Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Sheldon Whitehouse Denies Reality on IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups…ies-reality-on-irs-targeting-of-conservative-groups-n2606854
– illustrations, deploring dark money but never admitting that tax-exempt groups aligned with Democrats funnel billions in donations to candidates … recent New York Times report that dark money groups aligned with Democrats spent more than $1.5 billion throughout the 2020 presidential … Behind every major Democratic policy initiative - climate change, social justice, election reform - is a network of well-funded non-profit…
Losing the People? Then Change the Rules
– FDR's gambit was so blatantly political that even his overwhelming Democratic majority in Congress rebuffed him. … But the drafters of the Constitution felt it forced candidates to visit rural areas. … That is, America today is 50 unique states that are represented as such in presidential elections.…
Candidates Endorsed By GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik Win Big on Tuesday Night in Indiana and Ohio…idates-won-big-on-tuesday-night-in-indiana-and-ohio-n2606778
– Tuesday night's primaries in Indiana and Ohio were a big night for candidates endorsed by prominent members of the Republican Party … Trump wasn't the only key Republican figure endorsing winning candidates, though. … He won the Democratic primary on Tuesday night, handily, with 73.2 percent of the vote.…
Why Georgia Gov. Kemp Tops the Polls Despite Trump's Bid to Take Him Down…tops-the-polls-despite-trumps-bid-to-take-him-down-n2606643
– Senate candidates — Republican or Democrat — that year. … "I'm worried that Perdue's term as governor would be more stacked towards helping out Trump in his 2024 (presidential) bid instead … Southard said he's impressed Kemp evaded the controversies that Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams tried to bait him with in 2018.…
The Accidentally Elected
– Denton, for example, lost to Democratic Rep. Richard Shelby in 1986. Shelby is now the retiring Republican senator from Alabama. … Howard Baker who had, ironically, run in the Republican presidential primary to stop Ronald Reagan, became Senate majority leader. … They intend to portray Republican candidates across the country as extremists, out of touch and radical.…
It's Not Exactly Trump's Republican Party
– You can make the case it is, as partisan Democrats do, from the victories of various candidates endorsed by the former president in … In Ohio, Trump disappointed several pro-Trump Senate candidates when he endorsed "Hillbilly Elegy" author and onetime Trump skeptic … Certainly, all three candidates (who, oddly in a state with a high percentage of residents born there, all made most of their careers…
Trump's Endorsement Comes Through as State Sen. Doug Mastriano Wins PA Gubernatorial Primary
– Doug Mastriano has been declared the Republican nominee for governor in a crowded primary of eight Republican candidates total. … As I highlighted last July, Mastriano had initiated a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election, which he outlined in an op-ed … The race has been considered "Tilt Democratic" by Inside Elections, while Cook Political Report and Sabato's Crystal Ball regard it…
Donald Trump Made His Endorsement in the PA Gubernatorial Race and People Definitely Have Thoughts…ernatorial-race-and-people-definitely-have-thoughts-n2607252
– Choosing from eight candidates, Trump went with State Sen. Doug Mastriano.  NEW!President Donald J. … Trump went on to note that Mastriano "has revealed the Deceit, Corruption, and outright Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election, and … presidential candidate's victory in Pennsylvania in 2024 will be certified."…
The Conservative Populist Coalition Has Grown in Pennsylvania. What That Means Going Forward Is Important…sylvania-what-that-means-going-forward-is-important-n2607696
– stumbled onto the cracked Back Road street sign in this Franklin County unincorporated town years ago, while covering the 2012 presidential … As a consequence, they handed his Democratic Party a huge shellacking in this state's Senate, gubernatorial and House races. … It didn't hurt Casey and Wolf to have two very different yet weak Republican candidates running against them.…
MAGA Must Prevail in GOP Fight
candidates running against Republicans aligned with the “MAGA” agenda.  … They were not energized so conservative candidates lost the party’s presidential nomination in the next election cycle.  … These candidates subsequently lost to the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. …
Some Ultra MAGA Candidates Have Serious Problems and May Cost Republicans a House Majority…problems-and-may-cost-republicans-a-house-majority-n2607581
– There are other candidates portraying themselves as MAGA who can’t use the cover of being pro-Trump to mask serious problems with their … failed presidential candidate Evan McMullin who is running to unseat Sen. … It is time for Republicans to get smart and strategic when picking candidates to put up against a Democratic Party facing historic…
– Former President Donald Trump has signaled he will announce his presidential intentions after the November midterm elections. … His pick of a dismal Kamala Harris as vice president has likely ensured, for now, fewer viable Democratic presidential candidates in … As for the Democratic landscape, it will not be the case that Joe Biden may choose to run.…
Debates vs. Debates
– The same cannot be said for U.S. presidential debates. … Next week, 10 Republican presidential candidates will gather on a stage in Cleveland, Ohio, behind podiums like "Jeopardy" contestants … candidates can use to their advantage.…
The Strange Death of the Center-Left
presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on the West Coast and the likelihood that the far-left Jeremy Corbyn will be elected next month … Democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections. … But both candidates repudiate the architects of their parties' initial victories in the 1990s, Bill Clinton and Tony Blair.…
An Inconvenient Truth…
– Hillary Clinton’s presidential aspirations appear to be falling apart as a result of her lying about Benghazi – among many other things … As a result, the Democratic Party has begun to send out feelers to see if there’s any other potential candidates out there they can … muster for the 2016 presidential contest.…
In The Battle For Statewide Offices, Women Are Key–And The GOP Knows It…statewide-offices-women-are-keyand-the-gop-knows-it-n2040048
– This is something that is notably missing on the Democratic side. … Not since the Hoover Administration has the Democratic Party’s overall power been so low. … Right now, the window for finding solid Democratic House candidates is closing fast.…
Biden 2016: Only One Term?
– Biden allies also have set their sights on Geocities founder and tech investor David Bohnett, a longtime Democratic donor. … The publication noted this has always been something of a weak spot in a Biden presidential campaign. … If Vice President Joe Biden makes the leap into the Democratic presidential race, he could promise that he would serve just one term…
Trump's Conservative Problem
Presidential candidate Donald Trump recently said something which will give pause to social and fiscal conservatives. … The democratic party left me.” Reagan was committed to equal rights, limited government, and a strong defense. … Few candidates meet such criteria other than Senator Ted Cruz.…
The Donald Dilemma
– Indeed, when it comes to trumpeting his achievements, none of the candidates has the capacity to out-trumpet Mr. Trump. … This, even after his boorish performance during Fox News' presidential debate last Thursday night. … candidate Hillary Clinton rather than put his support behind any of the other Republican candidates.…
The Widespread Panic Among Democrats
presidential race has become interesting. … Vice President Joe Biden has already lost two presidential bids. … If elected, all of these Democratic candidates will continue the Obama legacy of higher taxes and deficit spending.…
Why Yes–Obama’s Clean Power Plan Punishes Red States And Pretty Much Everyone Else…n-punishes-red-states-and-pretty-much-everyone-else-n2038714
– It pits the president against GOP governors once again, with some presidential candidates possibly weighing in as this regulatory nightmare … country, which is a sector that usually carries seven support jobs, you can see on paper that this administration, nay, this Democratic … What better revenge than to slow their economies and make them purchase credits from Democratic states such as California and Washington…
Folks, Biden 2016 Could Be Happening
– This could easily flame out, like Biden’s other past presidential runs. … Veep lacks a base of support: Biden pulls proportionally from all the Democratic candidates. … Major Democratic figures have publicly argued against his candidacy.…
Getting Through the Debate to the American Dream
– The Republican candidates who demonstrated in the first debate that they "get it" were the candidates who kept their focus on the … Once out of Donald Trump's shadow, and past the noise of loud, vulgar self-promotion, these candidates had serious things to say about … The candidates who brought hope and optimism to the debate, not doom and gloom, got our attention.…
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton: Incapable of Embarrassment…rump-and-hillary-clinton-incapable-of-embarrassment-n2038610
– Thursday presidential debate, an unprecedentedly enormous audience. … And 6 million watched the 5 p.m. debate featuring candidates with low poll numbers. … But what did viewers think of the other 16 candidates?…
If I Were a Democrat I’d be Embarrassed
– Watching Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina during the recent debate, and in fact during each of her television interviews … Fiorina has begun to rise in the polls and may indeed present a real threat to Democrats if she is the eventual presidential, or even … vice presidential nominee, the Democratic dirt merchants are sure to soon crawl out of their holes in the ground, looking to slime…
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