Results for: they are all going to jail

Watch: Cruz Gives Staunchest Defense of American Lives During Hearing on Sanctuary Cities…t-the-political-posturing-on-sanctuary-cities-youre-n2555161
– Robbins Let me start by saying thank you to all the men and women of ICE," Sen. Cruz remarked. … Democrat and Republican, ought to be 'Hell no we're not going to release violent murderers who are illegal aliens into our communities … And yet we've got sanctuary jurisdictions all across the country who are willing to do so," he declared. …
WATCH: Eric Trump Blasts Other Political Families For 'Enriching Themselves'…s-other-political-families-for-enriching-themselves-n2555055
– During the discussion, he laid out their failures, the biggest one being that most are corrupt and want to get rich off politics. … "They're fighting all of this yet they have a candidate that lies about being a Cherokee Indian when she's 1/1024th Cherokee," he said … "You know, I think the American people are going to see that. He is pompous and they are above it all," Trump replied.…
State Department Completes Its Investigation Into Hillary's Email Server: Found 588 Violations
– She said that she had gone to State Department officials for approval and that they signed off on it. … secretive and they think the rules don’t apply to them. … No one will be going to jail, but Hillary Clinton is not and never will be president of the United States.…
Deliver Justice to All
– Time to deliver American Justice to all these savage terrorist monsters, both Islamic and domestic. … During the state trial, Morales boasted, “No jail is going to hold me forever. They can put 1,000 of us in jail. … They are not going to hold us forever. That’s what I have to say.”…
Illegal Alien Rapist and Child Molester Serving Life in Prison Accidentally Released, Manhunt Underway…tally-released-from-georgia-prison-manhunt-underway-n2555502
– "They need to rethink how they’re handling their security, and how they let people out by mistake," he added. … All resources are being utilized to ensure the rapid apprehension of Munoz-Mendez, including the Georgia Department of Corrections … The public is reminded to call 911, and do not approach. …
How to Get Into Harvard Without Good S.A.T. Scores!
– His mother consciously parlayed her way to success by becoming a violent revolutionary after realizing that she wasn’t going to set … The bomb they were building was intended to kill servicemen and their dates at a Fort Dix dance. … Those LSAT scores weren’t going to bury themselves.…
Adopting Christian Foster Care
– It's likely that you'll bounce around to more than a dozen foster homes until you "age out" at 18 and are allowed to live on your own … According to the research, compared to the general population practicing Christians are more than twice as likely to adopt. … "But the problem is, they are gay, so we're going to keep you here."…
Jeffrey Epstein and Brett Kavanaugh: A Tale of Double Standards…tein-and-brett-kavanaugh-a-tale-of-double-standards-n2556099
– Oh, you don't want to go near Kavanaugh? Then just get off the bus, because I'm going there. … They are not, as Trump says, the "enemy of the people." … These are the unctuous enemies of something vital to a free republic. They're the enemies of journalism.…
Fact Check: Is Klobuchar Right That Americans Overwhelmingly Support Roe, Planned Parenthood Funding?
– And this president indicated early on what he was going to do, and he’s done it. … When he was running for office, he literally said women should go to jail, and then he dialed it back and said doctors should go to … And I just can’t wait to stand across from Donald Trump and say this to him: “You know what? The people are with us.”…
Roger Stone, Convicted for Bragging
– President Trump tweeted, “So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come. … A second lesson is if you are going to be an associate of Trump, you need to lie low. … They are already coming for you and we know their success rate.…
Collapse: What Beto and Kamala Share In Their Failed Presidential Bids…and-kamala-share-in-their-failed-presidential-bids-n2555877
– Kamala Harris are out. They’re gone. Poof. Beto, whose real name is Robert Francis O’Rourke, was never going to be a contender. … With Bob, it noted that despite raising millions, his inability to get off the ground, or as they put it—get his s**t together—cost … With no plan or agenda, you’re not going to go very far in any election, whether that be for dog catcher or president.…
Lisa Page Speaks Out...and Casts Herself as the Victim
– Page said it was “devastating” when Comey was fired, going on to compare it to a funeral, “only worse.” … And I don’t ever know when the president’s going to attack next. And when it happens, it can still sort of upend my day. … Maybe their claims that they'll be completely exonerated for all of their actions are 100% true.…
A Snowflake’s Christmas Story
– behavior; questioning the long-term harm of mass shooting drills or telling kids the world is going to end if they don’t skip school … defenses to challenges and unpleasantness that life presents to all of us. … They are destined to go through life like Ralphie’s little brother, Randy; bundled from head to toe, and barely able to move with the…
5 Heartwarming Stories to Share This Christmas Season
They exist – and they’re well worth paying attention to. … "Kids are good. They're innately good.” "We’re all kiddos at heart when it comes to the Christmas spirit," she added. … to help him forget he was in the hospital and what was going on." …
Christianity Today, Where Were You Under Obama?
– something Ben Stein said recently, namely, “He (Trump) has a right to know if there is some funny business going on (in Ukraine).” … They are not. … Christianity Today, where were you when Obama mocked Americans saying theyThey get bitter, they cling to guns or religion?”  …
Maryland Governor Hogan Provides Blueprint For Chicago Violence…ernor-hogan-provides-blueprint-for-chicago-violence-n2558381
They urged judges away from high bail and lengthy sentences even though these are some of the tactics at the heart of the great crime … Criminals are operating in plain sight and with no fear of an embattled police department still reeling from their political all activist … The key will be changing the culture in the prosecutor’s office to actually bring criminal charges, keeping them in jail with high…
Is Political Animosity Growing? Teen Wearing MAGA Hat Is Confronted At a Restaurant…s-to-this-texas-teen-when-hes-spotted-in-a-maga-hat-n2497886
– (@brxpug) July 4, 2018 According to Fox News, police were able to identify the man and arrest him. … She also added that people should "turn on them" and "absolutely harass" White House officials while they are living their everyday … many to wonder how confrontational Progressives would be willing to get.…
Illegal Immigration: A Lawless Frankenstein in the ‘Land of Is’…mmigration-a-lawless-frankenstein-in-the-land-of-is-n2497308
– ) become tired of and disgusted with a government that offers them no protection, and are not much averse to a change in which they … imagine they have nothing to lose.” … Today, all that good men and women are asking the people they elected to do, when it comes to illegal immigration, is to honor their…
The Liberal Stampede to 'Abolish ICE'
– have a country that you're going to be afraid to walk out of your house." … At a fundraiser in Berkeley, California, Barack Obama tried to calm his terrified minions: "All these people that are out here kvetching … and wringing their hands and stressed and anxious and constantly watching cable tv and howling at the moon, 'What are we going to
The Crying Kids the Media Ignore
– parents who are white are forced to go overseas. … But that's never going to happen until the people who are so deeply concerned about crying immigrant kids at the border show the same … Unfortunately, when it comes to foster care the people who are always saying "We've got to take care of the children" are oblivious…
It Gets Dumber: Leftists Now Resisting Kavanaugh By...Mocking His First Name, Or Something…ing-kavanaugh-bymocking-his-first-name-or-something-n2499401
– Earlier in the week, Jonah Goldberg wrote a column about the brewing SCOTUS battle entitled, "It's All Going to Get Dumber."   … It seems that some liberals, whose attacks on Kavanaugh have ranged from disjointed to preposterous, are coalescing around a red hot … To say Kavanaugh is Trump’s “get-out-of-jail free card” is an extreme distortion of what he’s written.…
Obama Denounces Trump’s 'Strongman Politics'—While Eulogizing Che Guevara and Fidel Castro Lover Nelson Mandela…g-che-guevara-and-fidel-castro-lover-nelson-mandela-n2502142
– From CNN to NBC, from Reuters to the AP, from ABC to NPR to CBS, the Castros have always welcomed all of these to “embed” and “report … So what are the actual “facts found” by all these “diligent investigators?” … For some peculiar reason--and for going on 60 years now—their “findings” all dovetail nicely with the “facts” issued by the Stalinist…
Trump: On Second Thought, Let's Not Have a Shutdown Before the Midterms…hought-lets-not-have-a-shutdown-before-the-midterms-n2505529
– that he'd allow the impasse to occur if they refused to fund his border wall.   … This task is usually easier for Democrats because they have most of the press pulling for them, and some GOP efforts are doomed from … Last week, McConnell said on a radio show in his home state of Kentucky that a government shutdown is “not going to happen.”…
Mom Who Threw 6-Figure 'Black Panther' Theme Prom Party Featuring a Real Panther Now Accused of Welfare Fraud…aturing-a-real-panther-now-accused-of-welfare-fraud-n2511023
– and essays explaining why they deserved to have an epic prom send-off" and ended up inviting 24 kids. … Likewise, "If convicted, Shuler could face up to 140 years in jail, along with a period of supervised release, and will have to cough … A trial date has yet to bet set, but her attorney assures that “things are not always what they appear to be.…
Trump's Hollywood Star Must Go -- But They Get a Pass?
– In response to West Hollywood's request, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce said they would review the resolution. … As of now, there are no plans to remove any stars from the Hollywood Walk of Fame. … They're going to run out of pickaxes.…
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