Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Clinton Echoes Sanders' Economic Policies
– Bernie Sanders -- one of Clinton's rivals for the Democratic nomination -- many of which she supports: Raising the federal minimum … According to a voter survey this week by the Gallup Poll, "Democratic candidates for the 2016 presidential nomination face a significantly … If that happens, she risks becoming the Walter Mondale or Michael Dukakis of the 2016 presidential election.…
Gallup: Yes, Democrats Are More Liberal Now Than They Were 15 Years Ago…ts-are-more-liberal-now-than-they-were-15-years-ago-n2014269
Democratic candidates for the 2016 presidential nomination face a significantly more left-leaning party base than their predecessors … Forty-seven percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents now identify as both socially liberal and economically moderate…
Public Nuisances
– Surely the Democratic Party can do better than to field a presidential nominee who trails behind her a 25-year record of scandal. … Trust me, the Democratic Party is coming alive. … My answer to them is that a multiplicity of good candidates is better than the Democrats' scarcity of candidates.…
Hillary's Scary Ghost Tales
– For whatever reason, Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided to accuse a slew of Republican governors and presidential candidates of "systematically … they are, have begun to fight back by reciting the facts, little as those may matter to Ms., Mrs., Sen., Secretary, First Lady, Presidential … There was always a New Nixon -- the old leopard was always claiming to have changed his spots -- whenever he revived his presidential
The Iranian-American Nuclear Project
– Although the possibility that a sufficient number of Democratic senators will oppose the deal to override a presidential veto is remote … To this end, US Jewish groups and other organizations must demand that all presidential candidates – including Hillary Clinton – commit … By doing so, Israel stands a chance of separating the issue of Democratic support for Obama from Democratic opposition to the nuclear…
Jindal Enters 2016 Race, Says Jeb Bush Isn't Conservative Enough
– He’s polling abysmally (although, in fairness, it’s still early) and all the big donors, it seems, are looking at other candidates. … explicitly attacked a candidate who gives good speeches — but isn’t necessarily conservative enough to defeat the presumptive Democratic … Jindal, for his part, is the 13th Republican contender to officially launch a presidential bid.…
Game Time: Chris Christie Set to Announce Presidential Bid Next Week…christie-set-to-announce-presidential-bid-next-week-n2016762
– He will be the 14th person to throw his hat into the presidential ring. … Christie's presidential prospects, which once seemed unshakable, have dampened over the course of his governorship — particularly during … More socially conservative candidates like Ted Cruz, Rick Perry and Mike Huckabee will soak up just about every inch of support from…
The Ever Expanding Electorate, New York Style
– .…” If the Democratic Party and its constituent groups have their way, the Big Apple’s non-citizen immigrants will be singing that … York City” campaign, which its organizers call “an initiative to mobilize immigrant New Yorkers in preparation for the 2016 Presidential … Elias’s clients include four major national Democratic Party committees — as well as the Clinton presidential campaign, which is not…
Gov. O'Malley's Squib Load On Gun Control
– O'Malley's choice of words -- more common among teenagers than presidential candidates -- seemed a gambit to attract attention to a … O'Malley's proposals are more specific than anything his Democratic rivals, including former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton…
From Beyond the Fringe, It's Donald Trump
– Do the GOP's serious candidates really want to share the spotlight with a loudmouth who spent much of the last presidential election … Sure enough, he has been a major backer of Democratic candidates, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into Democratic campaigns … Trump isn't a conservative, he isn't a Republican, and he isn't a presidential candidate.…
Walker vs. The Media
candidates like Ted Cruz have also called out the left-wing slant of the “objective” media. … A last minute Democratic smear-fest in June, 2012 attempted to shame Walker as an absentee father of a love child. … Yes, they wanted to stomp on Walker’s presidential prospects by debunking a story about a sweater.…
Bernie: Let's Face It, Real Unemployment is Way Higher Than Obama Will Admit…wh-says-official-unemployment-figures-are-nonsense-n2022167
– Will every Democratic candidate in America be asked to respond to it?   … What we have here are competing narratives at the highest levels of the Democratic Party.   … The sitting president is telling Americans that the country's fortunes are dramatically improving, while one of the top candidates
WSJ: By the Way, Rick Perry's Major Address on Race Was Excellent
– crowd at a famous journalism center, in part by making a direct — and impassioned — pitch to African-Americans in a way other candidates … simply have not: The media continue to dismiss Republican Rick Perry’s presidential prospects even as they pretend that Democrat … Indeed, Lincoln said it best when, writing a friend in the Democratic Party shortly before taking the presidential oath of office,…
No Governor, A Willingness To Compromise Is Not What We Need…nor-a-willingness-to-compromise-is-not-what-we-need-n2021224
– On the other hand, these general statements could have also been made by any of the candidates running in either party. … The candidates the GOP served up during the last two elections were good men but were obviously unable to win the fight. … One phrase he used was “reach across the aisle to our friends in the democratic party.”…
College Students Cheering Sanders Should Take A Step Back…e-students-cheering-sanders-should-take-a-step-back-n2020719
– college students, many of whom may not be able to find a good full-time job when they graduate, were cheering socialism at a Democratic … The reigning left-wing ideology among the University of Wisconsin's student body is tailor-made for Sanders and for presidential candidates … Not a pretty picture of Obama's economy, or for the Democratic presidential candidates who want to follow him into the White House…
SCOTUS: Congress Doesn't Want to 'Destroy' Our Health-Care System? Oh, Yes, It Does!…ant-to-destroy-our-healthcare-system-oh-yes-it-does-n2020232
– Howard Dean, the former Democratic National Committee chair, also describes Obamacare as just a step toward the elimination of our … During the 2008 presidential campaign, Dean talked about the health-care proposals of Democratic candidates Barack Obama and Sen. … while someday we may end up with a single-payer system, it's clear that we're not going to do it all at once, so I think both candidates
Uh Oh: Survey Shows Hillary Will Have a Tough Time Turning Out Democratic Voters…s-hillary-will-have-a-tough-time-turning-out-voters-n2019908
– , said during a reporter roundtable organized by the Christian Science Monitor.Their skepticism doesn’t turn on the idea of a Democratic … Warren has so far refrained from endorsing any Democratic presidential candidate, but she sure sounded enthusiastic about Bernie when … I think all the presidential candidates should be out talking about the big issues."…
Socialist Sanders Gains in Polls and Declared a "Real Threat" to Hillary for the 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominaton
presidential nomination. … Goodman who titled his analysis "Why Bernie Sanders Will Become the Democratic Nominee and Defeat Any Republican." … If he "wins both the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, the odds will favor him getting the Democratic nomination.…
VIDEO: Let's Change The Name Of The Jefferson-Jackson Dinner
– So, this happened (via Richmond Times-Dispatch): Hillary Rodham Clinton will headline the Democratic Party of Virginia’s annual … vote- and cash-rich region of this crucial presidential swing state. … This year, with several major 2016 presidential candidates up and running, Clinton’s high-profile visit — her first campaign stop in…
Millennials in Shock Over Hillary's Cribs
– Last year, when Hillary was then just a presumptive Democratic presidential candidate, a majority of voters, 55 percent, felt … To that end, Campus Reform’s Cabot Phillips decided to play a little game with millennials called “Candidates' Cribs.” … Phillips stopped young people in our nation’s capital to see if they could guess which presidential candidate had lived in a series…
GOPAC Returns To Its Roots In Prepping For 2016
– Yet, we have a huge presidential election coming up against a huge, though flawed, political machine that’s being helmed by Hillary … Regarding the long game, it’s possible that Democrats could have trouble finding a new deep bench of candidates after the Nancy Pelosis … State-based Democratic Party apparatuses have “atrophied (especially in rural America),” and Hillary Clinton has made it her pet project…
Obama Donors Feeling The Bern, Romney’s Outfit Rally Around Rubio
– As Dan wrote in March, Rubio and Romney have been in talks regarding his then much-speculated presidential run; he would formally … Right now, Rubio is one of the top candidates in the 2016 GOP field. … On the Democratic side, many of Obama’s donors from the 2012 cycle are flocking to Sen.…
Hillary’s Complicated Relationship With Coal Country
– In the proverbial war on coal, Hillary Clinton, the presumptive 2016 Democratic nominee, seems to be on a charted path towards a complicated … It’s this pragmatic mindset Clinton holds that doesn’t sit well with the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. … candidates.…
The War on Ordinary People
– They may feel helpless right now, but they have something Republican presidential candidates need if they are to get a chance to undo … I think Romney was speaking not of these ordinary people, but of hardcore Democratic constituencies. Reach out. … But here's a bulletin to all Republican candidates: if you have realistic hopes of being president, you have to reach out to the ordinary…
Leave the Department of Education Behind
– Two weeks before the 1980 presidential election, the Associated Press published a story explaining that the two major-party candidates … John Boehner and Democratic Sen. Ted Kennedy. Republican President George W.…
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