Results for: sign up to vote

After GOP Strikes Weak Government Funding Deal with Democrats, They'd Better Not Blow It on Obamacare
– , they say, and top GOP brass is loathe to set up a re-run of the March debacle.   … sign up for coverage under the law would have to pay a 30 percent surcharge in year one, designed to guard against free riding). … craft its own plan, regardless of what the House may be up to.  …
Hillary's Perfectly Crafted Untruths
– A few people wait to sign up for one. Wilson explained: "I've worked there for 17 years. … "Your message and your optics are everything when you are trying to persuade people to buy something from you or vote for you. … To many of them, his walking back of some of what he said makes sense and is a sign of learning, not of duplicity.…
Vox: Democrats Are Falling For Fake News About The Russia-Trump Collusion Allegations¬…fake-news-about-the-russia-trump-collusion-allegat-n2329530
– a pre-recorded tape of Donald Trump offering to change American policy if he were to be elected, to make it more favorable to Putin … President,” Mensch writes. […] The most worrying sign, according to the scholars I spoke to, is that some mainstream figures … To the die-hard Clintonite, Trump had to have cheated to beat the angelic, qualified, and female Clinton.…
DNC Chair Perez Booed, F-Bombs Fly At California Democratic Convention…ooed-fbombs-fly-at-california-democratic-convention-n2330101
– “Vote them out,” the crowd chanted back, referring to Democrats in the Legislature wavering on whether to support their cause. … Outgoing Democratic State Party Chair John Burton took a more blunt and profane approach, telling protesters to “shut the f**k up." … You ought to get on with it.”…
A Tale of Two 'Bombshells:' Why Feeding Frenzies Can Undermine Media Credibility…ls-why-feeding-frenzies-undermine-media-credibility-n2328755
– Schadenfreude-addicted Trump critics latch on to every negative bulletin with glee, celebrating each contribution to what they hope … the wishes of Turkey, whose interests, unbeknownst to anyone in Washington, he’d been paid more than $500,000 to represent. … Obama’s national security team had decided to ask for Trump’s sign-off, since the plan would all but certainly be executed after Trump…
Vox on Comey Firing: This Isn't The Saturday Night Massacre and The Constitution Will Be Just Fine…ght-massacre-and-the-constitution-will-be-just-fine-n2326850
– Will it be necessary to come up with some novel procedure to fill the gap, knowing that there is no person on the face of the planet … An appointment of this sort ought to await some clear sign that the reconstituted DOJ is utterly unequal to the task — at which point … mount their own investigation to see if they come up with something concrete on the supposed Trump-Russian connection.…
Dear Mr. President: Please Exit Paris
– And they expect to get billions from us taxpayers and consumers, for locking up our fossil fuels and switching to renewable energy. … Advanced countries want us to Remain because we will inadvertently fund and sign onto programs that they use to seize ever-greater … Scientists project up to $10 trillion more in improved crop yields over the coming decades.…
Resist: Democrats Just Lost Yet Another Trump-Era Special Election. Here's What it Means.
– came back to bite them in this race. … It turns out that significant developments can occur all the way up to the end of a campaign.  Imagine that. … has opened up a lead -- plus, data points indicating an intensity gap favoring the Left continue to emerge, even in these "moral victory…
The Heart of a Double Standard
– OCMC contemplates no change in legislators’ ability to place amendments on the ballot, or in the simple majority vote required for … of thousands of voters to sign petitions. … to initiated constitutional amendments.”…
Conservative Wonk Avik Roy: The Senate Healthcare Bill is Actually Pretty Awesome…e-wonk-avid-roy-actually-the-senate-bill-is-awesome-n2345326
sign up during annual open enrollment.   … They were always going to dial up the freakout to eleven, regardless of what was in the legislative language.   … To protect Obama's legacy, dressed up as 'helping people'?  …
Analysis: The Senate's Initial Obamacare 'Repeal' Bill is Fatally Flawed…looks-like-obamacare-lite-could-make-problems-worse-n2345117
sign up for coverage after suffering an accident or falling ill.   … next week is ludicrous: Struggling to envision a (successful) floor vote on this thing next week. … will need to spill well into July, with an eye toward a vote before the August recess.  …
The Left Has One More Argument: Kill Them!
– Spencer to the hospital. … The liberal response to this ceaseless mayhem toward conservatives is to produce a single nut, who fired a gun in the Comet Ping Pong … For the past few years, the media have enthusiastically promoted Black Lives Matter, hoping to galvanize the black vote.…
An 80 Percent Tax Surcharge on Millionaires? Don't Fall for It, Voters…x-surcharge-on-millionaires-dont-fall-for-it-voters-n2344406
– Last week the Legislature voted to send the question to the Massachusetts ballot once again. … People with seven-figure incomes aren't compelled to pay an 80 percent surcharge when they grab coffee at Dunkin' Donuts or sign up … in the state constitution — so any new revenue harvested by a millionaires tax would go to the state's general fund, to be appropriated…
Game Over: Karen Handel Beats Jon Ossoff In Georgia Special Election…handel-beats-jon-ossoff-in-georgia-special-election-n2344170
– only to show up and vote tonight. … At first, Democrats might be tempted to believe it’s a great sign for Ossoff, because activists flooded his campaign with cash. … That’s because low-turnout elections tend to benefit the more fired-up party, and that’s the Democrats.  …
Peach State Beatdown: Can Handel Survive Ossoff Insurgency in GA-06?…tdown-can-handel-survive-ossoff-insurgency-in-ga-06-n2344133
– From the data crunchers, we have Harry Enten at FiveThirtyEight warning to not read too much into the early vote. … Handel will have to squeeze every Republican vote out of Fulton and Cobb County to pull this out. … That’s because low-turnout elections tend to benefit the more fired-up party, and that’s the Democrats.  …
GA-06: Americans For Prosperity Banking On Non-Jungle Primary Voters In Georgia Special Election…y-banking-on-non-jungle-primary-voters-in-georgia-s-n2343209
– in some cycles) to 60+ percent of the vote—it’s odd Handel is struggling. … Not the best sign when the other side is fired up, ready to use this win to write the epitaph of Donald Trump and congressional Republicans … While walking in between houses, West laid out the areas that both candidates need to do well in; Handel needs to get every GOP vote
The Savior: Obama Tells Democrats He’s Back To Rebuild the Party He Helped Destroy…rats-hes-back-to-rebuild-the-party-he-helped-destro-n2349822
– So, the Left is going to use the man who burnt down the house to try and fix it. … the former president said that while Obama wants to provide space for new leadership in the party to step in, he also wants to be … districts—MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough explained this—to prevent a rural running up of the score that could make things tight for the 44th…
WaPo: Obama Knew Of Russian Meddling; Did He Drop The Ball?
– Whether it is put into action is up to the Trump administration; also, nice going leaking that, Washington Post. … They should have worked harder to convince the American people that this was a serious issue: To some, Obama’s determination to avoid … They may have debated and pondered what to do, but it’s arguable that they messed up.…
HHS Analysis: Actually, the Cruz Amendment Would Boost Coverage, Reduce Premiums…cruz-amendment-would-boost-coverage-reduce-premiums-n2357284
– Apparently at the urging of the president, McConnell said he's going to force a vote on a motion to proceed to the re-introduced 2015 … According to HHS, those likely to sign up for Obamacare- compliant Silver plans, presumably those who are considered high risk, would … shore up what would amount to high risk pools, the whole thing could re-enter an Obamacare-style downward spiral.  …
Careful What You Wish For…
– When the latest replacement plan imploded, McConnell announced, “in the coming, days the Senate will vote to take up the House bill … A discharge petition is available to everyone in the House, which can force a vote on any bill by simply getting a majority of Members … to sign on in support of it.…
We Must Elect Senator Kid Rock
– Now we’re ready to vote for the id. We’re woke, and we want a devil with a cause. … vote to repeal Obamacare while we had a president who would actually sign the bill. … We don’t need to give up. We just need to purge the party of the squishes.…
Analysis: Don't Blame Trump for GOP's Healthcare Struggles
– The last anybody checked, it doesn't help legislators cast a tough vote if the very vote the president of your own party begs you to … he was ready to sign virtually anything that Congress would pass, affording leaders on Capitol Hill maximum space and flexibility … Republicans ended up where they are now, struggling to cut deals to win votes for a bill that isn't governed by any clear vision, and…
Conservatives Warn Republicans: Don't Dare Give Up on Obamacare Repeal…n-republicans-dont-dare-give-up-on-obamacare-repeal-n2356995
– Collins, to no one's surprise, was one of two Republicans to vote against the bill," FreedomWorks Jason Pye writes.  … is a vote to keep ObamaCare. … McConnell plans to bring a repeal bill to the Senate floor for a vote next week regardless of its chances of passing.  …
Debacle: Following Senate GOP's Healthcare Collapse, What Comes Next?…nate-gops-healthcare-collapse-and-what-happens-next-n2356465
– Late Monday night, Mike Lee and Jerry Moran blindsided the White House and leadership by announcing that they would refuse to vote … Rather than proposing changes to the bill in a limitless "vote-a-rama," they torpedoed any chance of improvement or passage.   … re-cast the exact same vote, this time with a Republican president willing to make it law.  …
Death Of Senate GOP Health Care Bill Is Giving Conservatives A Good Reason To Never Vote Republican Again…e-bill-is-giving-conservatives-a-good-reason-to-nev-n2356223
– Jerry Moran (R-KS) to announce that they would not vote to advance the bill. McConnell was waiting on Sen. … You’re giving conservative voters a reason to never vote Republican ever again if this totally blows up. … Second, these four refused to vote even for a motion to proceed, which is only a procedural step.…
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