Results for: fbi news

Questions Swirl: Did Mateen Have an Accomplice, and Was He Closeted?…do-terrorist-have-an-accomplice-and-was-he-closeted-n2178261
– out of a massacre as he deliberately makes preparations to carry it out does not absolve you from moral culpability: NBC NEWS … : Orlando gunman's wife told FBI she tried to talk him out of conducting an attack -@PeteWilliamsNBC — Bradd … This report from a local news station started circulating late last night on Twitter, but hasn't gotten much play elsewhere.…
Orlando Shooting: Killer's Wife Knew About The Attack
– terrorist knew about the planned attack on the Pulse nightclub and failed to report the information to authorities according to NBC News … She told the FBI that she once drove him to the gay nightclub, Pulse, because he wanted to scope it out. … /jlujjFml9T — NBC News (@NBCNews) June 14, 2016…
WATCH: Gun Shop Owner Who Sold Firearms to Orlando Killer Explains Florida Gun Laws To Media…o-orlando-killer-explains-florida-gun-laws-to-media-n2177890
– The FBI did interview him twice—once in 2013 and again in 2014—for inflammatory remarks he made about terrorism, and for allegedly … A full background check was performed by Florida department of law enforcement with the coordination and agreement of the FBI, in however … And the good news is that this process is applied to every gun purchases at a federal firearms licensed dealer.…
Krauthammer: Obama 'Refuses to Understand' Gun Control Won't Stop ISIS…ma-refuses-to-understand-gun-control-wont-stop-isis-n2178115
– It’s precisely this mentality that is helping the terror group continue to grow, Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News Monday. … The way to defeat and to prevent these things is not gun control and it is not the FBI investigating.…
Needed: A Declaration of War
– Mateen had been on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's radar in 2013 and 2014, but reports The Daily Beast, the FBI "subsequently … Next comes the obligatory news conference in which a quickly produced imam or "expert," speaking for the Muslim community, is trotted … Muhammad Musri joined law enforcement officers at the news conference in Orlando.…
Ramadan Jihad Massacre at Orlando Gay Club
– The Islamic State subsequently claimed responsibility for the attack via its Amaq News Agency while jihadis celebrated on social media … Unfortunately, the FBI didn’t seem to understand any of that when it questioned Mateen in 2013 and again in 2014 because of reports … According to media reporting, the FBI even opened an investigation into Mateen but later closed it when they failed to understand the…
Mr. Williams, Let’s Not Crack Jokes While Reporting On The Worst Mass Shooting In U.S. History…reporting-on-the-worst-mass-shooting-in-us-history-n2177134
– It was a busy day for the Media Research Center’s Newsbusters crew, as news coverage was dominated by the horrific mass shooting ( … It’s the worst mass shooting in American history, and the FBI is investigating it as an act of domestic terror. It’s serious.…
Confirmed: Orlando Shooter Bought Guns Legally
– CBS News reported earlier today that Mateen had no prior criminal history. … It was later reported by NBC News that the FBI had looked into Mateen for spouting radical Islamic propaganda that raised the eyebrows … Daily Beast added that’s not to say that the FBI kept them off their radar.…
49 People Killed In Shooting At Orlando Nightclub, Police Call It ‘Domestic Terror Incident’…nightclub-police-call-it--domestic-terror-incident-n2176943
– CBS News says Mateen had no prior criminal history: Sources have confirmed to CBS News that authorities are investigating whether … BREAKING NEWS: 50 dead in Orlando nightclub shooting, Orlando mayor says. — ABC News … BREAKING NEWS: Islamic State reportedly claims responsibility for Orlando nightclub terror attack — Fox News
Crooked Hillary: Major Updates on Email and Clinton Foundation Scandals…ew-updates-on-email-and-clinton-foundation-scandals-n2176586
– On the shady cash front, Matt wrote up an ABC News report detailing another apparent conflict of interest. … The emails further reveal how, after inquiries from ABC News, the Clinton staff sought to “protect the name” of the Secretary, “stall … ” the ABC News reporter and ultimately accept the resignation of the donor just two days later.…
White House Admits FBI Probe of Hillary's Emails Is a 'Criminal' Investigation…robe-of-hillarys-emails-is-a-criminal-investigation-n2176225
– minutes after President Obama officially endorsed Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, Press Secretary Josh Earnest admitted that the FBI … The Republican National Committee caught the remark during Earnest's answer to a question regarding whether the FBI can remain neutral … She is so confident it is a non-issue that she told Fox News’ Bret Baier on Wednesday that there is “zero chance” of the FBI finding…
Clinton: There's Zero Chance FBI Email Investigation Will Be a Problem…ro-chance-fbi-email-investigation-will-be-a-problem-n2175977
– Once again, Hillary Clinton seems totally unfazed by the FBI’s investigation into her private email server, assuring Fox News’ Bret … Baier pressed Clinton later in the interview whether given the “Clinton Foundation investigation, FBI investigation, the email,” she…
Obama Partners with Terror-Sponsoring Castro Family against U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security…ily-against-us-house-committee-on-homeland-security-n2184822
– “I followed news of the September 11 attacks on the United States non-stop from the beginning. … And, oh….in light of recent news items featuring Afghan immigrants and their offspring, I invite you to peruse the following recent … news item: “Over the past two months, travel agents in Kabul have been surprised by Afghans showing up at their offices with…
Dismal: New Poll Shows Trump, Clinton Less Popular Than NRA, Planned Parenthood…mp-clinton-less-popular-than-nra-planned-parenthood-n2183926
– A new poll from NBC News and Wall Street Journal shows that the National Rifle Association, Planned Parenthood and President Obama … Trump and Clinton were also viewed less positively than the FBI and the Democratic Party. … The good marks for the FBI (48 percent positive) and NRA (42 percent) come in the wake of the deadly Orlando nightclub terror attack…
Stop Traffic: Even Gawker Says Democrats Are Fighting Over A Useless Gun Control Bill…c-no-fly-no-buy-gun-control-push-a-useless-exercise-n2182397
– Even someone who isn’t a politics or news junkie would probably laugh at that concept since a) it’s totally ridiculous (no one is for … Nevertheless, Gawker reiterating that 40 percent of those on the master list maintained by the FBI have “no recognized terrorist group…
In Hawaii, Exercising Your Constitutional Rights Now Lands You On A Federal Database…tutional-rights-now-lands-you-in-a-federal-database-n2183118
– Hawaii will become the first state to enter its gun-owning residents into an FBI database because law-abiding citizens should be feared … This is the price you pay in the Aloha State for exercising your constitutional right to own firearms (via AP/Fox News): Hawaii … Hawaii News Now added that Gov. David Ige signed two other gun bills.…
How Does Immigration Reduce Mass Shootings?
– Like defendants with a losing case being forced to cough up bits of discovery, it took the FBI a week to release a redacted transcript … That was too much even for Speaker Paul "That's Not Who We Are" Ryan, prompting the FBI to produce the full version of at least one … Fox News ran a chart compiled by Mother Jones magazine that includes mass shootings from the 1980s. Why not the 1960s?…
The Truth Has Been (Omitted)
– But there's good news: At least he controls the information flow. … First, she openly admitted that the FBI would censor the 911 phone call of the jihadi Omar Mateen who murdered 49 Americans at a gay … The FBI, she said, would remove explicit references to ISIS, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Islam.…
Logic-Free Zone
– In other news, President Obama used a memorial service for the victims of the Orlando massacre to advocate for more gun control laws … When Mateen left the store, someone contacted the FBI. The follow-up, however, proved insufficient. … James Kallstrom, a former FBI assistant director, recently spoke with Megyn Kelly on her Fox News show.…
Orlando Attack: FBI Releases More Complete Transcript of 911 Call, Still Replaces ‘Allah’ With ‘God’
– Now, the FBI has released a more complete transcript. … That edit appears to remain in this new version (via FBI): Transcript of Orlando Police Department 911 Calls, June 12, 2016 … /U4d7Q89Oqr — ABC News (@ABC) June 20, 2016…
Released FBI Transcript Shows Orlando Terrorist Spoke Arabic, Praised Allah and Repeatedly Pledged Allegiance to ISIS
– The FBI has released a partial transcript of a phone call Orlando Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen made to 911 during his attack on Pulse … The FBI argues a partial transcript was released in order to avoid "revictimizing" survivors who were in the Pulse night club over … There are a multiple summaries included in the transcript , which were also provided by the FBI.…
Obama's HHS Signs Cooperation Deal with Castro Regime Because “Cuba Has Made Significant Contributions to Health and Science"…ade-significant-contributions-to-health-and-science-n2180017
– During the 1990s Reed also functioned as executive producer for NBC News Havana bureau--a pretty plum position for a communist intelligence … “The ultimate objective of the DGI’s participation in the setting up of the Venceremos Brigades,” reveals an FBI report declassified…
Media Screwing Up Reports On The AR-15 Post-Orlando Attack Isn’t New, Nor Was It The Most Embarrassing…shootings-isnt-new-nor-was-it-the-most-embarrassing-n2180695
– Then, there was the NY Daily News columnist who frankly had no clue what he was talking about, saying that when he fired the rifle, … Lastly, the FBI said they had no information concerning Alexis buying an AR-15 rifle. … News outlets make a lot of noise about diversity. They should apply a more holistic definition.…
Why They Hate Us
– If you only watch network news and read the New York Times you easily could come away with the impression that last Sunday morning … headquarters located in the basement of the National Rifle Association’s headquarters, naturally, in a space they rent from Fox News … Although the poltroon declared his reasons, unambiguously, to the police and a local news station, Democrats saw an opportunity to…
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