Results for: Republican National Committee

RNC Announces Finalists for 2016 GOP Convention
– — Reince Priebus (@Reince) February 27, 2014 The Washington Post has the details: A site selection committee … gather to formally nominate a presidential candidate. […] The site selection committee will make its choice, in large part … Money has been an issue for several recent host cities; the host committee in Charlotte, which hosted the Democratic convention in…
New Benghazi Witnesses
– WASHINGTON -- National Security Advisor Susan Rice appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday and said that when she had appeared on … The Arizona Republican said on CBS's "Face the Nation" that "I'm almost speechless, because it's patently obvious, first of all, that … It was professional, and the Jan. 15, 2014 report of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence asserts that for months, intelligence…
Caring, Working and Strengthening
– The House is projected to remain Republican. … In the Senate, the seats up for election are currently split between 21 Democratic seats and 15 Republican seats. … The political environment is ripe for a Republican Senate.…
Cruz Aims at His Own Side -- Again
– Ted Cruz, R-Texas, may be the brightest light to adorn the Republican Party in many years. … A united Republican congress can pass legislation forcing vetoes. … I'd donate $1,000 to the Cruz for President committee if one senator ever said any such thing.…
RNC Raisies $7.8 Million in January
– The Republican National Committee raised $7.8 million in January, bringing cash on hand to a total of $9.8 million and $88.4 total…
Surplus: Wisconsin Legislature Passes Walker Tax Cuts Package
– Last week, the Republican-held legislature complied with the governor's request, over the strident and eternally predictable objections … That chamber has already passed the measure but must agree with changes the Legislature's budget committee made to win a key senator's … When the Republican chief executive led a successful budget reform fight in 2011, the Left issued shrill predictions of fiscal doom…
Binge: Obama's Budget Packed with New Spending and Tax Hikes, Never Balances…new-budget-hikes-taxes-and-spending-never-balances-n1803938
– The House Budget Committee (update: in conjunction with Republican Senate budget staffers) lambastes the document as a tax-hiking, … - It adds $8.3 trillion to the national debt over the budget window. … The Republican-held House of Representatives has done its job year in, and year out.…
Vote: Where Should the RNC Host the 2016 Republican National Convention?
– Believe it or not the Republican National Committee (RNC) is already accepting bids to host the 2016 RepublicanNational Convention. … Since one of these lucky eight will definitely host the 2016 Republican National Committee, the RNC is looking for grassroots activists…
Midterm Blues: Dems Basically Concede They Won't Win Back the House…rats-basically-concede-they-wont-win-back-the-house-n1803388
– In spite of this 'desperate times' approach, one would assume that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) would at … The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee released its initial list of top 2014 races Monday. … As National Journal also notes, three of the 19 overall "red to blue" races, er, aren't red; they're seats that would stay blue if…
Tomorrow's Party Todayñoz/2014/03/03/tomorrows-party-today-n1801068
– Raffi Williams, the deputy press secretary at the Republican National Committee, explained that the party establishment underwent two … And so from a national level, that gives us a focus.” … The Intelligent Choice Alex Smith, chairman of the College Republican National Committee, explained just how bad things are.…
Obama Must Go
– Obama, according to our friends over at the Weekly Standard, in response has skipped another national security meeting. … Mike Rogers (R-MI), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, “and I think we're playing marbles.” … If Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus and the RNC spent more time worrying about Obama and less time worrying about Sen.…
Why Are Members of Congress Using Your Money to Fly First-Class?
– At Washington’s Reagan National Airport, they have their own special parking spaces—right up close to the terminal—that they don’t … Now, Republican Reps. Paul Gosar and Walter Jones along with California Democrat Rep. … the people - are currently allowed to fly first class using hard-earned taxpayer money, especially at a time when our ballooning national
Bill Gates Is Half-Right about Tax Reform
– Both the national sales tax and the value-added tax, for instance, are examples of consumption-based tax systems. … depreciation and the like — is he is making the tax system more biased against savings and investment,” said Mitchell, who worked for Republican … Bob Packwood after the historic 1986 tax act that Packwood helped negotiate as chair of the Finance Committee.…
Get To Know the Common Core Marketing Overlords
– The BPC's "senior fellows" include K Street influence peddlers such as liberal Republican Robert Bennett, the big-spending Utah senator-turned-lobbyist … Two D.C. trade associations, the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers, continue to rubber-stamp … In addition to staffing the standards writing committee and acting as lead Common Core coordinating mouthpiece, Achieve Inc. is the…
Young People Don't Change-- Neither Does the N.Y. Times
– In 1992, the Times missed the masses of socially conservative delegates at the Republican National Convention, but somehow bumped into … The following year, pro-life Republican George W. Bush won the presidency. … even more competitive in state and national races."…
Growth and Opportunity: A Republican Comeback
– impressed by his courage in releasing its sobering findings and strong recommendations in the most glaring of spotlights: the National … for the President; it was because the Project gave us the opportunity to showcase the breadth and capabilities of our Party on a national … Recognizing these flaws, Chairman Priebus led the Committee in making changes to our primary calendar and debate structure.…
Don't Republicans Abuse Executive Power?
– But so did his Republican predecessor -- a fact the report seems designed to obscure. … name of national security. … But as Bush showed, national security is a bipartisan excuse for ignoring the law.…
Republicans Fight "Webcam Abortions" in Iowa
– A group of Republican senators in the Hawkeye State urged Democrats to reintroduce a House-passed bill banning telemedicine abortions … “I'm disappointed Iowa Republicans have launched a new front in the national so-called 'war on women' by opposing affordable, safe … Joe Bolkcom, D-Iowa City, a member of the Senate Human Resources Committee.…
How Many House Republicans Does it Take to Change a Light Bulb?…se-republicans--does-it-take-to-change-a-light-bulb-n1809940
– and expertise, a select committee is able to focus its attention solely on one specific issue. … But those half dozen committee chairmen wished to be in on the action and bask in the limelight. … the House Republican Conference and get the select committee at long last established and operating?…
Republicans Hammer Away on the Growth Theme
– Sizing up last week's unexpected congressional win by Florida Republican David Jolly, Kim Strassel of the Wall Street Journal wrote … In Joint Economic Committee hearings this past week, Republican chairman Kevin Brady talked about the "growth gap," which describes … Delivering the Republican party's weekly radio remarks last week, Sen.…
Report: Scott Brown Hiring Campaign Staffers in NH
– The stakes are high for the GOP's national push for the Senate majority this fall as well as for Brown's own political ambitions. … to enter the race as soon as Friday, according to several New Hampshire Republican officials who spoke directly to Brown about his … It may be that Brown, after watching Congressman-elect David Jolly (R-FL) celebrate his victory on national television (an extremely…
Just the Facts
– McConnell is the Senate Republican Leader. … In 2010, McConnell and the National Republican Senatorial Committee threw their weight behind Arlen Specter against Pat Toomey, Charlie … In 2012, the Republican establishment in Washington, of which McConnell is a part, also opposed Ted Cruz in his Republican primary.…
A Lost Week
– In fact of the campaigns themselves (without SuperPACs or National Committee money) the Democrat outspent the Republican by about 3 … On the winning side (and I don't have as much experience in this) the job of the comms people at the Republican National Committee … (RNC) and the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is to make this result as broadly applicable to November as possible…
GOP Working to Attract More Women
– For its latest effort to expand the appeal of the Republican Party, the Republican National Committee (RNC) launched a new ad campaign … Alex Smith, National Chair of the College Republican National Committee, was awarded the 2014 Jeane Kirkpatrick Trailblazer Award; … At the federal level, the National Republican Congressional Committee started Project GROW, which stands for Growing Republican Opportunities…
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