Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

The Political Persecution of Trump Is a Direct Assault on American Ideals and Values…p-is-a-direct-assault-on-american-ideals-and-values-n2624562
– As a candidate, as president and as a citizen, Donald Trump has been the epicenter of fear to the ruling class – vowing to “drain the … Since February 16, 2016, as recently stated by Tucker Carlson, “This is the first step designed to put Donald Trump behind bars for … He continued, “That is the day Donald Trump made a blood enemy of the largest and most powerful enemy in human history.…
The Zuckerberg Model Of Private Election Funding
– This system must be transparent and easily understood by voters so confidence doesn’t crater. … Additionally, Citizens United’s new documentary Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump that highlights many of the … This process allows for the people’s elected representatives to budget for elections in a transparent and equitable manner.…
Time to Audit Twitter Censorship
– The director and actor Rob Reiner is angry at the prospect that Musk might restore former President Donald Trump to Twitter. … For his part, Trump says he will not return to Twitter, that he will stay with his own site, Truth Social, although there is some skepticism … "You don't even have to be transparent.…
Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover Reveals the Left For What It Is…ks-twitter-takeover-reveals-the-left-for-what-it-is-n2606410
– was the concern for tens of millions of us when social media decided to silence the Hunter Biden story, lock accounts of prominent Trump-associated … officials who shared the story, and then finally throw former President Donald Trump off of all services simultaneously following … information about the prior practices of Twitter -- a sort of truth and reconciliation commission; to make any new algorithms far more transparent
POLITICO Going All Out on Horrific Takes on Abortion
– WATCH: Josh Gerstein, who broke the Roe story, says Supreme Court was “not a terribly transparent institution” before the leaked draft … So, they're probably going to be even more skittish about that than they were before, but it was not a terribly transparent institution … The rise of former President Donald Trump, with its exaggerated divide between rural and metropolitan voters, only accelerated matters…
A Debatable 'Debate'
– But this issue did not get even half the attention as was lavished on Donald Trump. … Even in the earlier "debate" among the second-tier candidates, where Trump was not present, the first question asked was about Donald … Then why would the first of these "debates" open with a question about Donald Trump, who was not even present?…
Is Trumpism the New Nationalism?
– Enter the Donald. … Trump to Ford: Bring that factory back to Michigan! To Trump, the world is not Davos; it is the NFL. … While the economic nationalism here is transparent, Trump also seems to be saying that foreign regimes are freeloading off the U.S.…
Politi-speak: Who Needs Clarity?
– I think that's one reason some voters like Donald Trump -- not that I am one of them. … In a world of equivocation and politi-speak, Trump speaks American. He uses the word "tax." … Trump, by the way, could not work at the Chronicle. He calls those in the country illegally "illegals."…
Analysis: Fiorina Gets Results as CNN Caves on Debate Rules
– were readily apparent, as National Review editor Rich Lowry explains: CNN tried its best back in May to come up with fair, transparentTrump in Cleveland.   … — Donald J.…
Trump: When I Mocked Fiorina's Face, I Was Talking About Her Persona, Or Something
– A transparent, intelligence-insulting lie: "I'm talking about persona. I'm not talking about look." … Trump has proceeded to dismiss Carson as an "okay" -- not "great" -- surgeon (!) … Trump and Carson are now feuding over the issue of faith, with each questioning the other's religious devotion.  …
No Apology: Clinton Says Her Private Email System ‘Was Allowed’
– "I've also tried to not only take responsibility, because it was my decision, but to be as transparent as possible," Clinton said. … In either case, she looks terrible, or in the words of Donald Trump: she’s a total 'loser.'…
Fiorina vs. Clinton
– If Donald Trump wants to call her "persona" ugly, which he imagines improves on insults about her face, he's still a creep from an … My mother would say that Donald Trump is the man a woman like Carly Fiorina was put on earth to civilize. … Trump said." (Maggie Smith couldn't have done it better.)…
Poll: Hillary Now Trails Trump, Jeb, Carly in New Hampshire and Iowa…ry-trails-trump-jeb-carly-in-new-hampshire-and-iowa-n2061318
– Iowa: She's down ten to Jeb, down seven to Trump, and trails Fiorina by 14 points in hypothetical match-ups.   … In New Hampshire, Hillary holds a modest three-point lead over Donald Trump, but has fallen behind Bush and Fiorina by seven and eight-point … The only other candidate polled in these surveys whose numbers are this far upside-far down is...Donald Trump, sitting at (-23) in…
Power Corrupts; Sex and Power Corrupt Absolutely
– Committee and Clinton campaign paid for the dossier of sordid (and utterly unproven) allegations against then-presidential candidate DonaldTrump, use of that dossier to deceive federal judges, and the bias and unethical behavior within the FBI and the Department of Justice … This is evident in their outrageous behavior, their blatant lies and their transparent denials -- even their lack of denials -- in…
We Are Finally Getting Rid Of The Treacherous Sissies Who Used To Control The GOP…the-treacherous-sissies-who-used-to-control-the-gop-n2524112
– -webkit-text-stroke: 0px #0000ff} span.s3 {text-decoration: underline ; font-kerning: none; color: #0000ff; background-color: transparent … But, of course, he’s been doing that for a while, ever since he was so greatly disappointed in you for choosing Donald Trump and not … Donald Trump is the avatar of the Militant Normals.…
CBS Prime-Time Shows Honor Hillary
– Diversity is three former Cabinet officials who all voted for Barack Obama and against Donald Trump. … This is how Hollywood's distraught Clinton voters keep campaigning, screenwriting shows that imply that President Trump is soft on … But wait, this transparent propaganda can be even more unwatchable.…
Tomahawk Warren's Native American Heritage Claim Got Scalped...And Liberal America Doesn't Know What To Do…rican-heritage-claim-got-scalped-and-liberal-americ-n2528849
– Obviously it was because President Trump had said he was going to give a million dollars to a charity if she could prove, using a DNA … On NBC Nightly News, they were eager to prove that it was somehow a terrible day to be President Trump. … ,” Welker gushed after spending her entire report making it sound as though Trump was on the defensive.…
Democrats Blaming Normal Americans for Nuts Will Blow Up In Their Faces at the Ballot Box…cans-for-nuts-will-blow-up-in-their-faces-at-the-ba-n2532786
– (extreme sarcasm for the benefit of the willfully obtuse) The Official Media is in a frenzy explaining how Donald Trump personally … Trump won't let them in, but we would. … How about we also blame Trump voters for what a guy who hated Trump for not hating Jews enough did in a synagogue?”…
Media is Dirtier Than it Accuses Trump of Being
– The media is as dirty or dirtier than it accuses Trump of being. … Trump calls them out because they deserve to be called out. … to hand Trump the win.…
Former DNC Vice Chair Surprised the Hillary Scandal Went Public
– It's all in her upcoming book, "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House." … scandal, only noting that the committee is "moving forward" and will take pains to make sure the 2020 primary is "totally fair and transparent
BREAKING: Matt Lauer Fired by NBC For 'Inappropriate Sexual Behavior'
– Guthrie pledged to remain transparent throughout the whole process, and to share details about Lauer's conduct once they became known … President Donald Trump weighed in on the firing, and said that other executives at NBC and Comcast (NBC's parent company) should be … — Donald J.…
VIVA LA CFPB II: If Agency Rebels Needed A Leader, It'll Probably Be Non-Acting Director Leandra English…els-needed-a-leader-itll-probably-be-non-acting-dir-n2419654
– Nope—President Donald Trump appointed Office of Budget and Management Director Mick Mulvaney to run the show. … “As public servants, CFPB employees must act in a good-faith, transparent manner, rather than attempt to hide their work in some cloak…
Is Flynn's Defection a Death Blow?
Trump. … family members, and perhaps Trump himself. … The joy on the TV talk shows was transparent.…
Messaging for the GOP Presidential Candidates
– Now that Donald Trump and Jeb Bush have officially thrown their hats into the ring, there are two dozen official candidates for the … Be transparent in lawmaking. The GOP candidate must promise legislative transparency to the American public.…
ROUNDUP: 2016 Candidate Reactions to King v. Burwell Decision…2016-candidate-reactions-to-king-v-burwell-decision-n2017372
– Our government was designed to be one of laws, not of men, and this transparent distortion is disgraceful. … Donald Trump: Trump has not yet released a statement or tweet regarding the decision.…
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