Results for: Republican National Committee

Analysis: Roy Moore's Loss Imperils Trump Agenda and GOP Senate Control…the-trump-agenda-and-gop-senate-control-in-jeopardy-n2421997
– This morning, I ran through the reasons Roy Moore managed to fail as a Republican nominee for federal office in a statewide race in … With the outgoing Bob Corker being spiteful toward the president and liberal Republican Susan Collins potentially going wobbly, Republican … leaders will likely try to get tax reform out of conference committee as soon as possible (see update).  …
Robert Mueller's Valentine Writers
– Mueller is a lifelong registered Republican." … There's a reason these "news" magazines have crumbled: They are only trustworthy if what you want to read is a Democratic NationalCommittee talking-points memo.…
DOJ Official Demoted For Meeting With Trump Dossier Author, Wife Worked For Fusion GPS, The Firm Hillary Hired…ing-with-trump-dossier-author-worked-for-fusion-gps-n2421339
– could not provide the reason for Ohr’s demotion, but Fox News has learned that evidence collected by the House Permanent Select Committee … Contacted by Fox News, investigators for the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) confirmed that Nellie H. … , which was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, served as the basis for the Justice Department…
DNC Member: There's 'Less Funny Business' at the RNC
– Tom Perez took over as Democratic National Committee chair in February and hoped to bring the wings of the party together, hoping to … praise for their Republican counterparts. … "The management of the Republican National Committee has differed substantially from the management of the Democratic National Committee
Fake News: CNN Admits To 'Colossal' Screw Up In Trump-Wikileaks Report…admits-to-colossal-fk-up-in-trump-wikileaks-report-n2420280
Committee that had already been made public by the group WikiLeaks a day earlier. … Committee staffers and Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta. … How the contents of that email got into media hands is anybody’s guess, but it’s not the best look for the committee.…
By the Way, the Latest Democrat Ensnared in Perv-a-Thon is an Ex-Federal Judge, Impeached for Corruption…ervathon-is-a-former-judge-impeached-for-corruption-n2420701
– Then again, Hastings now joins Texas Republican Blake Farenthold in emphasizing his innocence by pointing to an ethics investigation … The House Ethics Committee -- a separate oversight body, which apparently exonerated Hastings in his harassment case -- is now taking … This 2006 National Review piece includes many more sordid details of the case, including Hastings' efforts to avoid the FBI.  …
Yeah, The Trump Dossier Could Be The FBI's 'Insurance' Plan
– It very well could be a reference to the probe, but National Review’s Andrew McCarthy did a deep dive asking if the “insurance” plan … The House Intelligence Committee might issue new subpoenas as a result. … The objective would have been to spy on the opposition Republican campaign.…
Will War Cancel Trump's Triumphs?
– Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge has been opened to exploratory drilling. … In November, the Republican Party was thrashed in Virginia, losing all state offices, and then lost a Senate seat in Alabama. … President Trump has been persuaded by his national security team to send Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine, for use against the…
Orrin Hatch Should Stay, If He Stays on the MAGA Way
– He is currently the longest-serving Republican US Senator in United States’ history.  There has been good in that tenure. … As Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, he championed the trial against President Bill Clinton in 1999, reminding liberal … That move would have soured the national grassroots.…
With This Tax Cut, Trump and the GOP Are on the Side of the Growth Angels…mp-and-the-gop-are-on-the-side-of-the-growth-angels-n2427165
– With President Trump's signing of the big tax cut bill, the Republican Party snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. … In a recent Tax Foundation analysis by President Scott Hodge, he notes that even the lowball Joint Committee on Taxation agrees the … Let's not forget that the plan includes Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling access and the repeal of the Obamacare individual…
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Has Passed—Now the GOP Needs to Cut through the Crap…has-passednow-the-gop-needs-to-cut-through-the-crap-n2426424
– He fulfilled a number of promises with a more cooperative Republican Congress, and all in time for Christmas! … Of course, if 50% of the public relies on national corporate media for news, the lingering animus shouldn’t surprise anyone.   … Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee  Orrin Hatch briefly dominated Twitter’s hashtags and headlines when he slammed progressive…
Will She Return? Hillary Considers What Her Role Will Be In The 2018 Midterms…onsiders-what-her-role-will-be-in-the-2018-midterms-n2425848
– The Democrats wiped out the Virginia GOP’s state legislature advantage, clipping incumbent Republican House of Delegates members from … Steve Israel (D-N.Y.), the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman during the 2012 and 2014 election cycles, said in an … Clinton could be a valuable asset in certain individual districts next year, there also seems to be a growing sentiment that, on the national
Cummings Praises FBI's McCabe As a 'Guardian of Democracy'
– "This hearing is part of an ongoing Republican attempt to divert attention,"  he said. … If they truly wanted to get to the bottom of Russian interference, they should be questioning former national security adviser Michael … Yet, a group of Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee admitted they are investigating the investigators.…
House Intel Committee Mulls New Subpoenas After Shoddy Testimony From Deputy FBI Director…nas-after-shoddy-testimony-from-deputy-fbi-director-n2425467
– The House Intelligence Committee is considering new subpoenas. … Over at the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. … “The chairman of the Judiciary Committee is going to subpoena Lisa Page,” Jordan said.…
It Begins: GOP Prepares to Fight Back With Post-Passage Blitz on Tax Reform…gop-dems-launch-dueling-political-ads-on-tax-reform-n2425099
– @WSJ — Richard Rubin (@RichardRubinDC) December 19, 2017 Just 17 percent of Americans believe they'll see a tax cut under the Republican … In total, according to Republican National Committee data provided exclusively to Morning Consult, GOP volunteers and operatives have … Meanwhile, the National Republican Senatorial Committee is already out with an early (positive) salvo in this fight, which will play…
Politico: Gowdy Expected To Reject Clinton's Request To Appear Only Once Before Benghazi Committee UPDATE: Clinton Testimony Postponed…quest-to-appear-only-once-before-benghazi-committee-n1999107
– Trey Gowdy, chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi. … committee aide said. … The Committee also wanted a transcribed interview with the former secretary of state, and even said that members of the Committee–and…
The 2016 Senate Map Is Now Quite Shaky For Republicans
– Ohio, where Republican Sen. … Alan Grayson (D-FL), and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC). Oh, and Mr. … We should expect a fierce battle to maintain the Republican majority.…
Court Declares NSA Spy Program Illegal, Senate GOP Leaders Respond, “So What?”…program-illegal--senate-gop-leaders-respond-so-what-n1997978
– In March 2013, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper sat before the Senate Intelligence Committee when Sen. … I should know; I was a member of the House Judiciary Committee that debated the legislation in committee and on the floor of the House … One Republican who clearly “gets it,” is Sen.…
'Let's Just Do It:' Trade Fight Intensifies Between Obama and Warren
– He was talking about Elizabeth Warren, the Massachusetts senator and populist crusader whom Obama helped elevate to national prominence … Also, while every Republican running for president in 2016 has supported the TPP, former Arkansas Gov. … Republicans need Democrats to cross over, but there are a few Republican senators who might balk on the fast-track vote.…
Gatekeepers: When Hillary Was Top Diplomat, State Dep’t Staff Sometimes Blocked FOIA Requests…e-of-documents-under-foia-when-she-was-top-diplomat-n2001761
– The Republican National Committee is seeking to know more about this alleged FOIA stonewalling from staffers to Mrs. … Clinton when she served as out top diplomat (via McClatchy): In a letter to the department obtained by McClatchy, the RepublicanNational Committee, asks for all records, including memos and correspondence, that mention, reference or relate to FOIAs, including…
Will the Real Democratic Challengers Please Stand Up?
– To buy this, you must ignore the recent news that a Democratic National Committee finance chairman violated his own party rules requiring … Also ignore that at the DNC's winter meetings in February, committee members were full-steam ahead for Hillary and united in dismissing … Lincoln Chafee, also a former Republican and Independent, to swoon over.…
Enjoy the Show
– Lincoln Chafee, (who was a Republican until September 2007). Who else will probably run? Former Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia. … On the Republican side, Santorum, Huckabee and Perry have all run before. … Kasich was part of the Republican Revolution of 1984 and was in the middle of the fire as the chairman of the House Budget Committee
The Grayson-Club For Growth Alliance … On the Ex-Im Bank
– and small — to turn export opportunities into real sales that help to maintain and create U.S. jobs and contribute to a stronger national … The group announced Tuesday that it would begin airing the ad boosting Grayson — and attacking national Democrats’ favored candidate … The Club has already run ads in a half-dozen congressional districts where Republican members support the bank’s reauthorization.…
Rand, Lindsey & George (Pataki)
– · With the entry into the race for the Republican nomination for President today of South Carolina Senator, Lindsey Graham, that will … of how to conduct debates with so many candidates in the race is buzzing around the power centers at Fox News Channel and the RepublicanNational Committee.…
Andrew Breitbart For Congress
– As National Review put it, “The Establishment and the Tea Party Face Off in Illinois.” … Even though this may seem like a local race, it is a national fight. … It’s an opportunity for Tea Party conservatives to flex their muscle and send a message to Republican leadership in Washington that…
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