Results for: Republican National Committee

Enhancing Legal Defense of Trade Secrets
– The bills were referred to the Committee on the Judiciary in both chambers. … Doug Collins (R-GA) sponsored DTSA in the House, along with 18 total Republican and Democrat cosponsors. … In its 2015 Annual Member Survey, the National Alliance for Jobs and Innovation, an organization of manufacturers, associations, academics…
Obama Is Confident In Pentagon Presser, RNC Calls It Nothing More Than a 'Photo-op'
– The Republican National Committee was not impressed with the president’s presser, insisting it was nothing more than a “photo-op:”…
Senate Judiciary Committee Sends Amendment That Bars Religious-Based Bans On Immigration…ndment-that-bars-religiousbased-bans-on-immigration-n2092250
– Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee passed an amendment to a bill dealing with nuclear terrorism, which states that the U.S. … his vote with the majority: In a rebuke of Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S., the Senate Judiciary Committee … Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont, the top Democrat on the committee. The four "no" votes were Sens.…
Down The Rabbit Hole In Donald Trump’s New Mad Math Campaign…rabbit-hole-in-donald-trumps-new-mad-math-campaign-n2092160
– The only remaining question "is just how small a portion of the Muslim vote the eventual Republican -- be it Trump or someone else … According to a national MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist poll, she leads the Republican frontrunner by 52 percent to 41 percent. … Henry Hyde of Illinois, a wily vote counter and legendary Judiciary Committee chairman, once told me about "Hyde's rule on winning…
Run, Trump, Run! (As an Independent)
– That prospect may have the Republican National Committee and Republican strategists biting their nails down to the quick, but as a … A Republican nomination would be disastrous for years to come. … It would finally give our Republican candidates a chance to be heard.…
Trump's Word Isn't Worth the Hot Air
– They either do not know or do not care that over the past two decades, Trump has been registered as a Democrat, as a Republican and … Congressional Campaign Committee. … The National Republican Senatorial Committee got a modest $1,000.…
Wait–Did Hillary Just Say Obamacare Hurts Workers?
– The war room at the Republican National Committee found this interesting exchange between Hillary Clinton and a voter at a campaign…
The Early Returns on the Iran Deal
Republican Sen. … Republican Rep. … And a bill introduced by Republican Rep.…
White House Inadvertently Admits That a Child Is a Child 'Even Before Birth'…ly-admits-that-a-child-is-a-child-even-before-birth-n2096482
– "The testimony during the committee," Obama said, "indicated that one of the key concerns is that there (is) a method of abortion, … The Republican leadership in Congress fled from the truth last week when it passed an omnibus spending bill that permits funding of … These Republicans feared that if they forced a national debate over this issue with Obama and his pro-choice allies in the liberal…
Ryan Leads Republicans to Defeat
– After a record-breaking eight years as the top republican on the House Budget Committee followed by a stint on Ways & Means, Ryan seemed … well prepared to lead a newly energized house Republican majority toward reclaiming the power of the purse, which the framers of our … Republican leaders "are willing to throw away their current base for the new one they hope to get."…
James Schlesinger and Alan Dershowitz Were Right About 'Stupid' Iran Intelligence…ershowitz-were-right-about-stupid-iran-intelligence-n2095968
– The Iran intelligence assessment was a national intelligence estimate (NIE) which is supposed to be the U.S. … Intelligence Community’s most authoritative analysis of a national security issue. … I explained in a December 2 National Review article that this month’s IAEA report on Iran’s past nuclear weapons-related work found…
PolitiFact: No Proof To Support Hillary's Claim That Trump is ISIS' 'Best Recruiter'…act-no-evidence-to-support-hillarys-trumpisis-claim-n2095882
– At Saturday’s Democratic debate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton challenged Republican frontrunner Donald Trump’s controversial … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2015 Radio host Hugh Hewitt, who has helped moderate two of the Republican debates, said Clinton … Now I can see why the Democratic National Committee wants to hide these debates on Saturday night. …
Last Chance: Will Mitt Romney Jump Into the Presidential Race?…ce-will-mitt-romney-jump-into-the-presidential-race-n2095718
– Notably, they include many of Mitt Romney’s 2012 National Finance Committee members. … Of the total 2,380 Republican delegates, 1,719 are pledged delegates. … At this point, Cruz probably has the best chance of any of the Republican candidates against Trump.…
At Final 2015 Presser, Obama Says He’s Going To Leave It All Out On The Field In 2016…hes-going-to-leave-it-all-out-on-the-field-in-2016-n2095264
– [Press conference begins at 51:50 mark] Concerning national security, President Obama declared that the U.S. will continue to … Regarding the non-legally binding climate change deal that was struck in Paris, the president was asked if the Republican successor … He was then asked if he finds that embarrassing, which the president responded by saying, no because he’s not a Republican.…
Next President’s Second Task
– A perfect example of accomplishing this mission is the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), established by the National Labor Relations … That is what the Republican candidates should be addressing on the campaign trial. … This election is about the economy, the size of government and national security. Focus, please.…
Did You Know That Trey Gowdy Wants America to Lose?
– feedback on my Twitter feed, Gowdy is actually an establishment-loving moderate RINO who sold his soul to Think Progress and the RepublicanNational Committee years ago.…
Dishonesty and Rhetoric Won’t Fix What’s Wrong with America…esty-and-rhetoric-wont-fix-whats-wrong-with-america-n2097740
– Overall federal spending soared, leading to a national debt today of more than $18 trillion. … Republican leaders have vowed that 2016 will be different. … And we should support local, state and national lawmakers who will take tangible steps to preserve our liberties.…
Boehner Wants Debt Ceiling Raised in 24 Hours
National Journal is reporting Speaker Boehner has told the GOP Caucus he wants a deal done that would raise the debt ceiling by … Speaker John Boehner wants a package to raise the debt ceiling, which would coincide with the opening of Asian markets, he told Republican … Options include a new super committee of the sort proposed by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.).…
States Jockeying for Position in Presidential Primary Calendar
– Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina are the only four states cleared by the Republican National Committee to conduct … A date-selection committee voted 7-2 to hold the primary in January, following a failed vote to hold it March 6 — the earliest date … permitted under national party rules.…
Even the Experts Can't Call W.Va. Gubernatorial Race
– Earl Ray Tomblin, 59, against Republican Bill Maloney, 52, of Morgantown. … The national parties invested time and money in this race -- the Democratic Governors Association and Republican Governors Association … He chaired the Senate Finance Committee and was the chamber's president for 18 years.…
LightSquared: Poster Child for Crony Capitalism
– Falcone is a Republican but he has given substantial amounts of money to Democrats. … He and his wife gave the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee $60,800 in 2009. … Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said this week his committee will launch an investigation…
Bill Clinton Takes Obama Gently to the Woodshed and Gives Him a Spanking…_takes_obama_gently_to_the_woodshed_and_gives_him_a_spanking
– turned his political fortunes around in large part by pragmatically embracing some rightward-leaning proposals from a majority-Republican … Bill Clinton thinks that Hillary got a raw deal from both the media and the Democratic National Committee when she ran for president … For starters, it punished her for the decision by Florida's Republican legislature to move up the date of the '08 Florida presidential…
Dem. Rep. David Wu Announces Resignation Amid Sex Allegations
– Rare is the nation in which an immigrant child can become a national political figure. … Mary Botkin, a former Democratic National Committee committeewoman from Portland, joined those calling for his resignation. … Potential Republican nominees include sports marketing businessman Rob Cornilles, who lost to Wu last year, three state legislators…
Justice for Jonathan Pollard
– James Woolsey, and from retired senator Dennis DeConcini, who served as the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence … That concern was spiked by the Republican victory in New York's Ninth Congressional District's special election last month. … Obama's behavior on Israel following the Democrats' congressional upset replicates his response to Republican Sen.…
The End of Pax Americana?
– That leaves two large items of a budget approaching $4 trillion: interest on the debt, which must be paid, and national defense. … House Armed Services Committee Chair Buck McKeon has issued an analysis of what that would mean: a U.S. … If the super-committee trigger has to be pulled, says Panetta, "we'd be shooting ourselves in the head."…
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