Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Why Liberals Win
– Aside from random candidates pledging to serve X number of terms, they aren’t talked about anymore with regularity on a national scale … Most say they are waiting to get behind the plan of the eventual presidential nominee. But that’s not a strategy. … Not a day goes by I don’t get some email from the Democratic National Committee or Organizing for America or some other left-wing group…
‘Disturbed’ by Planned Parenthood Video, House GOP Launch Investigation…ed-by-planned-parenthood-video-launch-investigation-n2025903
– GOP presidential candidates like Carly Fiorina shared the video with her supporters, along with a statement that defined the undercover … Democratic candidates, meanwhile, are mum.…
Hillary’s Job Killing “Growth and Fairness” Plan Isn’t Fair and it Won’t Spur Economic Growth
– "Twice now in the past 20 years, a Democratic president has had to come in and clean up the mess," she said. … At a 2008 party gathering of presidential candidates in Washington, D.C., New Mexico Gov. … Such is the tax-crazed disease that now infects every nook and cranny of the Democratic Party's base.…
GOP Presidential Candidates Blast Iran Deal
– GOP presidential candidates aren't wasting any time blasting President Obama's deal with the Iranians over their nuclear program.  … I will do everything in my power to work with the Senate to oppose this deal, including reaching out to Democratic senators.…
#CommittedToCommunity: GOP Launches Campaign Reaching Out to Black Voters in Ohio…hes-campaign-aimed-at-wooing-black-and-urban-voters-n2024950
– It will begin today with faith-based outreach in Columbus and will end Aug. 6, the date of the first GOP presidential primary debate … candidates. … Orlando Watson, the RNC's communications director for black media, says Republicans want to capitalize on interest in the presidential
Fail: Presidential Longshot Raises Just $30,000 in First Quarter…ential-candidate-struggling-mightily-to-raise-money-n2024823
– The former Rhode Island governor, a Republican-turned-independent who’s running for the Democratic presidential nomination, raised … "He is looking forward to being in Iowa with the other candidates," she said. Well, perhaps he should. … By the way, it seems Democratic primary-goers just aren’t all that interested in “progressive” presidential candidates who, during…
Democrats Threw Everything They Had At Scott Walker—And Still Lost…w-everything-they-had-at-scott-walkerand-still-lost-n2024798
– Scott Walker has hit every item on this list, and he did so in a deep blue state; Wisconsin hasn’t gone red in a presidential election … Walker announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination today, and his accomplishments and defeat of the Democratic … The GOP field is crowded with really great candidates, but even in the absence of a formal campaign, Scott Walker has consistently…
Thoughts on Trump and His Critics
– For years, Republicans, including and especially many of those who have entered the presidential field, have ached every bit as much … as their Democratic counterparts for “comprehensive immigration reform”—i.e. amnesty. … Republican governors like Rick Perry and Jeb Bush, presidential candidates who have taken to blasting Trump, along with their colleague…
Bernie Sanders Is the Future of the Democratic Party
– popular socialist presidential candidate. … Or, maybe: The rise of Bernie Sanders portends a socialistic future for the Democratic Party. … Sanders can draw 10,000 fervent fans at a campaign event in Wisconsin -- a number that would be envied by most presidential candidates
They Are Troubled by Trump
– The 2016 Republican primary has the deepest bench of candidates since that year. … On paper, Trump should not be an issue for any of these candidates, given his background. … But Trump has something these other candidates are struggling to find: voice.…
Tammy Baldwin: First Amendment Foe
– Her strongly-backed conservative counterpart was former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, also a presidential candidate, but chiefly … Baldwin also signed on with the short-lived Democratic majority in the US Senate last year, when 49 senators voted to gut the First … Because of negative press, perhaps particularly from US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), the Democratic US Senators changed the text :…
Voters to G.O.P.: We're Just Not That Into Immigrants
– For years, Republican candidates have been assured by their political consultants that amnesty is a runaway hit with the public. … After Bush's party was wiped out in the midterm elections, the Democratic-controlled Congress seemed certain to pass amnesty. … His current presidential website denounces "the Washington establishment" for trying to "reward illegal immigrants with amnesty and…
Hillary – You Are No Bill Clinton
– during her post-First Lady years, she has held numerous positions of high public visibility; including United States Senator, presidential … normal” life, it is doubtful Hillary has the ability to relate to anyone outside the Washington Beltway and beyond well-defined Democratic … Bill won a close election against Bush I in 1992, by keeping the traditional Democratic base and interest groups together while pulling…
Step Aside, Hillary. It's Time for Oprah 2016
– Well, the Democratic front-runner is in deep trouble, imploding. … Now don't get me started on that Vice President Joe Biden presidential fantasy. … The Republicans have too many candidates, the Democrats have too few.…
Could Trump Win?
– Compared to Trump, all the other candidates, including Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, are boring. … Presidential primaries are minefields for the incautious, and Trump is not a cautious man. … For almost all of the candidates who will have dropped out by then will have endorsed the last man standing against Trump.…
Trump Stumps Against (and For) Walker
candidates and causes. … Ultimately, Trump’s side-show is boosting other candidates, including Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. … Most Republican presidential candidates have talked about doing the right things.…
A Tale Of Two Deaths: How Democrats Treat Victims Differently Based On Race…w-democrats-treat-victims-differently-based-on-race-n2030297
– All the Democratic Party presidential candidates have come under fire from the #BlackLivesMatter crowd for not addressing the…
Could the Sleeping Giant Be Awakening?
– Trump is resonating because, as a presidential candidate, he is giving public voice to many of the concerns that have Americans beside … Democratic candidates have no fear of making controversial statements or even of taking extreme positions, because the liberal media … The same is true of some of the other candidates.…
Reality Show: Hillary and The Donald Share Top Billing
– --Popular song of the past In separate but equally bizarre performances, two presidential candidates showed up in Arkansas last … weekend, Hillary Clinton at a Democratic rally in North Little Rock and Donald Trump in Hot Springs, where exotic acts have long been … This is the presidential candidate who complains about income inequality.…
Martin O'Malley, Unknown but Not Implausible
– Yet last week, the Iowa Democratic Party hosted a dinner so masochists could hear five White House aspirants deliver speeches. … A new Washington Post-ABC News poll gives him 2 percent of Democratic voters. … Does any of this matter in a race against two far more famous candidates? Maybe not.…
No Lives Matter
– Netroots Nation, which is sort of like a CPAC for the left, #BlackLivesMatter threw its latest temper tantrum by shouting two Democratic … Party presidential candidates off the stage. … Cities where black people live in this country are where the Democratic Party has a solid, generational grip on power.…
Why People Like Trump
– Last week, 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump dropped his second headline-making comment of the race. … Trump's rival candidates leapt on the opportunity to throw dirt on Trump's political grave. … Like Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side, Trump is so flawed a candidate that it's difficult to tell where the fatal flaw may lie…
Florida: We Decide the White House
– As we draw closer to the 2016 primary and presidential elections, the nation’s eyes will be on the key, swing state of Florida. … In nine of the last 10 presidential elections, Florida has voted for the overall winning candidate – making Florida the most influential … Florida will now be the first winner-take-all primary in the country, ensuring that all presidential campaigns will have to spend a…
WSJ on Trump: Take Out the Trash, Republicans
– William Jennings Bryan won three Democratic presidential nominations running against eastern elites. … His temperament is the opposite of presidential.  And, importantly, he is not a conservative.   … Every hour Donald Trump continues to suck up political and media oxygen is an hour that credible conservative candidates struggle to…
Walker v. Common Core: The Core Issue
– With Election 2016 underway, and the cadre of Republican candidates prepped for initial debates, the attacks against Wisconsin Gov … To her credit, Berry identifies that his Democratic predecessor, Jim Doyle, adopted Common Core and initially sought the funding. … Before Walker’s Presidential campaign kick-off, Berry commented an open letter from Common Core opponents to Walker.…
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