Results for: voted to

House Passes Bill Codifying Definition of Antisemitism
– Mike Lawler (R-NY), who spoke to Townhall to preview his bill earlier in the week. … America" and "death to Israel," among others." … Codifying a single definition of antisemitism like we just voted to do will help the Department of Education and school administrators…
These Democrats Refused to Stand by Israel in Face of Antisemitic College Protests…d-by-israel-in-face-of-antisemitic-college-protests-n2638648
– Because in 1985, UC Berkley students' protests led to the END OF APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICAIn July 1986, the university voted to divest … He too went to Binghamton. …  "Leave it to extreme Democrats to cower to leftist pro-terror mobs calling for the genocide of Jews.…
The White House Correspondents Host a Biden Rally
– They loved that joke on CNN.Like last year, Biden thought it was funny to insist he doesn't have to grant access to reporters because … Biden thinks a pro-Biden media needs to deliver: "I'm sincerely not asking you to take sides but asking you to rise up to the seriousness … Decency is how we're able to be here tonight, Decency is how we're able to make jokes about each other, and one of us doesn't go to
Biden Administration Continues to Misdiagnose and Mistreat the Violent Crime Problem…misdiagnose-and-mistreat-the-violent-crime-problem-n2638575
– Your responsibility is to properly diagnose a patient’s illness and then prescribe the appropriate treatment to heal them. … The ATF recently announced measures to finalize a new rule to dramatically redefine which types of gun sellers are required to conduct … Senator Joni Ernst, (R-IA), who voted for the BSCA, remarked that “President Biden is twisting the law to fit his liberal gun-grabbing…
Omar Faces Censure Threat for Her Recent Comments at Columbia University
–  I had to listen twice to make sure I heard this right because it’s utterly repulsive. … Somali-American constituents, but it has not been voted on. … "Attempts to misconstrue her words by drafting this baseless resolution are meant to distract from the ongoing violence and genocide…
Here's How Biden Chose to Commemorate the Dobbs Leak…ure-had-a-telling-way-of-reminding-us-of-dobbs-leak-n2638591
– In Harris' home state of California, they voted to legalize abortion up until birth for any reason. … But we are not going to let that happen," the vice president then says to try to offer a glimmer of hope. … to sign.…
Spoiled Brats at Columbia Have a New Ludicrous 'Demand'…ludicrous-demand-from-the-spoiled-brats-at-columbia-n2638590
– It signals that at least some at Columbia want students to be able to walk the campus without harassment—and life to get back to normal … They choose to argue that they are righteous to advocate for our death. Wake up!” … Or maybe they tried and got out-voted anyway.…
Senate Republicans Make Their Thoughts About Biden's Plan to Accept Palestinian Refugees Known
– "Your administration’s reported plan to accept Gazan refugees poses a national security risk to the United States. …  "We urge you to suspend plans to accept the refugees until you answer the following questions and redirect your efforts to saving … ask Biden to answer the following questions.…
Schumer's Speech Calling Out Pro-Hamas Protests at Columbia 'Doesn't Go Far Enough' Warns Lawler…e-floor-to-call-out-pro-hamas-agitators-at-columbia-n2638476
– On Tuesday, he finally went to the Senate floor to condemn the protests and the rampant antisemitism, as well as the threats against … building to be commandeered for him to realize that problem." … Thomas Massie (R-KY), who has often voted against such bills, voting to send the bill forward.…
Columbia University Senate Accuses Shafik of Undermining Academic Freedom By Arresting Pro-Hamas Students…emands-for-an-investigation-into-schools-leadership-n2638367
– The Columbia University Senate voted in a 62-14 vote to launch an investigation into the school’s leadership amid the anti-Israel protests … However, the protestors quickly returned to the school to continue to rile up and attack Israeli students. …  “Columbia has attempted to cover up for Shafik’s lies updating their website to show Massad as ‘outgoing chair’ but refuse to
AOC Doubles Down on Support for Pro-Hamas Protests
– Moskowitz has voted in favor of this and other bills providing aid to Israel, and was also the Democratic co-sponsor of some of the … It’s why I voted for aid to Israel and for aid to Gaza. … to respond.…
Biden Responds to Trump's Challenge to Debate Before November…ponds-to-trumps-challenge-to-debate-before-november-n2638331
– "I look forward to receiving a response. Thank you for your attention to this matter!" … Trump said in another post a few days later "IT'S TIME FOR CROOKED JOE BIDEN AND I TO DEBATE - WE OWE IT TO OUR COUNTRY. … Following the 2020 cycle, however, the members of the Republican National Committee voted to withdraw its nominees over unaddressed…
Should Republicans Be Concerned About the Pennsylvania Primary Results?…be-concerned-about-the-pennsylvania-primary-results-n2638202
to send a disturbing message to President Biden over Hamas and Gaza. … Trump went on to carry the state that year, by a very slim margin. …  Will these people all find a way to actually vote, though?…
Senate Passes Foreign Aid Package, Sending It to President Biden to Sign
– Late on Tuesday night, the Senate passed a $95 billion foreign aid package providing assistance to Israel, to Ukraine, to Taiwan, and … GOP flips from the final vote on February bill to advancing bill today.All of these folks voted against in Feb. and currently voting … "I want to thank Leader Schumer, Leader McConnell, and all of the bipartisan lawmakers in the Senate who voted for this bill.…
Trump Comes to Johnson's Defense
–  The 45th president said in a radio interview with Chris Stigall that the speaker was in a tough spot due to the GOP’s slim majority …  “And you can’t really get too tough when — Look, we all want to be tough guys and all, and I have a lot of friends, and frankly … “You know, if you look at the vote, a lot of Republicans, a lot of good Republicans, voted for it.…
Republican Jewish Coalition Endorses Bob Good's Primary Opponent Due to Vote Against Aid for Israel
– Good also brought up how he "led a press conference in March to condemn the Biden Administration's efforts to undermine Israel with …  "Twice, I voted against BORROWING billions of dollars for foreign aid, and pleaded unsuccessfully for the Speaker to include … to its safety and security."…
1968 Returns as Biden’s Nightmare
– Kennedy, Jr., and Democrats are doing all they can to obstruct his access to ballots. … “I spoke on the floor in support of my amendment to eliminate an additional blank check of $16B to @POTUS Biden hidden in this bill … given to trans and intersex community leaders” to advance their ideology in India.Sen.…
State Department: Ukraine Has 'Significant' Human Rights Issues…artment-ukraine-has-significant-human-rights-issues-n2638189
– The Republican-controlled House of Representatives last Saturday voted 311 to 112 to approve a bill to spend $60.89 billion on aid … Among House Democrats, it won 210 to 0. … On Tuesday, the Senate voted 79 to 18 to approve it -- with Republicans casting 15 of the 18 votes against it.…
'Pathetic': DeSantis Blasts House Republicans for Giving Up Their Leverage on Top Voter Concern
to insist that Biden accept the border if he wanted all the foreign aid, and they decided to capitulate, and so he got everything … the House failing to pass a border security bill while giving the green light to a foreign aid package. … The conservatives it was meant to appeal to slammed it as a “show vote.”The border security bill – nearly identical to legislation…
The Alarming Implications of Trump's Immunity Claim…nal-prosecution-by-avoiding-impeachment-and-removal-n2638175
– indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law." … forestall that result is to commit crimes toward the end of his term in office. … the Watergate scandal.Nixon resigned after articles of impeachment were proposed but before the House voted on them.…
Former Democratic Rep. Who Lost to John Fetterman Sure Doesn't Like the Senator He Turned Out to Be…an-sure-doesnt-like-the-senator-he-turned-out-to-be-n2638180
– John Fetterman (D-PA) has turned out to be a pleasant surprise, especially but not merely when it comes to his support for Israel. … qualities to retiring Sen. … “There is a head-spinning quality to it,” Lamb, who lost to Fetterman in their Senate primary, said in an interview with HuffPost.…
Another Poll on Battleground States Is Here to Toss Cold Water on Biden's Supposed Gains
– go to appeal to them. … Trump's back to leading once more. …  Wednesday brought not only this latest release of polls, but also news that the Arizona House had voted to repeal the law, with…
Democrat Makes Bizarre Comment on the Russia-Ukraine Border After Massive Aid Package Passed…sia-ukraine-border-after-massive-aid-package-passed-n2638072
– Will we rise to the occasion? … In case it wasn’t obvious, I voted NO.”Rep. …  “America’s border isn’t secure but they voted to send tens of billions more to secure Ukraine’s,” he wrote …
'Repulsive:' MTG Goes Scorched Earth After Massive Ukraine Aid Package Approved
– Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) doubled down on her efforts to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) after he voted in favor of a $60 …  She lashed out and criticized both Republicans and Democrats who voted for the massive aid package for refusing to help their …  Mike Johnson betrayed America once again.After doing nothing to secure America’s Southern border, reauthorizing FISA to spy on…
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