Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

2020 Red Flag: Trump's Disapproval Rating and House Democrats' Share of the National Vote Were Identical…roval-and-house-democrats-share-of-the-vote-aligned-n2536563
– Second, presidential elections are widely seen as national choices between two people.   … Candidates matter.  Third, it must be noted that Trump won in 2016 despite historically terrible favorability ratings.   … every possible way a few weeks ago, cannot stay blue if Trump wants to win again (or if Republicans want to cut into the House Democratic
Trump's Crucial Test at San Ysidro
– And if the Democratic Party and its presidential candidates in 2020 are seen as abolish-ICE, pro-amnesty, open borders liberals, they…
Maybe Trump Can't Win in 2020, But Democrats Can Lose
– Donald Trump probably can't win the 2020 presidential election, but the Democrats can lose it. … No one knows for sure, but estimates on the number of potential Democratic candidates range from 20 to 40. … at the Democratic convention in 2020, you haven't been paying attention.…
Socialism: Freedom or Slavery?
– But when a 2015 Gallup poll asked Americans whether they would consider voting for 11 categories of presidential candidates, “socialist … Still, socialism has largely dwelled on the margins of American politics, until it was revived by the campaign of Democratic presidential
Get-Trump Talk Shifts: Now It's Campaign Finance, Not Russia
– "With respect to both payments, Cohen acted with the intent to influence the 2016 presidential election," prosecutors said. … "At least two felonies," said Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut. … The Justice Department said it was to influence the outcome of a presidential election.…
The ‘Winning by Losing’ 2020 Democratic Fantasy Ticket: O’Rourke/Gillum…osing-2020--democratic-fantasy-ticket-orourkegillum-n2537124
– Biden, the antithesis of a fresh face, is indeed the “most qualified” and leads the 2020 horserace for the Democratic presidential … Now, after the midterm election and Democrats gearing up for the 2020 presidential cycle with mini-buses full of candidates but no … And what about his presidential qualifications? Well, he has none — “so what!”…
Here We Go: The 2020 Democratic Debates Will Begin In June of 2019…2020-democratic-debates-will-begin-in-june-of-2019-n2537859
– for placement on the debate stage, it could go well beyond 12 debates (via WaPo): Democratic presidential candidates will meet in … nights, after randomly dividing the candidates in a public selection process. … Up to this point, Democratic officials have not consulted with prospective 2020 candidates or their staffs on the debate planning,…
Audio: Rubio Explains Vote Against Criminal Justice Reform, Offers Advice to Democrats Running for President…rm-offers-advice-to-democrats-running-for-president-n2537793
– And I do mean many: In the Democratic cloakroom as we vote tonight. … Just realized I was surrounded by no less than 5 Presidential candidates, and there were only 10 of us in there. … Go out there and make your case, first to the Democratic electorate, and ultimately to the American people.…
Sen. Gillibrand Worried About the Fact That The Top Potential Dem Nominees for 2020 Are White Men…ts-lack-of-diversity-in-top-dem-contenders-for-2020-n2537598
– Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is worried about recent polling showing the top three potential Democratic nominees for the 2020 presidential … Gillibrand, who is considering a presidential bid, what she thought of the fact that former vice president Joe Biden, Sen. … Gillibrand says about the Democratic presidential field.Watch more on “The Van Jones Show” at 7 p.m.…
In Congress, The Inmates Are Now Running The Asylum
– Sadly, the United States House of Representatives is now controlled by the Democratic Party for the first time in eight years.  … In addition, a bill has been filed to require both presidential and vice-presidential candidates to release 10 years of tax returns … By doing nothing, Pelosi is really signaling to the American people that she is not in control of her own Democratic Party caucus.…
Is It 'Sexist' to Notice Elizabeth Warren's Likability Problem?
– With Elizabeth Warren becoming the first major Democratic 2020 aspirant to take the plunge over the holidays, the chattering class … A USA Today/Suffolk poll released last week assessing excitement behind potential 2020 Democratic candidates showed a net negative … candidates over her, it's a "warning sign."…
Who Will Take on President Trump?
– Let us face the facts: The Democratic Party is getting pretty long in the tooth. … It is time for the Party to come up with a new generation, and that suggests the presidential prospects of Rep. … She will be the youngest woman ever to lose a presidential race -- another first. R.…
He's Running? How Joe Biden is Bending Over Backward to Avoid Hillary's Ethical Messes…ent-over-backwards-to-avoid-hillarys-ethical-messes-n2538345
– double standards is undeniably true) and buzzing about how the Democratic presidential primary is starting to shape up.   … The explosion of early voting and reshuffling of the primary calendar in 2020 could transform the Democratic presidential nominating … He was also a hot commodity among Democratic candidates running in red and purple districts during the 2018 cycle.  …
Ready The Clown Car: The First Batch of Democrats Are Ready To Announce Their 2020 Bids…of-democrats-are-ready-to-announce-their-2020-bids-n2538251
– And as we conclude 2018, the Democratic clown car is getting ready for its magical mystery tour across the country. … The first slate of candidates is reportedly Sens. … Romney was the anti-Obama, and both candidates lost.…
Who Is This Guy Who Writes This Column?
– From my earliest years I have always wanted to be a journalist, reporting the news from Washington, Congress, the White House, presidential … And later worked in Barry Goldwater’s presidential campaign. … candidates — from Gerald Ford to Ronald Reagan, and both Presidents George H.…
'Progressive' Hillary Skips Forum With One of Nation's Largest Progressive Groups…orum-with-one-of-nations-largest-progressive-groups-n2085201
– At the first 2016 presidential Democratic debate, frontrunner Hillary Clinton declared she was a "progressive who likes to get things … Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz praised the idea of a forum last month, saying it was an ideal opportunity … for the candidates to engage with voters.…
Which Party Will Emerge From Its Gathering Storm?
Candidates who take such matters seriously are, for the moment anyway, overshadowed. … presidential candidates have expressed sympathy for the demands of the Black Lives Matter group. … It's hard for a party to win a third consecutive presidential term.…
Democrats Prefer Fantasy to Reality
– Unfortunately, the Democratic presidential candidates are captives of political correctness and refuse to label the threat accurately … Despite the lack of terror attacks from people of other faiths, Barack Obama and the Democratic presidential candidates prefer the … Unfortunately, President Obama, the Democratic presidential candidates and left wing political leaders in Europe and this country refuse…
Are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio Eskimos? Space Aliens?
– I ask because much of U.S. punditry (on both left and right) don’t seem to regard the Cuban-American Republican presidential candidates … Cuban-Americans have educational and income levels higher–not only than most ethnic groups who dutifully punch the clock at the Democratic
O'Malley Campaign On Brink of Collapse
– Failing to garner more than single digit support in the 2016 presidential contest, former Maryland Gov. … More from The Washington Post: The Democratic hopeful this week began asking the roughly 30 staffers at his Baltimore headquarters … In recent cycles, major candidates have opted out of the antiquated matching system because it imposes state-by-state spending caps…
Choosing a GOP Nominee From the Inexperienced, Dishonest, Incompetent Phonies, Bullies and Downright Frauds
– WASHINGTON -- Americans are living in an age where too many of us no longer seriously question the promises and proposals of our presidentialcandidates. … We govern ourselves through a democratic process by choosing our leaders from a bevy of candidates, listening to their proposals, questioning…
Obama Drove Sunnis Into ISIS' Arms
– Among most members of the press and among Democratic officeholders (even, or perhaps especially, those who voted to approve the Iraq … When Jeb Bush entered the presidential race, he was quickly charged with fraternal guilt in the matter. … Nor have the Democratic candidates been asked about them.…
Not That it Matters ... but the Democrats are Still Debating…at-it-matters--but-the-democrats-are-still-debating-n2082989
– Talk about an exercise in futility and irony: The three remaining contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination next year, … You have to wonder if anybody but the candidates and their partisans bothered to tune in -- or anybody at all who wasn't duty-bound … For a Democratic president had just told the country and the world that any threat from the Islamic State, aka ISIS, had been contained…
Clinton Takes All Cakes
– The Republican Party had put up eight plausible presidential candidates on a stage on Nov. 10. … The Democratic losses in state legislatures "rank among the worst in the last 115 years, with 816 Democratic lawmakers losing their … Let the Republicans add that clip to their clips from the Democratic debate in Iowa.…
Obama Stubbornly Sticks to Script on Islamic State
– Had Hollande's speech been delivered by a Republican presidential candidate, Obama would probably have dismissed it as more popping … In a more rational climate, this would be a moment for presidential candidates with serious foreign policy chops to shine and for candidates … In Saturday's Democratic debate, all three of the candidates struggled as the ground shifted under their feet.…
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