Results for: white house debate response

If Obama's Bombing of Libya Was Legal, His Bombing of Syria Would Be Too
– But now, Rothman also notes, the White House is claiming they have no need to seek congressional approval before such a campaign.  … Asked to explain the discrepancy yesterday, White House Spokesman Josh Earnest claimed bombing Syria in 2014 "was a different situation … In 2011, Obama told Hispanic journalists at a White House roundtable, "This notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally…
Reports: Obama Considers Postponing Executive Immigration Action Until After Midterms…executive-amnesty-action-until-after-2014-elections-n1885918
– mindful of the electoral peril for Democratic Senate candidates, according to allies of the administration who have knowledge of WhiteHouse deliberations.  … Harry Reid's Senate, unlike the Republican-held House, left town for the summer recess without addressing that urgent issue. …
Senator: Those Beheaded Journalists Would Totally Agree With Me on ISIS 'Caution'…alists-would-agree-with-me-on-isis-caution-you-know-n1888916
– We know that the intelligence community and the White House are enmeshed in a larger game of bureaucratic infighting and Jim and Steve … The president's recent "no strategy" admission was so damning because it reinforced the image of a White House floundering badly in … The president himself laughed ISIS off as a JV basketball team earlier this year, an assessment so misguided that the White House has…
Are We Seeing The Return Of The ‘Security Moms?’
– This is why you are hearing nervous Democrats pleading for a direct and decisive response from the White House to the violence overseas … In North Carolina, Tillis criticized Hagan over foreign affairs in the first debate–and the fact that she may have skipped out on a…
Democrat Demands 'Paycheck Fairness,' Pays Own Female Staff $9,800 Less Than Men
– As we've discussed on several occasions, the 'pay gap' issue is mostly manufactured, manipulative nonsense -- which the White House … Also, for what it's worth, the Udall campaign has also launched a response ad on national security, pushing back against criticisms … of Udall's statement in an untelevised debate that ISIS doesn't pose an imminent threat to the United States. …
Female Fox News Host: Don't Dismiss Us
– contributor David Horsey caught flak earlier this month from both conservatives and liberals for an insensitive column in which he mocked WhiteHouse Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders's looks. … In her response, she detailed the much different work environment she's experienced in the past 13 years.…
Planned Parenthood Offers Some Tips on 'How to Deal with Difficult People' This Thanksgiving…how-to-deal-with-difficult-people-this-thanksgiving-n2413191
– It also promotes a “Standing Up for Racial Justice Thanksgiving Toolkit for White People.” … I'll use the tips your provided to better help me engage them in debate. — Brian Gutierrez (@Chilaquil3z) November 21, 2017For what … it's worth, abortion is generally not a Family Dinner discussion in my house.…
Ben Rhodes May Have Just Won the Most Tasteless Tweet of 2017
– alongside the obits for Ryan, McConnell, and Pence — Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) December 21, 2017 The tweet was in response … wanting to see obituaries for the Vice-President and House/Senate leaders, it would be front-page outrage.But since a former Obama … It's just not funny, nor is it appropriate--especially from a former White House official. …
The History of a Flag and the Powerful Story of Appomattox…tory-of-a-flag-and-the-powerful-story-of-appomattox-n2020233
– President Lincoln walked the streets of Richmond from the James River to the Confederate White House weeks later to re-establish federal … A Union Army bandsman outside the McLean House at Appomattox Courthouse serenaded Gen. … That’s why Lincoln’s son Tad merrily waved a captured rebel flag from the White House balcony as his father gave the last speech of…
Americans Distrust Iran, While Obama and Hillary Remain Naively Optimistic
– Congress will have 60 days to review the deal after the White House sends the text of the agreement to Capitol Hill, and it will likely … But even the White House must have been surprised by the response from high ranking Democratic leaders. New York Rep. … The House, with a large GOP majority, is considered more likely to follow suit.…
The Disgusting Attack On Military Service By Nevada Democratic Attorney General Nominee Ross Miller…ada-democratic-attorney-general-nominee-ross-miller-n1904412
– president's serial incompetencies abroad and scandals at home, from the march of ISIS towards a massacre in Kobani to the incoherent response … You can watch the exchange for yourself, beginning at about 38:45 of this tape of the debate. … The country is sinking into multiple crises with an absentee landlord in the White House and a chaotic, feckless indeed incoherent…
Who Needs an Ebola Czar?
– It can kill Democrats and Republicans and so should have no place in the political debate. … According to the White House, Klain will report, not to President Obama, but to National Security Adviser Susan Rice and probably WhiteHouse Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett, who increasingly seems the real power behind the White House throne.…
The Midterms Elections: A Referendum on the Two-Party System?…terms-elections-a-referendum-on-the-twoparty-system-n1913735
– After all, it’s not as if we’re voting on a change of residents at the White House. … For many voters the midterms are not as much about the individual candidates being elected to the House of Representatives and the … If this is not the very definition of a mad-house straightjacket, I don’t know what is.…
Obama Giveth, Obama Gets Crushed
– prefers the potential for 4% gains in stocks over housing risk in the medium-term as he points out that - inflation-adjusted - house … They want rich white men & women to take over the country. … in the House on restricting a woman’s right to choose to be armed, “or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if…
WH: C'mon, Obama Isn't 'Tearing Up the Constitution' on Executive Amnesty…nt-tearing-up-the-constitution-on-executive-amnesty-n1921580
– The Washington Post's editorial board, not known for its staunch conservatism, has been warning the White House for months against … Confronted with this stark assessment on MSNBC's Morning Joe, White House adviser Jennifer Palmieri laughed off the criticism (presidential … This is a very serious issue, and it requires a serious, level-headed response.…
Clinton Democrats Build a Mind Palace
– John Glenn ran interference for the Clinton White House, and the old astronaut was rewarded with another trip to outer space. … Trump's flip response is defensive and somewhat childish, and so typically Trump. … It might be also useful to remember the uproar of the campaign, when during the last Clinton-Trump debate, the Republican wouldn't…
Senate Democrats: We’re Going To Block Trump’s SCOTUS Nominees If They’re Not ‘Mainstream’ Candidates…umps-supreme-court-nominee-if-theyre-not-mainstream-n2266925
– Now, it looks like Senate Democrats are about to do the same thing, with the incoming Trump White House. … He noted that Supreme Court nominees are subject to a filibuster, meaning 60 votes are necessary to end debate on the nomination. … And all of this while pressure builds on the incoming Trump White House to pick someone more moderate, like Garland.…
Tweeting The 2016 Campaign
– @AnnCoulter Jan. 12 ... even GOP response to Obama's SOTU is a paean to immigrants. … LUNTZ FOCUS GROUP SAYS RUBIO WON DEBATE!? … @AnnCoulter Dec. 19 Bill Clinton says Trump knows how to get angry white men to vote for him. What angry white men?…
Super Bowl LI: Hillary Clinton Plots Revenge
– Yes, we just elected a populist to the White House. … None of the three presidential debate audiences (84, 69 and 71 million respectively) bested the Super Bowl. … Based on the information they had she should never have been allowed to run – guilty as hell” Trump tweeted on January 13 in response
No Cindy Sheehan-Style Media Attention for Benghazi Victim's Father…anstyle-media-attention-for-benghazi-victims-father-n2101226
– The White House was caught off guard amidst a hotly contested presidential campaign. … As with pretty much every other terror attack before and after, the Obama administration's first response was to downplay the terrorism … House would rather have that debate than discuss Obama's claim that ISIS is "contained."…
Will The Republican Establishment Stand Down?
– The plan revolves around the newly empowered House Speaker, Paul Ryan, who is openly contemptuous of Trump and has little use for Cruz … House chief of staff. … Congressman Diaz-Balart, who was also selected by Speaker Ryan, delivered the Spanish-language version of Haley's response.…
Final Pre-Primary Debate
– His riff on gun control was as strong a 90 seconds as we've seen in any debate so far. … Bush is the best example of growth in the modern debate setting. … be "going between the White House and the court house."…
Neutral Ground: NRA's Wayne LaPierre Challenges President Obama to Hour Long, One-on-One Debate…e-challenges-president-obama-to-an-hour-long-debate-n2104288
– That's right, no "town hall," just a debate about gun rights, crime and gun control. … Let's see if you're game for fair debate." … I assume the White House will issue a response to the challenge today during the daily press briefing.…
Ben Carson: Now He’s a Politician
– “You don’t have to be a politician to tell the truth,” Carson quipped in a recent debate. No, you don’t. … The bigger problem, however, is Carson’s response. … We will lose the White House in 2016 to a socialist (Bernie) or a woman who treats confidential emails like cotton candy (Hillary)…
Email Scandal Spin: No, Hillary, Powell and Rice Didn't 'Do It Too'…condi-classified-emails-story-is-not-a-gamechanger-n2114842
– Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking member on the House Oversight and Benghazi committees. … Hillary pounced on this development at last night's Democratic debate, expressing "100 percent" confidence that this email nuisance … House statements.…
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