all other GOP candidates for president. 70,000—the number of pages in the federal tax code 2- the number of … Ben Carson will make a presidential announcement on May 4, and New Jersey Gov. … Unsurprisingly, Democrats are not pleased with the GOP crop of presidential candidates; Sen.…
Dear Madam Yesterday
– wanted to appear to meet "ordinary" Iowans, so your campaign staff cleared out a coffee house and stocked it with pre-approved Democratic … coverage to your highly scripted AstroTurf campaign for president in one week than they have to any of the declared Republican presidentialcandidates.…
Vote For Iraq War Underscores Hillary's Greatest Weakness…for-iraq-war-underscores-hillarys-greatest-weakness-n1986394
– So far, of the declared candidates for president, the only one who voted for the Iraq War is the Democrat. … If you had to pick a single position that allowed Barack Obama to pull ahead in the 2008 Democratic primaries, his opposition to the … Meanwhile, none of the potential GOP presidential hopefuls voted for the war in 2002.…
Hillary Clinton: Out of Sync With the Times
– The lesson from history is that winning candidates and successful presidents show they are in step with the times. … Democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections and won a popular-vote plurality in another. … The energy and enthusiasm in the Democratic Party today is clearly on the Left.…
The Personal Burden Formula: The New Misery Index?
– In the 1980 Presidential election, then Republican candidate Ronald Reagan respectfully disagreed with Democratic candidate Jimmy Carter … It is a percentage, usually for a given historical period, most often for a Presidential term or two. … economic, statistical and mathematical pros and cons, PBF (or some variant of) could very well take off this or next year for those candidates
Hillary's Campaign: Already Media-Assisted
– She is no different than Obama or most Democratic leaders who support any abortion at any time for any reason. … There has been no focus by the networks on Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz proclaiming (in response to … As in every other modern presidential election, the Republicans will be pounded and pressed and caricatured by a hostile media.…
Rachel Marsden: America Can't Afford Another 'Domestic' President…sden-america-cant-afford-another-domestic-president-n1985207
Presidential primary season usually means that both Democratic and Republican bases start evaluating their candidates against a wish … How many of the U.S. presidential candidates actually understand these critical issues? … Meanwhile, the presidential candidates are busy playing "Hungry Hungry Hippos."…
ICYMI: Hillary Changed Her Stance On Colombia Free Trade After A Few Petro Checks Were Made Out To The Foundation…a-few-petro-checks-were-made-out-to-the-foundation-n1985036
– Having opposed the deal as a bad one for labor rights back when she was a presidential candidate in 2008, she now promoted it, calling … The change of heart by Clinton and other Democratic leaders enabled congressional passage of a Colombia trade deal that experts say … Yet, after the 2008 election, both candidates had changed their position on the deal.…
Video: Rubio's All In
– In case you missed it last evening, Florida Senator Marco Rubio of Florida officially entered the 2016 Republican presidential race … the third GOP aspirant to formally do so, joining fellow first-term Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul among the ranks of declared candidates … His speech was optimistic and future-oriented, previewing exactly how he'd frame a head-to-head contest with the presumptive Democratic
Hillary Candidacy Doesn't Worry Me
– Please forgive me, but I'm singularly unimpressed with Hillary Clinton in general, but especially as a Democratic presidential candidate … Not only has he failed to have coattails for other Democratic candidates but also he's been an affirmative liability, as the congressional … --On top of all this, the Democratic base doesn't even like this woman.…
"It's The Economy, Stupid!" Here Is What Could Really Hurt The Republicans In 2016…e-is-what-could-really-hurt-the-republicans-in-2016-n1984596
– The weirdest thing about the onrushing 2016 presidential cycle is the scarcity of a GOP economic growth theme. … It is baffling that other candidates have not taken it up. … There Roff commented on the kickoff of the presidential race by Sen.…
Take Two: Hillary is Officially in for 2016
– As Guy said, Hillary's hat in the ring marks the "commencement and conclusion" of the Democratic Primary. … In a sit down interview with CNN's Dana Bash Saturday, 2016 GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul called Benghazi a "3 am pohone call … “Republicans have a strong and diverse set of candidates who will engage in a productive debate on how to move our country forward.…
Totally Eye-Popping
– Is it a good thing or a bad thing that a presidential candidate demonstrates an ability to raise enough money to effectively reach … Does the Washington press corps, or society as an abstracted whole, really have an interest in silencing certain candidates and their … But according to standard democratic theory and practice, it is the voters who make those decisions.…
Can a One-Percenter Lead the Democrats?
– After Hillary Rodham Clinton, the next two candidates in line for her party's presidential nomination are 72-year-old Vice President … Does anyone know how the Democratic Party fell into such a heap? … I say the Democratic left nominate an alternative to Hillary. How about Joe Biden, ha-ha?…
Beliefs and Outcomes
– This 15-year change might explain why Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton rolled out her campaign talking about everyday … This recent poll highlights both a challenge and an opportunity for Republican presidential primary candidates.…
Friendly Reminder: 52 Percent Of Democrats View Socialism Favorably…er-52-percent-of-democrats-view-socialism-favorably-n1992316
– Bernie Sander’s (I-VT) self-described “democratic socialism and think it won’t resonate with the electorate, let’s not forget the Reason-Rupe … He continued: "They also understand that my kind of democratic socialism has nothing to do with authoritarian communism. … Yet, Sanders’ democratic socialism isn’t the issue.…
The Huckabee Show Hits The Road -- Again
– Huckabee offer next year that the multitude of other Republican presidential hopefuls don't? … Yes, there have been permanent presidential candidates whose candidacies served a serious purpose. … But for the most part, perennial presidential candidates remain only that, and why Mike Huckabee would want to join their ranks mystifies…
The Depressing Appeal of Hillary's Phony Populism
– What does have me concerned is the degree of extremism inhabiting the Democratic Party that makes it necessary and even acceptable … Sadly, Republicans are not going to lay a hand on Democratic candidates by pointing out their hypocrisy, so maybe they should consider … For whether or not Hillary's the nominee, the eventual Democratic presidential candidate will mouth the same platitudes and manufactured…
Rand Paul Is Right to Demand Reporters Ask Democrats About Late-Term Abortions…nd-reporters-ask-democrats-about-lateterm-abortions-n1989548
– That's consistent with the platform adopted at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. … The Democratic National chairman and the Democratic national platform say that abortions are permissible beyond that time. … Including, certainly, the likely Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton.…
The Fruit of Abortion's Poisonous Tree
Presidential candidate Rand Paul made headlines last week by turning the rhetorical tables on Progressives on the issue of abortion … Democratic candidates for office need to be made to answer for their ideological position on this issue – made to answer whether or … This philosophy has yielded a society in which pro-choice candidates are given a free pass on the abortion question and proponents…
New Rules, New Game…the-following-column-is-by-jackie-gingrich-cushman-n1989181
– It's official, the 2016 presidential race is underway. … against dozens of Republican candidates. … Ohio and Nevada have voted Democratic in three of the last five presidential races, with Colorado voting Democratic only twice.…
Still No Reports Of 'Hillary Fever' Outbreaks
– the Senate Democratic Caucus. … Now, to satiate the feminists, the Democrats seem to be stuck with Hillary as their presidential nominee. … Everyone senses the enormous vacuum in the Democrats' presidential field, but no one is allowed to mention it.…
Hillary Clinton: Why Are All of These Republicans Talking About Me?…n-why-are-all-of-these-republicans-talking-about-me-n1988182
– Sole Democratic candidate for President Hillary Clinton just doesn't understand why "all of these Republicans" are talking about her … In her first real interview with the press since announcing her presidential campaign more than a week ago, the former Secretary of … candidates talking about her.…
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