Results for: is the us at war with iran

Echoes of a Boom in Iran
– Typically, security is the main issue that rallies Israelis at the ballot box. … Israel may also be trying to prevent an all-out war with Iran with carefully targeted strikes. … US and other world powers continue to want to renew the flawed 2015 Iran deal?  …
Democrats' Quest for Complete Control
– One of the most disconcerting things to observe in present-day politics is Democrats' glee at the control they currently have over … With SCOTUS restructured, Democrats' attention would turn to gutting the Electoral College -- which is already under attack with ignorant … If past is precedent -- and it is -- the options remaining are violence and revolution, secession and war.…
Biden's Green Energy Plan Declares War on American Energy…s-green-energy-plan-declares-war-on-american-energy-n2587807
The Biden infrastructure plan is a head fake. The agenda here isn't about creating "millions of new jobs." … Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economic consultant with FreedomWorks. … He is the co-author of "Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive the American Economy." …
Biden’s First 100 Days – Bait and Switch
– That, along with his “green” infrastructure bill, is the ominous foreshadowing of higher energy costs.   … At the onset, Trump had to deal with the fake Russian collusion hoax that plagued his presidency. … The president is going to need to do a lot more than allow us to picnic with friends and family on the 4th of July if he wants to avoid…
Is Biden Another Neville Chamberlain?
– By trying to appease the Ayatollahs in Iran, Joe Biden may have started us down a path to World War III. … We cautioned Biden's offer to reopen talks with Tehran on JCPOA (the Iran nuclear deal) would be perceived by friends and allies as … And just to make sure this message is received where it matters most, he should announce the U.S. is withdrawing from the so-called…
Bibi & Hamas – Only Winners in Gaza War
– "Israel is Winning Battles, Hamas is Winning the War." … So ran the headline in the Jerusalem Post atop an analysis of the Gaza war, which began, "The IDF is registering great achievements … Writes the Post: "With riots shaking all parts of Israel," the country "is being torn apart from within."…
Fundamental Truths About the Israel-Hamas Conflict
– It certainly is a "vicious cycle," and the overwhelming moral culpability lies with Palestinian leaders, both from the terrorism-supporting … It is not for us to decide who is right; this is a matter before Israel’s independent judiciary. … I'll leave you with this:  Hamas terror leader says the quiet part out loud: Iran supplies it with money and weapons it uses to attack…
The UN Must Open An Inquiry Into Iran’s 1988 Massacre
The regime has hidden some of the sites with concrete or built structures on top. … Montazeri states that the massacre was “the greatest crime committed under the Islamic Republic” and that the "world will condemn us … to Argentina by uncovering the mass graves left behind by the country’s “Dirty War.”…
Don't Reward Iranian Violence By Ending Economic Sanctions
– Yemen gives Iran a second front in its slow war with Saudi Arabia. … The report links Iranian direction of the Yemen war to "the negotiations to end economic sanctions on Iran" underway in Europe. … Iran's offer as the Houthi offensive kicks off: We'll cool the war if you give us money.…
As Domestic and Foreign Crises Rage, Biden Called an Early Lid…and-foreign-crises-rage-biden-is-missing-in-action-n2589295
The White House called a lid at 3:34 p.m. this afternoon.  … First, the gas shortage:  Officials said don’t panic buy but this is the gas line at Sam’s Club in Roanoke tonight. @WDBJ7? … Biden administration is trying to get Iran, which funds and supplies Hamas with weapons, back into the nuclear agreement. …
Biden's Blunders in Foreign Policy: The First 100 Days…idens-blunders-in-foreign-policy-the-first-100-days-n2589232
– Biden's decision to reopen talks with Tehran over the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action -- known as the Iran Nuclear Deal -- is widely … The most recent Biden blunder is his mishandling of the withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan. … The "terp problem" is the easiest Biden foreign policy blunder to fix.…
Racing Toward Madness: The New Iran Steal
The following day, Rafael Grossi, director-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) stated that Iran is “enriching … Where is the sanity in the current effort?   … Iran would lose any war with us, nuclear or conventional, so it would be irrational to start one.  …
Rep. Roy Demands Biden Defund Human Rights Council: 'Nothing But a Corrupt, Israel-Hating Propaganda Club…nothing-but-a-corrupt-israelhating-propaganda-club-n2590175
– organization, but President Biden moved to have the U.S. reengage with the body after taking office in January. … Chip Roy (R-TX) is calling on Biden to defund the "'so-called' Human Rights Council."  Rep. … This is another reversal of a Trump policy that moved the embassy to Jerusalem.  UNHRC Condemnations, 2006-21:????…
US to Reopen Consulate in Jerusalem, Reversing Trump Move
The Times of Israel that the U.S. expects Israel to ultimately comply: A former US official familiar with the matter told The Times … of Israel that the US expects Israel to eventually comply with the request, as Jerusalem will likely want to reserve its clashes with … As tensions spiked in Jerusalem in the weeks leading up to the May 10-20 war in the Strip, the US lacked an independent mission with
Secretary Blinken Reminds the UN Not to Give Aid to Terrorists…linken-reminds-the-un-not-to-give-aid-to-terrorists-n2590108
– a war with Israel and fired 4000 rockets at civilian targets.  … While the West lines up to write "relief" checks, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is boasting about endless support from Iran.  … "They were with us. Really although they weren't present in person, they were with us.…
Why Not Trust the Iranian Regime in the Nuclear Talks?
– , such as approaching a new agreement between the United States and Iran, the main question here is: If these negotiations reach a … That is, while we were destroying the bridges behind us, we were also building bridges at the same time so that we could return faster … With these facts, while Khamenei on the one hand is in international isolation and on the other hand inside Iran, he is facing overwhelming…
What Is America's Cause in the World?
– While "Combating global climate change" rests near the bottom of Republican concerns at 10%, it is the No. 1 priority of Democrats, … with Iran and renew the 2015 nuclear deal. … Is preserving the independence of Taiwan, which we conceded half a century ago is part of China, worth a war with a nuclear-armed China…
Were the Wars Wise? Were They Worth It?
The longest war of this new century, the longest in our history, the defining "endless war" or "forever war" was Afghanistan. … Today's issue: How do we save the Afghans who allied with us in this war, so that they do not face the terrible vengeance of a victorious … But where is the accounting from those who sent them to fight, bleed and die in what turned out to be unwinnable wars -- or, at the
‘America Is Back’ — But to What?
– But as we’ve proven time and time again, the answer is always no. We can’t get along with leftists overseas – or at home. … Iran is no longer in compliance. … It’s been the traditional mission of the left – whether the left is focused at home or overseas – to weaken America.…
Secretary Pompeo Isn’t Afraid to Make Waves in Politics…retary-pompeo-isnt-afraid-to-make-waves-in-politics-n2590838
– They're headed back down the same path, with respect to Iran, that will guarantee them a pathway to a nuclear weapon.”  … “It is not a close call with who was tougher with respect to taking on the interest of Russia most seriously,” the former CIA Director … In the end, what matters is the outcomes that one gets.”…
Time to Question Presidential Candidates on Missile Defense…question-presidential-candidates-on-missile-defense-n2134312
Iran is another problem. On March 10, Iran launched two intermediate range ballistic missiles. … The missiles Iran is developing are integral components of a nuclear war-fighting program. … Ask the candidates if they agree with him. If they don't, why not?…
Voting at a Crossroads
– That is a war in which we can all lose. As for the Republicans' front-runner, what is there left to say about Donald Trump? … The only candidate who has any real chance to stop Donald Trump at the ballot box is Ted Cruz. … But the Republican elite, who have never liked Senator Cruz, may prefer to stop Trump with chicanery at the convention.…
Obama's Foreign Policy Success
– Fear of terrorism is at the highest level since the aftermath of 9/11. … A landmark deal with Iran reversed its march toward acquiring the bomb. … As the unforeseen consequences of the Iraq War continue reverberating through the Middle East, Obama deserves credit for sparing us
An Assyrian American Woman’s Lonely Fight to Save Her People from Extinction…ans-lonely-fight-to-save-her-people-from-extinction-n2132404
– Juliana Taimoorazy, an Assyrian Christian born and raised in Iran, is the founder and president of the Iraqi Christian Relief Council … Our focus right now, at least the majority of it, is in the region because they are completely devastated. … What is important to know is that although the world is really siding with the Kurds — fighting for Kurdish rights and fighting to…
The Sea Island Conspiracy
– What we see at Sea Island is that, despite all their babble about bringing the blessings of "democracy" to the world's benighted, AEI … What the co-conspirators of Sea Island were up at the Cloisters was about as religious as what the Bolsheviks at that girls school … What about the "deep state" that rules us, of which we caught a glimpse at Sea Island?…
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