Results for: is the us at war with iran

Focus on Iran’s Human Rights Abuses
– In 1988, the regime's former supreme leader issued a fatwa declaring opponents of the fledging theocracy to be at war with God himself … And today, the regime is applying that lesson to its shameless support of war crimes in Syria, to its belligerent confrontations with … Rajavi has said, “The time has come for referring the dossier of human rights violations in Iran, particularly the executions of the
Is Putin the New King of the Middle East?
The U.S. press parroted the British: Putin is now the new master of the Mideast. And woe is us. … Diplomatically, as the Brits say, the Russian president is "punching above his weight." He gets on with everyone. … He is welcomed in Iran by the Ayatollah, meets regularly with Bibi Netanyahu, is a cherished ally of Syria's Bashar Assad, and this…
Anniversary of Hostage Crisis Highlights Absence of Change in Iran Over Forty Years…ghlights-absence-of-change-in-iran-over-forty-years-n2555842
– those charges other than the fact that their targets have close affiliations with the US or Europe. … That incident stemmed from a fatwa by Ayatollah Khomeini which declared all opponents of the theocratic system to be at war with God … The MEK traces this strategy all the way back to the hostage crisis at the US embassy when the new regime sought to exploit anti-Western…
The False Narrative About Trump’s Knee-jerk Syria Pullout…false-narrative-about-trumps-kneejerk-syria-pullout-n2555756
– hastened a new equilibrium in northeast Syria, where the Kurds promptly worked with the Syrian government returning to the pre-war … (1) stay in Syria indefinitely, use our forces as human shields, and risk war with NATO-ally Turkey, or (2) get out of the way of … This is problematic even if the bureaucrats are right and the politicians are wrong.…
Ilhan Omar: Anti-Semitic Hypocrite
– White House -- but the pair of bills passed with powerful bipartisan majorities.   … influence, yet she's perfectly comfortable with that harm landing on the people of Israel, which just happens to be the only (and … a man whose keen moral instincts led him to honeymoon in the Soviet Union during the Cold War: Bernie Sanders proposes redirecting…
How Some Iranian Schoolgirls Commemorated Anniversary of 1979 Takeover of US Embassy…emorated-anniversary-of-1979-takeover-of-us-embassy-n2556077
– “Because it’s November 4,” one girl responded, with another explaining its significance isthe taking over of the spies’ nest.” … One girl also compared being a student to the “profession” of “being a fighter in the [Iran-Iraq War of] Holy Defense.” … (@oldmichaelscott) November 7, 2019Some videos of the majority of the Iranian children.This is the real Iranian children dancing at
America's Home Front Is a Complex War Zone
– However, international Islamic terrorists opened their war on U.S. soil in 1993 with a truck bomb attack on the World Trade Center … Army Corps of Engineers "non-public database" with information on the nation's dams. … Narcotics fed the Marxist guerrillas in Colombia's now-quiescent (temporarily?) war.…
In Hong Kong, It's US vs. China Now
– A ruler committing the atrocities Xi is committing today in the concentration camps in the Uighur regions of China is staying his hand … But to align the U.S. with the protesters' cause, and threaten sanctions if their demands are not met, is to lead these demonstrators … The Hungarians rose up. We did nothing. And one of the great bloodbaths of the Cold War ensued.…
Trump Calls Off Cold War II
With his remarks in Helsinki and at the NATO summit in Brussels, Trump has signaled a historic shift in U.S. foreign policy that may … and a partnership with him, Trump is saying. … Trump insists Russian meddling had no effect on the outcome in 2016 and he is not going to allow media obsession with Russiagate to…
Russian Phobia Hides Our Biggest Adversary - China
– Cohen said it's been common since World War II for the U.S. president to meet with the leader of the Kremlin, "in order to avoid nuclear … The population as of 2016 is estimated at 1.379 billion.   … The GDP as of 2017 was reported at $12.2 trillion, which is nearly 10 times the GDP of Russia.  …
CNN Gets Slapped With Reality Asking About The Last Time A President Sided With America’s Enemies…asking-about-the-last-time-a-president-sided-with-a-n2504198
– In the wake of the Russia collusion hysteria engulfing the Democratic Party and the liberal media, the Left is becoming obsessed with … I don’t see how slavery and the Civil War have anything to do with this, especially since the Iran Deal is a much more relevant and … The notion that the GOP is anti-democratic because Hillary Clinton lost is hilarious.…
Texas Dem Accuses Trump of ‘Scaring the S*** Out of Your Own People’…uses-trump-of-scaring-the-sh-out-of-your-own-people-n2503176
– President, starting a war — or even just a war of words — with Iran won’t save you from Bob Mueller. … “War with Iran is an idea that has a lot of support among conservatives and members of Trump’s cabinet. … “What this means is that, as scary as it sounds, we have to take the possibility of war with Iran seriously.…
Get a Grip, Democrats
– brought us into the bloodiest war mankind has ever experienced to phishing. … -- even though the former president sided with Iran (and Hezbollah) over American law enforcement. … The Trump news conference with Putin was unhinged. But so is Democrats' reaction to it.…
Is Trump Emerging as 'the Grown-up in the Room'?
– This week, President Trump followed up on his recent threats towards the Islamic Republic of Iran by publicly offering to meet with … He is willing to talk, even at the risk that talks will fail. … Just as the Cold Warriors Nixon and Reagan produced dramatic moves towards peace with communist regimes, Trump is mending fences with
Stable Genius? Sorry Democrats, But This Is How China Views Trump’s Foreign Policy…s-but-this-is-how-china-views-trumps-foreign-policy-n2505469
– In short, the man is unstable and will lead us into nuclear World War III. Sadly, that’s not how the East views the president. … , with the hysterical view being that it was treasonous, as Kissinger-esque in the sense that Trump is using Russia to isolate China … They want to prepare the ground for a new grand bargain with the US based on Chinese retrenchment.…
America's Lengthening Enemies List
– Our control, with our Kurd allies, of that quadrant of Syria east of the Euphrates is almost certain to bring us into eventual conflict … the regime, and new sanctions scheduled for November, it is hard to see how a U.S. collision with Tehran can be avoided. … That the sanctions are biting is undeniable.…
When the President's Behavior Is Reprehensible
the deal he wanted with Iran (which he also lied about, by the way). … To say, “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander” is to throw in the towel and tacitly accept this kind of behavior as a … That, dear friends, is what has gotten us here.…
Trump Has a Chance to Break out of the Middle Eastern Rut…has-a-chance-to-break-out-of-the-middle-eastern-rut-n2511738
War in the Middle East is every U.S. president's own ice cream challenge. … Syria is now squarely in the Russian-Iranian sphere, given that Russia and Iran were the primary backers of the Syrian government in … What's more likely is that the Trump administration will shift the focus to covert and clandestine operations rather than overt war
American Conservatism: Extremist or Centrist?
– Further clouding the issue is that after World War II, while the Soviet Union was recognized as on the left, Nazi Germany was branded … But the word Nazi stood for National Socialism, and Socialism is always identified with the left. … It strikes the ideal balance and it’s at the center of the political spectrum.…
Mr. Anonymous Exposes an Even Deeper State
The problem is that they never adduce any evidence. Trump didn't start the war with the liberal media. … But even if Trump threw the first volley in this war of words, it is still simply that -- a war of words -- not a dire threat to the … What he is a threat to is their notion of the ideal Republican -- one who will "reach across the aisle" and, in the name of civility…
Balance Sheet of the Forever War
– "It is time for this war in Afghanistan to end," said Gen. … In Afghanistan, the Taliban presence is more pervasive in more provinces than at any time since the regime was overthrown in 2001. … The Syrian army, backed by Russia and Iran, is preparing to attack Idlib province.…
Stopping Them in Their Tracks from Space
– Like all new capabilities, the smart way to develop them is to use a lot of old technology with only a small part that is actually … The mission description is the first step. … With the mission defined, we could determine the orbits and the components to execute the mission.…
Is Trump Going Neocon in Syria?
Is President Donald Trump about to intervene militarily in the Syrian civil war? … Words and warnings aside, is Trump prepared to take us into the Syrian civil war against the forces who, absent our intervention, will … The Syrian civil war is arguably the worst humanitarian disaster of the decade. The sooner it is ended the better.…
Thank You, Obama: Your Speech Last Week Reminded Us How We Got Trump…your-speech-last-week-reminded-us-how-we-got-trump-n2517231
– We don’t need you to lecture us about what’s wrong with the GOP. … The trends are clear. America is more confident with Trump at the helm, not Obama. … We’re tired of being sold that the liberal way is the only right way.…
Here's What North Korea Wants From The U.S. Before It Ends Nuke Program…orea-wants-from-the-u-s-before-it-ends-nuke-program-n2476003
The Korean War was a three-year bloodbath before an armistice ended the carnage. The war has not yet officially ended. … They’re members of the trillion-dollar club, whereas North Korea, the world’s largest prison, is a communist hellhole, fraught with … “I know the Americans are inherently disposed against us, but when they talk with us, they will see that I am not the kind of person…
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