Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Hungary Passes ‘Stop Soros’ Laws to Criminalize Giving Aid to Illegal Immigrants…aws-to-criminalize-giving-aid-to-illegal-immigrants-n2493467
– On Wednesday, the Hungarian parliament passed a series of laws that criminalize giving certain types of assistance to illegal immigrants … This is a bad approach. There are questions on which there will never be agreement… Immigration is one such question. … When we entered we made no such commitment… [T]here are immigrant countries in the EU, where migrants are welcomed, where people want…
Trump's Executive Order Doesn't Solve the Problem
– The president has frequently used inflammatory rhetoric to describe immigrants. … This kind of talk dehumanizes undocumented immigrants who come here to work at jobs Americans largely shun. … trade-off that would have made illegal immigration worse, not better.…
The Last 48 Hours: Why So Many Americans Detest and Distrust the Entire Political Class…rant-abuse-fails-to-mention-it-happened-under-obama-n2493053
– Then, there are the Democrats.   … It provides for shelter, food and medical care for the detained illegal immigrants, and streamlines swift, full-family deportations … of illegal immigrants who were given court dates just never showed up for them.  …
Amnesia: Liberal Media Seems To Forget Obama Separated Families AND Detained Illegal Alien Kids…o-forget-obama-separated-families-and-detained-ille-n2493020
– No, seriously, they’ve just blithely ignored that President Obama also separated illegal alien families and detained migrant children … And yes, he also prosecuted illegal alien parents for entering the country illegally (via McClatchy): Obama to migrants from Latin … are now awake, blaming Trump, and want to be taken seriously.…
The House Is Voting on Immigration Today. Here's What You Need to Know About the Goodlatte and 'Compromise' Bills.…the-two-immigration-bills-in-congresswhat-is-the-d-n2492070
– What Legislators Are Saying About the Bill Rep. … What Legislators Are Saying About the Bill Rep. … They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS…
Call Schumer's Bluff: Bring Sensible Immigration Bills to the Floor, Dare Democrats to Filibuster…and-bring-a-sensible-immigration-bill-to-the-floor-n2492602
– This magnet not only attracted illegal immigrants generally, but also produced an uptick in human trafficking across our border.  … And to Hayes' point, even if you grant that the large majority of illegal immigrants don't pose a security risk, what about those who … It seems like more and more people are willing to say as much out loud.  …
Reasonable Politicians Need to Take Immigration More Seriously…politicians-need-to-take-immigration-more-seriously-n2492281
Immigrants bring new customs, values and ideas of how society should work. … Waves of immigrants invite reactions. Many people like to call these backlashes racist, and in some cases they are. … But they are also entirely natural, human responses to sudden cultural changes.…
Defensive Gun Uses Far Outnumber Firearm Homicides, But Gun-Grabbers Still Want You Left Defenseless…des-but-gungrabbers-still-want-you-left-defenseless-n2498421
– In an age where we’re told that firearm-related homicides are skyrocketing, we are actually experiencing a marked decline from a high … -- pretending to care about the children of illegal immigrants while the MS-13 members they are so desperate to bring in victimize … so … bad.…
Democrats' Tenuous Grasp of 'Morality'
immigrants. … There are too many names to list, but according to the Ohio Jobs & Justice PAC, here are a few, to get a sense of the magnitude of … Where is the "social justice" when more black babies are aborted than are born alive in New York City, or when black women represent…
Come Again? NBC News Seems To Have Scrubbed The Word Terrorist With The Political Correctness Cloth…word-terrorist-with-the-political-correctness-cloth-n2538661
– These are politicians. They lie—all of them. So, excuse me if I treat this like it’s just a day that ends in “y.” … Terrorists are now…immigrants? [Emphasis mine]: U.S. … Terrorists aren’t immigrants; they’re trash. They’re friggin’ terrorists…just call them that!…
Enabling Criminal Aliens
– Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with the apprehension of illegal immigrants even after they have committed a crime. … It indicates that in 2017 illegal immigrants with past criminal convictions accounted for 74% of all arrests made by ICE which is a … The position of most politicians in Washington D.C., except for a few Democrats who are sympathetic to all illegal migrants, is that…
Take a Deep Breath: Pulling Out of Syria And Mattis Leaving is Not The End Of The World…yria-and-mattis-leaving-is-not-the-end-of-the-world-n2538423
– He did not want to send troops to the border to help with the surge of illegal immigrants.   … There are a few things I know about this issue.   … The only way was they are willing to say and do anything to damage Trump.…
National Emergencies Are Not Rare, How Would President Trump’s Compare?…ies-are-not-rare-how-would-president-trumps-compare-n2539283
– That seems a lot worse than 1,000 people dying from the swine flu, even as bad as that is. … Now imagine all of the families hurting from the horrors inflicted by criminal illegal immigrants and the gangs and drugs they bring … ’t get paid and Americans suffer and die at the hands of criminal illegal immigrants.…
Forget the Early Polls. Is This Democrats' 2020 Frontrunner?
– Others are noticing Harris, too: Agree. … These are obvious advantages.   … We are off to the races.  …
Look at the Data: Why Trump’s Insistence on a Wall Is the Right Choice for Public Safety…nce-on-a-wall-is-the-right-choice-for-public-safety-n2538999
– Legal permanent resident immigrants are extremely law-abiding.    … Unfortunately, Hispanics get a bad reputation because they are combined with Hispanics who are illegal aliens. … The most likely victims of illegal aliens are other illegal aliens, and there is evidence that these victims are particularly reticent…
Hold Tight on the Wall, President Trump
– they'd secure the border in exchange for amnesty for some 3 million illegal immigrants. … Many conservative commentators are saying that Democrats are solely focused on making Trump look bad and handing him a devastating … Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new face of the party, asserts that illegal immigrants and those who seek to cross our borders illegally…
Meet the Heretics: Not Every Liberal has Trump Derangement Syndrome…cs-not-every-liberal-has-trump-derangement-syndrome-n2539961
– ' and that 'the fiscal burden of low-wage immigrants is also pretty clear.' … His conclusion: 'We'll need to reduce the inflow of low-skill immigrants.' … You are not alone. At least, not completely alone.…
Democrats' Rejection of Reasonable White House Offer Exposes Their Top Priority: Reflexive Resistance…ech-and-made-a-fair-offer--democrats-must-negotiate-n2539331
– were convinced that he was preparing to pull the trigger on a legally-dubious invocation of emergency powers as a face-saving, but bad … Trump's suggested extensions of protected status would provide relief for two groups of illegal immigrants, which was the thrust of … Democratic leaders are saying, 'give us exactly what we want, how we want it, or else our answer is simply no.  …
Stacey Abrams SOTU Response Was Bizarre (And It's Based on Lies)…brams-sotu-response-was-bizarre-and-a-based-on-lies-n2540867
– Rather than bringing back jobs, plants are closing, layoffs are looming and wages struggle to keep pace with the actual cost of living … He said legal immigrants are welcome and we need to keep people from dangerously crossing the desert to come to America.  … Are you freaking kidding me? Democrats are still defending infanticide. Still. …
Nancy and Anger Management
– We have thousands of immigrants flooding our borders. Some are perfectly peaceful, though they have no documents. … Others are gang members. They are drug users and pushers. They are criminals. And still, others are bringing disease with them. … Why would one argue against walls to hold illegal immigrants back?…
The Border 'Security' Bill From Congress is Garbage and Will Actually Make the Current Crisis Much Worse
– Second, the bollard design easily allows illegal immigrants to pass through and is even less efficient than a fence. … illegally, are given immunity and amnesty. … Also, if UACs are joining family members already here, are they really "unaccompanied" any longer?…
The Real Threat We Face is Unjustified Presidential Exercise of Emergency Power…njustified-presidential-exercise-of-emergency-power-n2541461
– While the dubious legality of any such action remains to be adjudicated, by any measure, it’s a very bad idea. … By any reasonable measure the current, historically low, flow of illegal immigrants crossing the southern border – which the U.S. … The ‘what ifs’ are countless and troubling. …
Analysis: Border Compromise 'Deal' is Predictably Weak, But Trump Should Sign It Anyway
– Their claimed logic was to force ICE to focus their resources and attention on pursuing illegal immigrants accused of dangerous crimes … Statistics show that a significant number of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers never show up in court. … Shutdown politics are bad politics.  …
Why We Need To Take Action On Border Security…trumps-emergency-declaration-to-build-a-border-wall-n2542026
– This continued demagoguery ignores the true reality of the situation: illegal drugs are pouring over our border and fueling an opioid … of Congress to get serious about illegal immigration. … the truth is that violent illegal immigrants have contributed to numerous deaths in the United States.…
Pathetic: House Democrats Water Down Anti-Semitism Resolution, Embrace 'All Lives Matter' Deflection…emocrats-go-all-lives-matter-on-antisemitic-bigotry-n2542771
– The defenses of Omar have primary fallen into three categories, none of which are acceptable.   … are more dangerous than US born citizens? … Progressives are right to object to bad-faith charges of anti-Semitism closing down questions about Israel.…
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