Results for: sign up to vote

What ‘Mostly American’ Former KY Governor’s Rebuttal To Trump Showed Is That Democrats Are In Deep Trouble
– Senate majorities – to 25, thanks to Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin’s victory in 2015 and the state House flipping to a GOP majority … Beshear is an old white guy, and Democrats need the old white guy vote to make some headway in the 2018 and 2020 elections. … The fact that they had to unearth a former governor, who has been out of power, to deliver this speech is a sign that the Democratic…
Analysis: CBO Score of GOP Bill Likely Overstates 'Lost Coverage' Projection By Millions, Contains Good News, Highlights Problems
– Those are some political legs to stand on.   … Much of that lofty number arises from people that CBO expects would sign up for coverage in the coming years if the individual mandate … All of this, however, requires Republicans of varying ideological stripes to unify behind an overall framework, vote to advance it,…
Will The GOP Obamacare Replacement Bill Put The House Majority In The Crosshairs?…eplacement-put-the-house-majority-in-the-crosshairs-n2298384
– in this bill in the House and then allow the Senate to take its work up." … If House Republicans rush to pass it, however, there will be consequences for their vote, he said. … get a vote; it got tied up in internecine fighting among Democrats in the face of solid opposition by Republicans.…
Analysis: What You Need to Know About Republicans' Obamacare Replacement Bill
– apply a 30 percent surcharge for a year if that person seeks to sign up. … in the wee hours to come up with a compromise. … It's premature to make any declarations about where this path will end up.  …
Pressure Mounts: Will Congressional GOP Unite, Or Will Infighting Allow Obamacare to Survive?…nal-republicans-unite-or-allow-obamacare-to-survive-n2294720
– Just as they did in their quest to pass their unwanted scheme in the first place, Senate Democrats are marching in lockstep to protect … Price said that the president's goal is to sign Obamacare repeal legislation as soon as possible, emphasizing that a replacement bill … Koch groups are launching a new campaign to pressure GOP to pull the trigger on Obamacare — Jeremy W.…
AHCA is Dead: Facing Defeat, Ryan and Trump Pull Legislation From Floor
– Paul Ryan may have other incentives to not force his conference to have to cast really tough up or down votes on something that doomed … A few things to remember as this vote unfolds: (1) If it fails, it's a humiliating black eye to House leadership, and a real blow … After rightly slamming how the Democrats rammed through Obamacare, Republicans are about to vote on a bill that has not been posted…
UPDATE: Vote Delayed; White House Remains Confident: We're Going to Win, No Plan B On Obamacare Repeal…ent-were-going-to-win-no-plan-b-on-obamacare-repeal-n2303299
– Currently 31 House members have pledged to vote against the legislation, which would ultimately lead it to failure on the floor. … The White House needs to flip 10 votes for the bill to pass. … "The President's plan is to pass the bill tonight, get it to down to the Senate and then sign a bill once it goes through conference…
Lessons From Unsung Heroes Among Us
– Anyone could go to the site and vote, she told me, and so she asked if I'd please vote for "Deacon Fred." … Michael Eldridge teaches American Sign Language to students at Deer Crossing Elementary. … We should be able to watch the Oscars or the Super Bowl without being subjected to political harangues.…
Lindsey Graham: We Should Just Let Obamacare Collapse If We Can't Get A Solid Fix Through Reconciliation…e-if-we-cant-get-a-solid-fix-through-reconciliation-n2300543
to pass the Senate. … There’s no way the Democratic Party is going to vote for a concept that opens up health care to more competition and outside government … Here’s what I would suggest to the President. Keep working hard. I want to work with you. I want to get to yes.…
What is the Purpose of Obamacare, Ryancare, Trumpcare et al.?…s-the-purpose-of-obamacare-ryancare-trumpcare-et-al-n2300013
– The British NHS makes access to primary care easy, but access to specialized care is more problematic. … Many of the healthiest 80 percent of citizens probably vote; the sickest 5 or 10 percent may be too sick to vote. … The ACA is failing because it allows anyone to sign up for coverage regardless of health status.…
Doesn't Anybody Know How to Play This Game?
– Democrats are now lining up to filibuster the nomination, on the spurious grounds that confirmation has always required 60 votes. … But the Constitution doesn't require the Senate to hold hearings or a vote on nominees. … Give the voters a chance to weigh in. Senate Democrats are now rounding up enough votes to sustain a filibuster.…
Is Health Care a Right or a Good?
– The statute orders insurance carriers to cover pre-existing conditions, children on their parents' policies up to the age of 26 and … carrier when you sign up. … vote, which the Constitution presumes, and the right to use your property to the exclusion of all others and the right to purchase…
Showdown: As Senate Democrats Approach 41 Votes to Filibuster Gorsuch, GOP Faces Crucial Test
– I concluded that Senate Democrats would end up falling just shy of the 41 votes needed to sustain a filibuster against the nomination … In order for Chuck Schumer to pull off this base-pleasing extremist gambit, he can only lose up to seven of the upper chamber's 48 … Democrats ought to be forced to watch two, or even three, justices get confirmed by a simple majority vote, having eviscerated their…
The (GOP) Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight
– a way to foul it up. … Instead, they pulled their health care bill before the vote -- a major blow to the president and the Republican Party. … Republican in the White House to sign their new legislation.…
We’re Doing Grant, Not Patton, But Neither One Had A Goof Like Ryan Screwing Things Up…neither-one-had-a-goof-like-ryan-screwing-things-up-n2304530
– But thanks to kongressional klutzes like Ryan, a war of attrition is how it’s going to have to be. Ulysses S. … their vote to their voters. … Please vote for it because I want you to!” Yeah, no. Congrats!…
BREAKING: GOP Dashes Dems' Upset Hopes in Kansas, Conservative Holds Congressional Seat…dems-upset-hopes-in-kansas-holds-congressional-seat-n2312275
– No ground to make it up. — Decision Desk HQ (@DecisionDeskHQ) April 12, 2017 High Democratic intensity … attend multiple candidate forums combined to set Democrats up for a potential upset. … Democrats will point to the relatively close margin as a sign that the GOP is in trouble.…
NYT: Former AG Loretta Lynch Tried To Play Down The True Nature Of FBI's Criminal Probe Into Clinton Emails…tried-to-play-down-the-true-nature-of-fbis-criminal-n2316975
– Comey was concerned that a Democratic attorney general was asking him to be misleading and line up his talking points with Mrs. … Clinton’s campaign, according to people who spoke with him afterward. As the meeting broke up, George Z. … To the point, where even language was being polished to sound less ominous.…
As Trump Nears First 100 Days
– “Well,” he said, “when relations are at the lowest point, there’s nowhere to go but up.” … All of this is putting pressure on the administration and House Republican leaders to bring pro-growth tax cut legislation up for a … Hold on to your wallet.…
Republicans Need To Deliver Something…Soon
– They will show up, they will pay up, and they will work. … He’ll sign it, whatever it is, because he needs to sign something. … That’s not nothing, but Republican voters hoping for more will be less motivated to show up next year.…
Trump State Department: We Certify That Iran is in Compliance With Obama's Nuclear Deal…fy-that-iran-is-in-compliance-with-the-nuclear-deal-n2315338
– On the first point, those sanctions did inevitably get lifted, which was Iran's whole incentive to sign on to the accord -- namely, … issue a definitive pledge to rip it up on day one.   … up to.  …
Uh, What: Democrat In Georgia Special Election Calls Non-Win A 'Victory For The Ages'…pecial-election-calls-nonwin-a-victory-for-the-ages-n2315277
– Still, the Left, desperate to find any good news post-2016, are saying how this is a warning sign. … Karen Handel is a lot closer to a traditional Republican than Trump is, which could prove to be an important advantage in two months … it all up, total GOP vote in #GA06 could end up 1-2% ahead of total Dem vote, basically same as '16 presidential margin. — Dave Wasserman…
Are Conservative Democrats Going Extinct? We'll Know If Joe Manchin Survives Next Year…oing-extinct-well-know-if-joe-manchin-survives-next-n2295703
– That’s crazy, said Mike Plante, a longtime Democratic strategist based in the state: “Asking Joe Manchin to vote like a progressive … them to based on Trump’s share of the vote in their state, shows Manchin as one of the Democrats’ most valuable members. … In other words, Manchin’s real worth to Democrats is that he’s a Democrat, because a Republican from West Virginia would probably vote
Rush Limbaugh To VP Pence: What’s The Point In Voting Republican If They Keep Voting For Democratic Spending Bills…ats-the-point-in-voting-republican-if-they-keep-vot-n2321899
– Trump scored a partial win, getting a commitment for up to $15 billion in additional funding for a military buildup. … continuing to fund refugee resettlement, continuing to fund Planned Parenthood, continuing to fund sanctuary cities, continuing to … And I gotta tell you, to get Democrats in Washington, D.C., to agree to a $21 billion increase in a short-term budget bill — and, you…
UPDATE: House to Vote on Obamacare Repeal and Replacement Bill Tomorrow…to-gop-healthcare-bill-chances-of-passage-brighten-n2321780
– The conventional wisdom is that they wouldn't call the vote if they didn't have the whip count where it needs to be. … With this change to the legislation getting a thumbs-up, both Upton and Long now say they're on board to vote 'yes:' "I support the … Republicans are making a good-faith effort to clean up the mess Democrats have left them.  …
Why Can't House Repeal Obamacare? Because A Lot Of Republicans Don't Want To…obamacare-because-a-lot-of-republicans-dont-want-to-n2321200
– "If you don't want to get rid of federal mandates to health insurance, then it's pretty clear you don't want to get rid of Obamacare … to make the repeal vote." … 25 to 30 Republicans don't want to vote for repeal.…
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