Results for: Barack Obama Website

Can Jeb Bush -- or Anyone -- Come up With a Platform for Primaries, General and Presidency?…ith-a-platform-for-primaries-general-and-presidency-n1941918
– The website of Bush's new PAC, Right to Rise, shows that he has been paying attention to the ongoing policy dialogue among conservative … Bush's website does not get much more specific than that, with slides calling for education, entrepreneurship, free enterprise and … Barack Obama did less well, I would argue.…
Thumbs Down: Media Unimpressed With WH No-Show at Paris Rally
– A Christine mentioned last night (and I touched on earlier), President Obama chose not to join approximately  40 world leaders at … EvanMcSan) January 11, 2015 A largely unknown woman, who lives in Paris, and who earned her position by raising millions for BarackObama administration brass also snubbed the rally in Washington, DC, organized by the French embassy.  …
This Is “Forward”?
– Progressive politicians and activists, from President Obama to NBC News, love to talk about “moving America forward.” … Barack Obama has never let any single event, or culmination of events, turn his focus from “fundamentally transforming America.” … President Obama hasn’t been a failure on the world stage because of the mistakes he’s made, though there have been those.…
Legislation Proposal: Limit Obama's Ability to Cash in on the Presidency…l-limit-obamas-ability-to-cash-in-on-the-presidency-n1954512
– the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt—under Obama-- or talked tough about taking Assad out in Syria— under Obama--which by the way is the … Obama takes credit for killing him. … Here’s a good motto for him: “Barack Obama: Not responsible for anything since getting bad grades at Occidental College.”…
More Islamic Violence in Pakistan: What’s America—or Anyone Else—Got to Do With It?…kistan-whats-americaor-anyone-elsegot-to-do-with-it-n1953519
– It seems like so long ago when Barack Hussein Obama and his ilk in Washington and the media labored tirelessly to convince us that … Well, Obama was elected—twice, in fact. … And whatever else may be said of relations between the American and Islamic worlds, no one—not even Obama—would think to say that they…
'Success:' Obamacare Website Falters Again, Dems Demand Enrollment Extension…site-falters-again-dems-demand-enrollment-extension-n1958106
– technologically embarrassing than the famous debacle of 2013 and 2014 -- but despite billions of taxpayer dollars having been spent on the website … , it still didn't go off without a hitch: A technical problem that had been interfering with sign-ups for President Barack Obama's … “But The New York Times on Sunday did an article that basically said, you know, when Obama said if you like your plan nothing will…
The Cartoon President
– encouraged the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt—under Obama-- or talked tough about taking Assad out in Syria— under Obama--which by … Obama takes credit for killing him. … Here’s a good motto for him: “Barack Obama: Not responsible for anything since getting bad grades at Occidental College.”…
President "But"...Obama
Barack Obama loves America, but… When the president praises the United States (which is rare), he generally precedes or follows it … As a senator, Barack Obama was insistent on transparency from government agencies. … Tom Coburn, R-Okla., to create a website on which to post every contract the government signs.…
Putin's Russia is a Gangster Regime
– "I'm afraid Putin will kill me," Boris Nemtsov told a Russian website on February 10. He was dead before the month was out. … Barack Obama sought to "reset" relations with Moscow in his first term, and promised even more "flexibility" in his second.…
America’s Anti-Christian Groups Exposed by Watchdog Organization…tichristian-groups-exposed-by-watchdog-organization-n1963813
– In 2007, and with that same nauseating arrogance that has come to define him, then presidential candidate Barack Obama duplicitously … The Obama vision? A godless, Euro-socialist dystopia crafted in his own secular-humanist self-image. … His sinister (yes, sinister) objective of a Christ-less society (Jesus is the real target here) is shared by many who, like Obama,…
Cruella vs Lucrezia
– in the New York Post with the headline: "Obama advisor behind Leak of Hillary Clinton's email scandal." … The Obama advisor in question is Valerie Jarrett who is listed on the White House website thus: "Valerie B. … Jarrett is a Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama.…
Hillary Just Avoided The 'Pepsi Throwback' Of Presidential Primaries…s-to-hillary-brings-flashbacks-of-the-1990s--mostly-n1973943
– At the same time, she pales in comparison to Barack Obama when gauging the two as insurgent candidates: Think back to this time … Obama already had emerged as a strong candidate. … Obama. She isn’t as sharp a contrast with Mrs. Clinton, particularly when it comes to youth. Ms.…
The EPA Has A 'Constitutionally Reckless Mission'
– Conservatives and free market enthusiasts have known this since Barack Obama moved into the White House. … Last week, the Obama administration unveiled their new regulations on fracking, which aim to prevent water contamination in the process … Regardless, the new fracking regulations will be implemented this June (via USA Today): The Obama administration said Friday…
Gallup Says Obama Economy Is "Most Important Problem" Facing Voters and Hillary's Favorability Polls Are Falling…voters-and-hillarys-favorability-polls-are-falling-n1983394
– Go to the Gallup Poll's website that lists the issues that trouble Americans most and you'll find the economy and jobs are far and … know why the nightly news shows don't deal with this, because for a very long time now they've been trying to convince us that the Obama … These are among the harsh economic realities of Barack Obama's failed presidency.…
The Faint Case for Rand Paul
– My columns appear regularly on the website of Reason, the nation's premier libertarian publication. … He depicted the federal debt as "tripling under Barack Obama's watch." … As Paul said of Obama, I'd like to be able to like him. But he doesn't make it easy.…
Trump's Strange Coziness With the Kremlin
– He bragged that Putin had called him "brilliant," and he extolled Putin as a stronger leader than Barack Obama. … out more about Steve Chapman and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website
Remember When: Hey Liberal Media, This Is Probably Why President Trump Didn't Call On You Today…robably-why-president-trump-didnt-call-on-you-today-n2286493
OBAMA: Christy Parsons? … OBAMA: There you go. As Scott Whitlock mentioned, this is fan girl antics. … Obama: "I've got -- what was the first one?" Zeleny: "Surprised." Mr. Obama: "Surprised."…
Report: 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Listed In Trump's Executive Order…sts-came-from-countries-in-trumps-travel-moratorium-n2285462
– Using open sources (because the Obama administration refused to provide government records), the report found that 380 out of 580 people … The report is no longer available on the Senate website, but a summary published by Fox News is available here. … Awlaki was killed in a 2011 drone attack ordered by President Barack Obama.…
Is Obama Really Behind Anti-Trump Leaks and Town Hall Protests, As Trump Alleges?…d-the-leaks-and-town-hall-protests-as-trump-alleges-n2291901
– Nevertheless, Trump says he suspects that Barack Obama and his people are behind some of the national security leaks plaguing the nascent … Then there's this Weekly Standard column that pieces together some evidence that infamous Obama aide Ben Rhodes and his coterie are … , a former Obama White House staffer explains why she resigned from the Trump White House after only eight days.…
Desperate French Liberals Want Obama to Run For President
Barack Obama. Yes, seriously. … France’s Obama backers are hoping to get 1 million signatures on the petition…for kicks it seems, given that Obama is not French—a … Vive Obama. Vive la France and the USA." …
Evelyn Farkas’s Six Revelations about Obama, Trump, and the Deep State…ix-revelations-about-obama-trump-and-the-deep-state-n2307464
– Though he originally spoke, or tweeted, clumsily, the gist of his claim was correct: The administration of his predecessor, BarackObama, had indeed been surveilling Trump and those close to his campaign. … Under Obama, Farkas was Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for “Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia,” according to the website for the U.S.…
Determination Amid Distractions, Distortions and Media Deceit…tion-amid-distractions-distortions-and-media-deceit-n2306634
Obama did in eight years. … Visit Dan Celia’s website to view a graph on the number of jobs gained per presidential tenure. … This would have been done during the Obama years; after all, he was the one aligned with their personal ideologies.…
Pollster: People Are Hoping Trump Gets Assassinated
– Yet, the answers from the thread devolved into nastiness, with users saying that Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and both Bushes didn’t … Obama, Bill Clinton or either of the Bushes. … Obama had been killed in office.…
Young America’s Foundation Sues Berkeley for Squelching Free Speech…foundation-sues-berkeley-for-squelching-free-speech-n2323402
– the California University system, Janet Napolitano, who in a priceless irony was once the Secretary of Homeland Security under BarackObama.  … From the YAF website: “The University cites, as its reason for canceling the lecture, its “high-profile speakers” policy.…
The "I" Word
Barack Obama, as we've been told dozens of times, lost 60+ seats in the U.S. House, more than a dozen in the U.S. … According to the Website At the beginning of Obama's term, Democrats controlled 59 percent of state legislatures…
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