Results for: is the us at war with iran

Orgy of Guilt
– In our counsels, the great issue we're relitigating is whether Tony Blair should be tried for war crimes at the International Criminal … Bush lied us into war in Iraq and opened the prison in Guantanamo. … The problem with this account is that jihadism predated Bush by decades.…
Islam Needs a Reformation
– Indeed, fundamentalist Islam is gaining adherents throughout the world, and autocratic regimes in Iran and the Persian Gulf States … The chief opposition to the regime is the National Council of Resistance of Iran, whose president-elect, Maryam Rajavi, is an outspoken … If she is not afraid to name the danger for what it is, why should we hesitate to say that Islamic fundamentalism is a threat to us
Scalise and Duke, Democrats and Castro. Let’s Compare
– Duke is also extremely “nuanced” with regard to U.S. “bullying” of Iran. … He denounces the U.S. embargo of Iran because it “only hurts the Iranian people,” and is supported by a “tiny but rich powerful cabal … Fidel Castro’s murder toll, on the other hand, is estimated at close to 100,000.)…
2015 State of the Union Full Transcript
– Our diplomacy is at work with respect to Iran, where, for the first time in a decade, we've halted the progress of its nuclear program … Leading - always - with the example of our values. That's what makes us exceptional. That's what keeps us strong. … So the question for those of us here tonight is how we, all of us, can better reflect America's hopes.…
A SOTU Over Before Its Begun
– Bush and the GOP got "thumped" over the conduct of the war in Iraq in November 2006, 43 responded to the will of the people, made changes … , announced the Surge, and graciously welcomed Nancy Pelosi as the first woman Speaker at the start of his 2007 State of the Union … He is out of ideas and out of gas, and the country is out of patience with the in-over-his-head president and his D Team of short-timers…
Learning to Lie as the World Burns
– It is a war that is being waged on all continents by several radicalized Muslim groups whose dictionaries omit the word “mercy.” … : “Constant systematic dissembling is required of the vast majority of us. … Our soul takes up room in space and sits inside us like the teeth in our mouth. It cannot be endlessly violated with impunity.”…
Iraqi Ambassador to the US: We Must Cleanse Iraq of ISIS
– for us and we are at the very first phase of it. … But the obligation is on us, as Iraqis, to protect that. … Any factor that will reduce the tension would be what comes by us. Iran is a significant regional player.…
From Salman Rushdie to Charlie Hebdo
– Nor did Western diplomats revise their approach to Iran, their ardent quest to achieve détente with the Islamic Republic. … This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of the bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year, unless by a supreme recovery … At the very least, the Charlie Hebdo attack should remind us how much damage can be done by even a small group of terrorists waging…
War of Ideas
– West have deceived themselves about: that the war we are engaged in is a war of ideas. … Islamists have once again reminded us that freedom itself is their target. This discomfits the left. … As the Middle East scholar Daniel Pipes has argued for decades: "Radical Islam is the problem. Moderate Islam is the answer."…
Turkey Sulks as Kurds Claim Victory Over ISIS
– Comment: The US State Department's remarks are the signal that the US national security community has concluded that Kobani is now … The Kurds won this battle with US air support and with help from Turkish and Iraqi Kurds. … To everyone who is trying to challenge us at the northern border, I recommend that they look (at) what happened not far away, in Gaza…
Obama's Narcissistic Dissing of Israel
The Drudge Report led its page Thursday morning with the headline "Outrage at Israel," over a photo of Obama scowling at Netanyahu. … Obama has repeatedly assured us that his administration is monitoring Iran, while Iran has pressed forward and the administration has … Then please explain to the rest of us how your diplomacy has been working out with Iran -- not to mention Russia and the rest of the
Obama's "Tough Talk" on Iran is a Joke
– So that people understand what we’re dealing with, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been at war with the United States for thirty years … The leadership of Iran has been patient and willing to conduct the type of war against us that they have been pursuing for the past … So what is the ultimate goal of Iran ?…
If the President Couldn't Tell a Lie
– As regards America and the world, however, the shadow of crisis is probably darker than at any time since World War II. … And what I really meant when I said the State of the Union is strong is that the State of the Government is strong. … PO: "Our diplomacy is at work with respect to Iran, where, for the first time in a decade, we've halted the progress of its nuclear…
The Persians Are Coming!
– "The Iranians are on the march," warned John McCain Sunday. "Iran is building a new Persian Empire," echoed Col. … Iran's nuclear program and potentially put us on the road to war. … The issue is whether Iran represents a threat to our security worth risking a war.…
No Lame Duck, but a Lame Dove!
– If anything has been re-set with Russia, it is the Cold War. … decade-long Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. … It is to be employed solely in the struggle with his fellow Americans.…
Obama Wants to Tax Your Savings...Really
– And here’s the really cool part: The government is going to start spending money to advertise the new MYIRA accounts (cough, hack). … With the Swiss leaving the euro, Greece about ready to implode, war in the Ukraine and plunging oil prices, an important question has … year while shale producers in the US keep up output.…
This Is “Forward”?
– Don’t get me wrong, the world is a better place with Gaddafi no longer in it, but Libya isn’t. … Manipulation is a day at the park once you get to that point. … NBCBLK is segregation – not government-mandated segregation like the Jim Crow Democratic South, but the end result is the same.…
Saudi Arabia's King has Died - Expect Some Changes
– and mended relations with the US. … Relationships with the US will not be the same. … It also would have large international consequences, especially involving relations with the US, Iran and Saudi Arabia.…
Obama's Bloody Yemen Disaster
– And while the JV team at the State Department dithers with hashtag games and selfies, adults at the Pentagon want to evacuate U.S. … , has been at war with us for years -- long before the Iraq and Afghanistan invasions, long before 9/11, long before the global onset … Another half-dozen went home at the end of last year.…
Obama Still Reading From the Same Old Script
The talking is the background noise of much of the last decade, auditory wallpaper that seems to line the corridors of everyday life … "We don't mind Republicans joining us," he said on another occasion, with all the magnanimity he could muster. … So it is with Obama's speeches. Likewise with his policies.…
The Dream Palace of B. Obama
– That sort of thing is for those of us who have to live in the real world rather than his. But never fear. … The "shadow of crisis" has safely passed and all is coming up roses, or at least more government programs. … fruitful period of his presidency as he worked with his opposition instead of against it and the world as it is.…
Oh My: Senate Dem Calls WH's Iran Talking Points 'Straight Out of Tehran'…whs-iran-talking-points-sound-straight-from-tehran-n1946172
– Congress is trying install a backbone into America's Iran policy, and the Obama administration is loudly resisting.   … "You may have seen that on Friday, the president warned us not to move ahead with sanctions on Iran, a state sponsor of terror," Boehner … "His exact message to us was: 'Hold your fire.' He expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran.…
Obama Administration Releases Convicted Al Qaeda Operative From Civilian Prison…n-releases-convicted-terrorist-from-civilian-prison-n1945727
– It is a significantly less serious charge than the crimes — the acts of war — that Marri had actually committed, such as full-fledged … ,” the activist group Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently posted on its website, according to the New York Post. … I'll leave you with two Iran-related stories, and a separate video.…
Corrupt Presstitutes: ABC NBC CBS CNN PBS NYT LAT WASHPO…upt-presstitutes-abc-nbc-cbs-cnn-pbs-nyt-lat-washpo-n1954692
– But at least the Mullahs tortured and slew innumerable subjects and saved his bacon in Iran. … Since there is no real media in America, there likely will never be anyone to tell the tale how, at every fork, this monster was for … Truth is, that misguided stance is more prominent on the Left than the Right; one the nation's leading anti-vax loudmouths is Robert…
Legislation Proposal: Limit Obama's Ability to Cash in on the Presidency…l-limit-obamas-ability-to-cash-in-on-the-presidency-n1954512
– There is only one field at which liberals suck at as much as they do the economy: That’s everything else. … Saddam Hussein was still at war with the United States and, more importantly, the United Nations. … The UN is the sole arbiter of the interpretation of 1441, and thus far NOT ONE COUNTRY has challenged the US interpretation of our…
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