Results for: Republican National Committee

Election Hacking or Voter Education?
– News reports routinely describe the leaking of emails stolen from the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, Clinton's campaign … - who denounced him, endorsed him, and then withdrew his endorsement -- complained that by leaking information helpful to the Republican
Tom Price and Seema Verma – Easy “Yes” Votes!
– Or that he was chosen to fleet up and become Chairman of the House Budget Committee.  … President to offer high quality Republican cabinet secretaries, and quick confirmation by a Republican Congress.   … He is not in favor of liberal-leaning, Federally-funded radio, and so sought to curtail the endless taxpayer funding of National Public…
Sharyl Attkisson: No, Russia Didn't Hack Our Election…russia-hacked-the-election-claims-are-pretty-shoddy-n2266768
– The allegation is that Russian-backed hackers penetrated the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta … talking points about the Russians trying to tilt the playing field for Trump was the fact that they hacked both the DNC and the RepublicanNational Committee, but only released the DNC data.…
WaPo: Democrats Plan To Target These Eight Trump Nominees
– Such delays would upend Republican hopes of quickly holding hearings and confirming most of Trump’s top picks on Inauguration Day. … One-third of the Senate races are hardly a gauge for a national poll. … As Guy mentioned, the House races is more reflective of the national mood, but Democrats can’t use that since a) they didn’t retake…
No, Voter ID Laws Didn't Cost Clinton The Election Either
– After the Christmas holiday, outgoing Labor Secretary and 2016 Democratic National Committee chairman candidate Tom Perez said that … Committee] effort that'll fight voter suppression. … Obama’s elections infused many here with a feeling of connection to national politics they had never before experienced.…
Obama Crowns Himself to a Third Term
– When the upstart New York Jets' Joe Namath of the old American Football League upset the 19-point favorite Baltimore Colts of the NationalNational Committee, as head of the CIA, as United States ambassador to the United Nations, as a member the House of Representatives … It, maintains Obama, is a wonderful plan, even if it passed with no Republican support and only after an ocean of false promises.…
Democratic Congresswoman: We're Not In Touch With Middle America Anymore And Our Coastal Bias Is A Problem
– We noted how Mahoning County Democratic Party chairman David Betras warned his party that voters here have the impression that national … And the representative doesn’t think the national Democratic Party is in touch with those voters, seeming to prefer its leadership … The incoming chairman and co-chairman of the Republican National Committee are from Michigan and Ohio.…
Obama: Yeah, I Really Screwed Over My Party
– As Democrats regroup, even those running to take the helm of the Democratic National Committee are acknowledging the hole they have … Sanders was speaking in support of Keith Ellison's bid to be the next chairman of the Democratic National Committee. … coasts with no one to really put forward for statewide races, let alone national ones.…
Undermining Trust in Our Institutions
– President-elect Donald Trump conceded this week that he thinks Russia was responsible for hacking the emails of the Democratic NationalCommittee and the Hillary Clinton campaign, though he couldn't help but add the caveat that it "could have been others also." … in any Republican administration, are more reliably committed to a strong, assertive national defense than their Democratic counterparts…
The Intelligence Community, Russia and Trump
– high degrees of confidence that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed the hacking and release of emails from the Democratic NationalCommittee and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman. … There's evidence -- see David Satter's Aug. 17 piece for National Review -- that the Putin regime has committed murder.…
Obamacare Repeal Is on the Way
– In the House, “replace” was launched with a bill endorsed by the 170-member Republican Study Committee, which is by far the largest … More recently, a poll conducted in February 2016 by the liberal National Public Radio (NPR), which spent years promoting Obamacare … The new Republican bill, at only 184 pages, understands that the key to making health insurance “affordable” is to allow people to…
“The Future of Conservatism in America”
– Last week I had the distinct pleasure and honor to sit with incoming Chairman of the House Republican Study Committee (RSC), the caucus … constitutional conservatism – limited government, fiscal responsibility, individual sovereignty, free market/enterprise economy, and strong national
Trump Won Alright, and Now It’s Time to Fight (And Win)
– He was kicked of the Agricultural committee. Later he was restored to the House Study Committee. … Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer has announced that Trump and the Republican Party want to “Make America Sick Again.” … As Oversight Committee Chairman, Rep. Issa blasted his incompetent deputies (check out his video for a thrilling example).…
Russia Did NOT Throw America’s Election
– They know the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton Campaign servers (not to mention former Secretary of State’s “home brew … They know the better-protected Republican National Committee (RNC) server was probed, but apparently not penetrated.  … Meantime, Brennan – appointed to head CIA in 2013 – was President Obama’s deputy national security advisor. …
After Briefing From Intelligence Agencies, Trump Vows to Beef Up Cyber Security…gence-agencies-trump-vows-to-beef-up-cyber-security-n2267932
– to break through the cyber infrastructure of our governmental institutions, businesses and organizations including the Democrat NationalCommittee, there was absolutely no effect on the outcome of the election including the fact that there was no tampering whatsoever … There were attempts to hack the Republican National Committee, but the RNC had strong hacking defenses and the hackers were unsuccessful…
Congress’ First Order of Business: Do What We the People Want…first-order-of-business-do-what-we-the-people-want-n2267333
– The Republican conference re-elected Paul Ryan as Speaker. … Listen up, Republican Congress: Americans have a check list of “Must do’s”, and reorganizing the Ethics Committee is not one of them … Enact national reciprocity for concealed-carry (already on its way!) 6. Pass National Right To Work Act.…
Two Women Now Hold Top Leadership Roles at the RNC
– A few days after Ronna Romney McDaniel took the reins as the new chair of the Republican National Committee, another woman has been … She was the vice president of the 2016 Republican National Convention and the RNC's chief operating officer for the 2014 election.  … Sara played key leadership roles at both the Presidential Inaugural Committee and the Republican National Convention this past calendar…
Clear Sailing: McCain, Graham to Support Tillerson [UPDATE: Rubio, Too]
– may leave Marco Rubio as the lone potential holdout (see update), having subjected Tillerson to the harshest grilling of any Republican … Florida Senator's calculus may be shifting now that Tillerson will be confirmed by the full Senate (via Ed Morrissey): As the committee … At this point, I'd bet on at worst an abstention from Rubio in the committee vote, but more likely a yes vote.…
Media Meltdown: President Trump's Inaugural Address 'Hitlerian,' 'Militant', And...'Anti-Semitic'…inaugural-address-hitlerian-militant-andantisemitic-n2274691
– His colleague Tom Brokaw added, “He was also insulting all the republican Congressmen and Senators who were on that stage. … Trump is merely saying that he will put our national interests first when we decide on any venture with our allies across the world … It was about injecting our national psyche with more nationalism, to be proud to be an American—to not be ashamed of patriotic acts…
It's In Our Nation's Interests to Give Betsy a Chance
– failures of our public education system that those of us who care about education have only become too familiar with: · The 2015 National … They spent more than 10 minutes complaining to the committee Chairman about the lack of sufficient time to ask Betsy DeVos questions … So, yes, it's in our national interest to give Betsy DeVos a chance.…
The Democrats' Fight Against School Choice Is Immoral
– Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions most concerned? Preserving the status quo. Sen. … In case you were unaware, Democrats on the committee stressed that DeVos is a Republican who has given money to Republican organizations … and was appointed by a Republican president-elect.…
NYT Stands By Shoddy Perry Article That Tried To Say He Had No Clue What An Energy Secretary Does…to-say-he-had-no-clue-what-an-energy-secretary-does-n2274019
– The Democratic National Committee was hacked by Russian-backed hackers—and they flooded social media with propaganda and trolls. … The New York Times got media circles in panic mode over their story about former Republican Texas Governor Rick Perry reportedly not … Dalton: "[You] probably know a big part of the Department of Energy is National Security and Nuclear, nuclear arsenal..."…
RNC Elects Ronna Romney McDaniel as Chairwoman
– The Republican National Committee on Thursday elected Ronna Romney McDaniel to serve as its chairwoman, and Bob Paduchik to serve…
Paul Krugman: Calling Trump An Illegitimate President Is An Act Of Patriotism…p-an-illegitimate-president-is-an-act-of-patriotism-n2272519
– expect, this statement provoked a hysterical, slanderous reaction from the president-elect – who, of course, got his start in national … Perry, Fiorina, Cruz, or even Jim Gilmore, were going to call Obama’s successor illegitimate if that person turned out to be a Republican … The Democratic National Committee and top Hillary Clinton adviser John Podesta’s emails were infiltrated. That’s not a hack.…
Democrats Have a History of ‘We Was Robbed’ Articles of Faith…s-have-a-history-of-we-was-robbed-articles-of-faith-n2271617
– After the 1876 election, Democrats angrily referred to Republican President Rutherford B. … And Democrats even have a national intelligence report to back it up, don’t they? Let’s not get into pesky details. … Americans of all stripes should be alarmed about Russian hacking into the email of the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign…
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