Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Bettors Know Better Than Pundits
Presidential nominees are not yet taking up space in most people's minds. … But candidates' odds are somewhat off on that site because bettors may not trade more than $850 per candidate. … Sadly, Hillary Clinton is a 95 percent favorite to win the Democratic nomination and has a 55 percent chance of becoming our next president…
Inside the Garden of Political Town Hall Plants
– But they later turned out to include a former Arkansas Democratic director of political affairs, the president of the Islamic Society … --A young woman named "Journey" who questioned the candidates on abortion and whom CNN failed to properly identify as an outspoken … Bill Richardson's Democratic presidential bid. --A staffer for Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.; a former intern for Rep.…
Crazy Candidates, Crazy Election
– Other allies are worried about other over-the-top GOP candidates, like freshman Texas Sen. … The contest for the Democratic presidential nomination, between former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and Vermont Sen. … Bernie Sanders, who calls himself a "democratic socialist, is growing nastier, too.…
Will The Republican Establishment Stand Down?
– As Republicans prepare to cast their first presidential ballots in Iowa and New Hampshire, the field remains dominated by "outsider … " candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, while establishment favorites Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, John Kasich and Marco Rubio have been … stay home and tempting an aggrieved candidate to mount a third party or independent presidential campaign.…
The Divided State of the Union
– In the 1800 presidential election, a Federalist newspaper warned that under Thomas Jefferson, "murder, robbery, rape, adultery and … Not the 1940s, when our politics were so fractured that in the 1948 presidential election, the leftist Progressive Party and the white … supremacist States' Rights Democratic Party each got more than 2 percent of the popular vote.…
Seven Bad Habits of Highly Progressive People
– You may have noticed that Paul Ryan and the Republican presidential candidates were guests of the Jack Kemp Center in North Carolina … Unfortunately, there is no Democratic Jack Kemp. … There are some very wealthy Democrats who support reform but very few Democratic candidates.…
The Bogeymen of the 'Billionaire Class'
– Instead, he's got a plausible, if not yet entirely probable, shot at the Democratic presidential nomination. … According to, of the top five organizations -- i.e., unions and corporate PACs -- that give to federal candidates,…
Bizarro Theater: Pelosi Says She's Not For Abortion On Demand…emand-but-says-lawmakers-shouldnt-set-limits-either-n2103986
– Yet, it’s a piece of Bizarro Theater that captures how abortion has become the lynchpin for the Democratic Party. … To help them in this effort, Planned Parenthood, who we all know is one of the many groups allied with the Democratic Party, has tapped … Burgess managed Democratic Sen.…
Change Politics Launches New Grassroots Election Platformñoz/2016/01/14/changeo…es-new-grassroots-election-platform-change-politics-n2104571
– platform launched their new mobile web app and desktop site, Change Politics, Thursday morning, increasing access to candidates … in the presidential field. … Through Change Politics, users can submit questions directly to participating candidates, search through the endorsements from prominent…
Sanders Campaign Counter Punches: Hillary Is Using 'Karl Rove'-Like Tactics
– The battle brewing between the two headline-making Democratic presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, reached … Should Sanders beat her to the Democratic nomination, Clinton claimed the party would be forced to “rip up” the Affordable Care Act … “Clinton’s attacks on a Democratic Party rival over universal health care marks a very public flip flop by her and her campaign," Sanders…
Ideas, Inclusion and Inspiration
presidential nomination. … The two leading candidates are so flawed that they cannot win on their own. … Bernie Sanders, 74, a U.S. senator from Vermont who might win Iowa and New Hampshire, recently joined the Democratic Party.…
GOP Race Hasn't Stuck to the Script
– As Bill Clinton once said, "In every presidential election, Democrats want to fall in love. Republicans just fall in line." … There's a chance the power of love will still triumph in the Democratic primaries. … The so-called establishment GOP candidates look like they're re-enacting the fight scene in the movie "Anchorman," attacking one another…
Veterans, Trump and the Hypocrisy of the Democratic National Committee…the-hypocrisy-of-the-democratic-national-committee-n2112038
candidates. … (Emphasis added) “Once again, it’s insulting that Republican presidential candidates are using veterans like myself to get media … candidates and the Democratic National Committee."…
Poll: Only Half of Non-Trump Republican Voters Would Support Him in General Election…blican-voters-would-support-him-in-general-election-n2110994
– No other candidate registered in double digits...Only 50 percent of Republican primary voters who backed other candidates said they … would vote for Trump if he became the Republican presidential nominee. … The bulk of the remainder pledged they would vote for the Democratic nominee (13 percent); write in another candidate (13 percent);…
Finding Religion and God in the Presidential Caucuses and Party Primaries
– WASHINGTON -- The presidential candidates have been talking about God lately, which is understandable because most of them haven't … However, the self-described "democratic socialist" says he's "not actively involved with organized religion," although he believes … In fact, he was seen as the least religious of all the candidates.…
Missing From Both Parties' Candidates' Campaigns: Work
– So instead let's focus on a topic that candidates of either party haven't talked much about. … What do the 2016 presidential candidates propose to do about this? … The Democratic candidates haven't talked much about economic growth and jobs.…
It's the Negativity, Stupid
– Watching all the negativity flying around the stage at the Democratic Town Hall Forum the other night, something struck me. … But I bet half of the GOP candidates won't have the stomach to vote for the nominee in the fall. … If you believe all their negative ads and what the candidates say about each other and their ideas, it makes sense.…
Courage Versus Bravado
– The GOP leadership is unhappy about the current state of presidential primary affairs? … not because those candidates were strong advocates for conservative principles, but -- to quote Thomas Sowell -- "better a third-rate … Millions of Americans do not agree with the policies of the Democratic party, and are demanding political representation.…
Caucus Away
– This Monday, Iowa will kick off the 2016 presidential primary process. … for the Republican and Democratic parties. … Republican caucuses require valid ID; Democratic caucuses require none.…
The Most Unpredictable Presidential Election Cycle
– We are less than a week from the first electoral contest of the 2016 presidential cycle. … It is a phenomenon that has never been seen before in American presidential electoral politics. … One thing is certain, it is certainly the nation’s most unpredictable presidential election cycle. …
Corny Crony Capitalism in Iowa
– If you are a presidential candidate participating in Monday's Iowa caucuses and you support "the commonsense, bipartisan Renewable … Despite its simplicity, this single-item checklist is a useful test of character -- one that all but two candidates fail. … She changed her tune when she ran for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination, and this time around she is also keen on the ethanol…
The Rejection Election
– The consensus candidate of the Democratic Party elite, Hillary Clinton, has been thrown onto the defensive by a Socialist from Vermont … Seizing his opportunity, Nixon created a "New Majority" that would win four of five presidential elections from 1972 through 1988. … And minorities vote 80 percent Democratic.…
Effort Underway to Block State Dept From Delaying Clinton Email Release…lock-state-dept-from-delaying-clinton-email-release-n2109821
– “[I]f the Court allows State to delay release of thousands of pages of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s official … will be forced to vote without the benefit of important information to which it is entitled about the performance of one of the candidates
Cruz Has Been Right All Along
– Never mind that the only time we've resoundingly won these elections -- presidential and congressional -- is when we've run decidedly … conservative candidates or pushed strongly conservative themes. … establishment has always justified their position by claiming that we didn't have the votes to override Obama's vetoes or overcome Democratic
Iowa Caucuses a Week Away, and Both Parties Spilling Blood
– But before our presidential candidates do any more harm to what a few of us still consider the republic, what of the Iowa caucuses … The use of the federal hammer is actually the statist Democratic position. … But other Democrats wonder who the Democratic establishment might draft, if Hillary's email issue becomes truly septic and the FBI…
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