Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Buttigieg Paints Biden as the Candidate of 'Change'
– Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the failed Democratic presidential candidate who received just 21 pledged delegates … coalition in the Democratic primary. … But on Thursday night, Buttigieg joined other failed Democratic candidates who have now made it their mission to get Trojan horse Biden…
Laugh or Cry: That's the Key Observation a Vox Writer Had About Trump and Obama...Is This a Joke?…obama-showcases-classic-trump-derangement-syndrome-n2574745
– The entire Democratic Party has been engulfed in this derangement syndrome; Hillary Clinton is one of the most visible and high-profile … One important difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama won two presidential elections and Trump won zero. — Ian Millhiser ( … We’re a nation that values geographic diversity in its candidates. That’s how you get to 270.…
Heiress Harris
– Of the drastic, incendiary, and union-testing proclamations made in the Democratic primary contest, Senator Harris competed gamely … that she’s the first selected to replace a presidential hopeful no one actually imagines as able to govern for a full term. … Harris is to serve as a top-down corrective to a Democratic primary process that didn’t result in candidates of the right skin color…
Biden Doubles Down on Obamacare’s Broken Promises
– When the dust had settled in the Democratic presidential nomination contest of 2020, the last remaining defender of the Affordable … What the other Democratic candidates agreed upon, though, was that the ACA was a massive failure—that’s why nearly all pushed for some…
RNC Trounces Democrat Fundraising, Again
– The RNC and the Trump campaign, along with its affiliated groups, brought in a combined $169.3 million in July, besting the Democratic … The Republican and Democratic parties — from the presidential candidates on down — are taking polar opposite approaches to door-to-door … Biden and the Democratic National Committee aren’t sending volunteers or staffers to talk with voters at home, and don’t anticipate…
The DNC 'Nice Guy' Image of Biden Is a Total Farce: Here's Proof
– (Warning: Graphic Language) The first two days of the Democratic National Convention have been packed with heart-warming stories … Throughout the early days of his presidential bid, Biden's temper was tested by members of the press and voters. … "Iowa’s a Democratic caucus,” Biden said in response. “You ever been to a caucus?"…
Big Spending Biden
– Which presidential candidate will bankrupt America first, Donald Trump or Joe Biden? … Last year, we compared the costs of the leading Democratic candidates' promises. … "Joe Biden has been lurching to the left on federal spending for years, first as a senator, then vice president, now as a presidential
Hmm: Glimmers of GOP Hope in...Washington State?
– All candidates appear on one ballot regardless of party, but each can identify which party he or she prefers. … Political pros add up the votes for candidates by party preference to come up with the district’s overall partisan lean. … competition, and a Democratic incumbent at least appearing to be vulnerable.…
The Kennedy Dynasty (Finally) Wears Out Its Welcome
– Rarely do I violate either rule, but on Tuesday I had no choice: In the Democratic Senate primary in Massachusetts, the incumbent, … His uncle Chris Kennedy sought the Democratic nomination for governor of Illinois in 2018, and was soundly defeated. … But by the time Jeb Bush began planning a presidential campaign, discerning observers sensed that it wouldn't end well.…
The Democrats' Dangerous Delegitimization of the Election…emocrats-dangerous-delegitimization-of-the-election-n2575642
– The Democratic House unilaterally names Biden president. … It permeates the entire Democratic Party's information complex. … But candidates do not compete for the popular vote, so they can neither "win" nor "lose" it.…
In 2020, Ideas Actually Matter to Voters
– Gary Hart’s brief 1988 presidential run, with Hugh Jackman playing the role of Senator Hart. … Elections matter, and presidential elections manner with regards to the direction of those policies that are well-within the orbit … At the earliest moment of Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential bid, he was well-ahead of other candidates in talking about the predatory…
Trump's Great Opportunity
– While Democratic operatives and pundits are calling for Georgia to go for the Democratic nominee, President Donald Trump has greatly … For several presidential election cycles, pundits have said Georgia has been shifting into the Democratic column. … The state has voted for Republican presidential candidates since 1972 (with the exception of Southern Democratic candidates Jimmy Carter…
WATCH: NRSC Goes on the Offensive for Law and Order
– Democrat elected officials live in fear of their base, and their Senate candidates’ mere presence in the Senate would give the angry … Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden refuses to condemn mob violence led by left-wing activists, and Sen.…
A Martian‘s Guide to American Politics
– But suppose that the high school student, or the Martian, applied that same technique to the recent Democratic and Republican conventions … Unfortunately, debate moderators in the past let the candidates wander off in any direction they chose, no matter what question was … If there were a real presidential debate, with moderators holding the candidates’ feet to the fire, we might actually learn what each…
Fact Check: Did Joe Biden Say He'd Ban Fracking or Not?
– On Monday, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden slammed Donald Trump for insisting that the Biden campaign wanted to "ban fracking … However, his proclamation doesn't match what he's said in the past, as the Democratic Party has lurched toward the far-left and made … candidates battled over who had the better plan for the environment, CNN's Dana Bash attempted to gain some clarification from Biden…
Trumpmentum? New Polls Forecast a Lot of Liberal Tears in November…mocrats-should-heed-michael-moores-2020-warning-but-n2575381
– Not only that, but Biden is making a stop in reliably Democratic Pittsburgh to call Trump a monster of racism again. … presidential nominee Joe Biden, fueled by gains among white voters and those in the suburbs, though he still trails the former vice … Betting odds are now virtually tied for the 2020 presidential election.• Biden: 50.6%• Trump: 49.1%Biden was leading 61-37 just one…
Oh, So That's Why Ocasio-Cortez's Attack On A CNN Reporter Totally Blew Up In Her Face…a-reporter-for-tweeting-about-warrens-legal-career-n2546916
– Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is running for the Democratic nomination in 2020, so your whole life goes under the microscope. … “Now do the amount of Wall Street, Big Pharma, & Fossil Fuel presidential candidates accepted over their careers & how much they’re … presidential candidates accepted over their careers & how much they’re taking now. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…
Hating Trump Is the Only Unity Democrats Can Find
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has attempted a bipartisan message, pledging to bridge the deep divide in the country … That's what they are saying to have to do to win the Democratic nomination. Well, I don't believe it. … With over 20 candidates vying in a combative nomination battle, unity will be even harder.  …
Cory Booker Wants to Establish ‘A White House Office of Reproductive Freedom’…ablish-a-white-house-office-of-reproductive-freedom-n2546885
– As Democrats broadcast their strong support for legalized abortion, Presidential aspirant Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) released a “Plan … The New Jersey senator promises to submit a presidential budget devoid of the Hyde Amendment. … The push from Democratic presidential candidates to defend abortion comes as state legislatures across the country enact stricter abortion…
Can Somebody Buy The Democratic Party An Iron?
– Political pandering during a presidential primary is nothing new. … But during this election season, it seems the Democratic Party needs more help than usual in literally ironing out the wrinkles in … Obviously, the Iowa caucus is extremely important and could launch or squash a presidential campaign.…
Buttigieg's Political Correctness is Going to Backfire…ttigiegs-political-correctness-is-going-to-backfire-n2546854
– But Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg suggests removing author Thomas Jefferson’s name from the Jefferson-Jackson dinners … Although no Americans today own slaves, most would likely agree that our founders, presidents, politicians, and even presidential candidates
Buttigieg Previews How He'll 'Manage' Trump on the Debate Stage…previews-how-hell-manage-trump-on-the-debate-stage-n2546780
– . - South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg was the first Democratic presidential candidate to take part in The Washington Post's  … "2020 Candidates Series" on Thursday. … Robert Costa, but one exchange I'd like to highlight was the moment the moderator asked Buttigieg how he's preparing for the Democratic
The Battle For Pennsylvania Begins
– Sandwiched symbolically between the two presidential front-runners was Sunday morning’s planned destruction of Bethlehem Steel’s empty … Then there is Senator Kamala Harris, a multi-racial female who has positioned herself as the most “diverse” candidate in the Democratic … Like other socialist schemes being floated by Democratic candidates, Sen.…
Kamala Harris’ Latest Unconstitutional Scheme: Banning Right-to-Work…latest-unconstitutional-scheme-banning-righttowork-n2546693
– As the cast of characters vying for the Democratic presidential nomination seeks to distance themselves from the rest of the herd … Evidently, she’s planning a rewrite of her presidential oath replacing that pesky phrase promising to “preserve, protect and defend … No law dictates what bank or insurance company workers must use — let alone which political candidates and causes they must support…
Socialist Promises
Presidential contenders are in a battle to out give one another. … Most Democratic presidential candidates promise free stuff that includes free college, universal income, "Medicare for All" and debt … China's Mao Zedong promised democratic constitutionalism and the dream that "farmers have land to till."…
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