Results for: white house debate response

Retirement Home Rumble: Sanders Proves Why He Shouldn't Be Commander-in-Chief, Clinton Hits Him For Suggesting She Could Be Bought
– NBC’s Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow moderated the debate. … House taking the helm on this issue. … If there is a large voter turnout, we will win and retain the White House.…
The President Without a Party
– A mob of Whig supporters rioted outside the White House, throwing rocks at the building, firing guns in the air, and burning Tyler … on the House floor). … House.…
The Sweeney Todds of Washington
– Albright goes as far as saying that Sanders’ voters are going to Hell for supporting an old, white man over an old, white woman. … If the Clintons were willing to destroy the career and reputation of Billy Dale, the director of the White House travel office, over … House.…
I Can’t Blame Those Who Will Never Vote For Trump
– Trump is their response. Trump is their champion. Trump is their avenger. … Hillary, and when President Trump rethinks everything he has said during the campaign after moving into the soon-to-be-fabulous WhiteHouse, his followers stand a fair chance of finding that they are now the blue dress.…
The Perfect Storm: A Gotcha Media and the Myth of the Perfect Candidate…gotcha-media-and-the-myth-of-the-perfect-candidate-n2121501
– What’s the mainstream media’s response to today’s debates? Certainly, the entire transcript for debates are available online. … Marco Rubio in a GOP Debate. … The news anchors repeated the same ‘talking points” in their leads—Rubio’s performance could derail his march to the White House!…
'Slippery Slope:' Twitter Permanently Bans Conservative Who Recently Warned About the Platform's Policies…warned-about-twitters-banning-policies-gets-banned-n2536481
– (This Variety write-up of Fox's boycott, by the way, embarrassingly white-washes the threats and intimidation as a "rally" in which … "protesters" merely "visited" Carlson's house.   … Civil, reasoned debate is dying - being killed - in America. — Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) November 26,…
Dan Crenshaw Had the Perfect Response When 'Face the Nation' Panel Said the Press Is 'Under Attack'
– Crenshaw showed off his impressive debate skills on this weekend's "Face the Nation." … For the second time in two weeks, the White House is revoking Jim Acosta's hard pass, noting his disruptive behavior at a recent press … We just had an election where we switched power in the House. Democracy is at work. People are voting in record numbers."…
The Top 20 Conservative Podcasts Keeping You Sane From Left-Wing America…top-20-conservative-podcasts-keeping-you-sane-from-n2536655
– Everything's Going to Be AlrightHost: Sean Spicer and Katie PavlichDescription: The former White House press secretary and Townhall … Their intriguing chat with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway. … Their debate about Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-MA) DNA test was especially fun.         …
Pelosi Was Asked About 'Black Lives Matter' at MSNBC Town Hall...And Was Not Prepared…ack-lives-matter-answers-by-saying-all-lives-matter-n2538547
– Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi participated in an MSNBC town hall Friday night where she answered a range of questions from the … Cameron Cawthorne (@Cam_Cawthorne) January 5, 2019 "Well I support the recognition that black lives matter for sure," Pelosi said in response … She actually said all lives matter, as if cops shot white rich people on a daily basis — frozen dissident (@lazy_dissident) January…
Rep. Jeffries: Trump Is 'Holding America Hostage' With 'Medieval' Border Wall Funding 'Ransom Note'…stage-with-medieval-border-wall-funding-ransom-note-n2538298
– The debate over that funding resulted in a partial government shutdown last week. … “Yes, we need comprehensive immigration reform,” Jeffries, who is the incoming chair of the House Democratic Caucus, acknowledged. … In response to a question about why the $2.5 billion compromise on border wall funding from the White House was not a good option,…
How the Left Thinks about the War on Terror
– In the Democratic presidential debate last Saturday, Hillary Clinton was given ample opportunity to say we are fighting “radical Islam … The act of ordering someone killed from the White House – someone not wearing a uniform and not in formal combat -- has gone on for … What’s more depressing than the memo is the Gray Lady’s tepid response to it: Blithely accepting such assurances at face value…
Barack Obama's Failed Containment Strategy
– But his critics are saying that his delayed response was not only flawed from the beginning, he didn't believe ISIS was as dangerous … "The White House has never taken the jihadist threat seriously," said Eliot Cohen," a professor at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced … During Saturday’s Democratic debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said she supports the president’s policy.…
The Obama Administration’s Complicated Relationship With Merely Using The Word Terrorism…d-relationship-with-merely-using-the-word-terrorism-n2090324
– The president’s address Sunday night wasn’t memorable, but it was the first time that the Obama White House referred to the shootings … They needed something to avoid falling into a debate on an issue, where Democrats poll poorly against Republicans. … We had a rather effete response to Russian aggression in Ukraine that has led to the annexation of Crimea.…
Watch Your Language! Jihad Isn’t Spree Murder, What Was San Bernardino?…age-jihad-isnt-spree-murder-what-was-san-bernardino-n2095468
House. … We may not be at war with the jihadis—for lack of congressional action and the White House, whatever the cause—but the jihadis are … The White House effort to disguise such activity as workplace violence and other deceptions must evaporate soon or people will be out…
McConnell Plan: Bidding For Survival, Not Victory,_not_victory
– After the angry immediate response from the GOP base, the Senate minority leader began re-tooling the scheme to make it far more viable … Three days later, the House voted again and with 24 badly-spooked Republicans switching their votes, the measure passed. … The two houses could ultimately negotiate with each other (leaving out the meddlesome and scolding interference of the White House)…
Justice for Jonathan Pollard
– Netanyahu read the text of his appeal to Obama from the Knesset podium and submitted it to the White House on January 4. … Rather, it was a one-off response to concern about the loss of American Jewish support for the president. … Brown was elected at the height of the debate on Obama's nationalized healthcare plan.…
Email, Hate Mail and Comments from Readers,_hate_mail_and_comments_from_readers
– For example, in the budget debate, the White House has gotten away from the term “tax increases” and used the term “increases in revenue … House. … If we have a conservative in the White House, I could see the Dow double by the end of her first term with about 8 million real jobs…
The Man in the Middle Puts George W. Bush in the Forefront
– Because Tim served as deputy director of the White House Office of Public Liaison in the Bush administration for nearly eight years … And of course his experiences in the White House put him in the perfect place to write a book that provides the reader “a personal … portrait” of President Bush, written “by a friend” and “White House insider who was on the outer ring,” yet who was “on occasion……
The Friday Filibuster: It Keeps Getting Worse
– Hillary is flip-flopping in her response to the videos, first admitting they are disturbing, then reversing course saying she proudly … Iran Deal: Still Awful The White House caved on all three ‘red line’ demands of Iran and Kerry even admitted this week the … John Kasich finally cracked the top 10 in polling this week, putting him on the debate stage with the other big hitters.…
Desperate Dems Recycle Planned Parenthood's Mammogram Lie…rate-dems-recycle-planned-parenthoods-mammogram-lie-n2032658
– President Obama and his top health officials have one last-ditch response left: Quick, hide behind the imaginary mammogram machine! … _The celebrities in the White House and Tinseltown took their script straight from Dr. … Even the liberal Washington Post doled out a three (out of four) Pinocchio rating for the White House's mammogram lies.…
Poll: More Than 60 Percent Oppose Obama’s Handling Of ISIS Situation…60-percent-oppose-obamas-handling-of-isis-situation-n2077728
– The senator worried that this assertiveness and congressional unwillingness to challenge the White House would leave a terrible legacy … we combat global terror should give both the national security hawks and the somewhat dovish wings of both parties something to debate … various red lines we set are either crossed or re-written into something shamelessly transparent in order to prevent a military response
Pastors' Conference opens with fathers, sons
– "Every Word of God demands a response," Smith said. … Our response to the Word of God determines the direction of our lives. … "It's not going to take somebody in the White House who will change these United States of America," Wilton said.…
Obama's MurderGate: Fast and Furious Investigation to Continue Regardless of Contempt Vote
– How can the President assert executive privilege if there was no White House involvement?  … "The White House decision to invoke executive privilege implies that White House officials were either involved in the ‘Fast and Furious … The White House defended the move.…
Obama's Lethal Healthcare Tax
– Washington--The White House attack line this week against Mitt Romney is that he's now calling the punishing fine in the healthcare … The White House, and their newscaster friends in New York, will be doing everything they can to belittle this issue and to change the … Reagan, the White House said, didn't understand the basic definition of a recession.…
Decision Time
– The House debate and vote on holding Holder in contempt was conducted in the open for all to see. … The Obama White House now says the leakers "must be held accountable." … Last year, as Arab Spring revolutions began sweeping dictators from power in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya, the White House announced a…
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