Results for: Republican National Committee

Democratic Rebuilding At The State And Local Level Could Take A Long Time–Or Just Losing A Presidential Race…mocrats-even-competitive-at-the-state-level-anymore-n2076016
– The Republican State Leadership Committee, who serves at the frontlines of state and local races, noted their massive victory during … While the story at the national level suggests a Republican Party that is growing increasingly white, old and out of step with the … Nearly half the population of the United States lives under total Republican control.…
CNBC Biased? You Don't Say!
– Priebus, chair of the Republican National Committee, sanctioned CNBC's sponsorship of last week's debate. … President Obama recently chided the Republican candidates for complaining about the CNBC moderators.…
Long-Overdue Vigilance on Moderators
– The competing Republicans presidential campaigns had a meeting on Nov. 1 to discuss their concerns with how the Republican NationalCommittee had planned debates with the media. … A debate among the Republican presidential candidates is supposed to benefit Republican primary voters.…
Republicans vs. The Media
– Mitt Romney about banning contraceptives -- a policy that no Republican had advocated at any point during the campaign. … National Committee. … Then the Democratic National Committee announced that MSNBC host Rachel Maddow would be moderating a live presidential forum, humiliating…
Poll: Clinton Is Winning Over Swing Voters With Her Answers on Benghazi…is-winning-over-voters-with-her-answers-on-benghazi-n2075351
– and read Guy’s post about how the recent email dump contradicts Hillary Clinton’s 11-hour testimony in front of the House Select Committee … on a U.S. diplomatic compound dropped to 38% in the poll, from 44% in a poll taken before she testified before the House Select Committee … and swing voters are finding her answers on Benghazi satisfying only reinforces the notion that the Clintons, in the words of National
Why Yes, The Media Has A Liberal Bias–And How Conservatives Might Not Understand Its Roots…nd-how-conservatives-might-not-understand-its-roots-n2074877
– After the CNBC fiasco, the 2016 Republican field seems to be close to open revolt regarding negotiating the conditions of future debates … Donald Trump might bypass the Republican National Committee altogether and negotiate directly with the networks. … We may be short on the solutions, as evidenced by the 50-year absence of any Republican on the Big Three (ABC, CBS, NBC).…
Mainstream Media's Bias
– We know this after watching the CNBC-hosted Republican debate billed as one which would focus on "the key issues that matter to all … voters-job growth, taxes, technology, retirement and the health of our national economy." … "Last week," Rubio said, "Hillary Clinton went before a committee.…
Debates Have Not Been Kind to Kasich
– John Kasich is the Republican in the 2016 presidential field whom Democrats I know like the most. … Kasich's high mark in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls was about 5 percent. … So my advice: When you're running in the Republican primary, it's best not to talk like Nancy Pelosi.…
A Clean T-Shirt Just in Case
– the eventual Republican nominee for president would do well to remember these words of wisdom from my parents. … Considering the barely concealed anti-Republican venom spewed forth by the CNBC moderators during the recent Republican debate, it’ … The Clinton campaign’s ‘Opposition Research Team’ will also rip into any Republican candidate’s background like a buzz-saw.…
Frustrated Campaigns May Hold Events Without the RNC's Blessing
– At least one campaign refused to rule out holding debates that are unsanctioned by the Republican National Committee, with Ben Carson … RNC chairman Reince Priebus responded Monday insisting the committee is still safely behind the wheel.…
California Conservatives: Fighting National by Winning Local…ia-conservatives-fighting-national-by-winning-local-n2074413
– Finally, the Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus pulled the plug on NBC’s hosting future debates. … Then they win locally before taking on statewide and even national office. … California conservatives are fighting over national issues, not just on the national stage, but making their voices heard at the ballot…
GOP Elites, Stop Biting Our Hands That Feed You
– Also last week, the Republican National Committee (RNC) endorsed one of America’s biggest spending architects to replace John Boehner … Either Ryan is a big spender who no longer identifies as a Republican or he is afraid of being blamed for shutting the government down … Priebus and his establishment friends also would not be working on a secret plan to adjust their national convention rules and expel…
Speaker Ryan Goes ‘Full Ginsburg’ On Sunday Circuit, Says House GOP Will Become ‘Proposition Party’…ircuit-says-house-gop-will-become-proposition-party-n2074369
– Yet the Ways and Means Committee chairman earned good will with Senate Democrats as chairman of the House Budget Committee when he … As National Right To Life noted, the best way to defund Planned Parenthood is to wait until we have a pro-life Republican president … Ryan added that there’s going to be a special committee investigating Planned Parenthood, and that these members on the committee should…
The Democrats’ Steady SuperPAC
– slant of the dominant strain of major media was on full display with the snarky questions CNBC’s moderators hurled at the ten Republican … Between a national press core consistently in the tank for progressive politicians and the constant reinforcement of left-wing narratives … from Hollywood and state-controlled academia, it's a mighty tribute to the independent thinking of American voters that a Republican
MSNBC/NBC News Producers Ordered Not To ‘Pile On’ ‘Shell-Shocked’ CNBC In Post-Debate Coverage…to-pile-on-shellshocked-cnbc-in-postdebate-coverage-n2073716
– The fallout from CNBC’s Republican debate Wednesday night is still ongoing with pretty much everyone noting the network’s poor debate … The Republican National Committee suspended its partnership with NBC, who planned to host the February debate, as a result of this…
WOW: RNC Suspends Partnership With NBC for February Debate…c-suspends-partnership-with-nbc-for-february-debate-n2073622
– Lack, I write to inform you that pending further discussion between the Republican National Committee (RNC) and our presidential … campaigns, we are suspending the partnership with NBC News for the Republican primary debate at the University of Houston on February … Sincerely, Reince Priebus Chairman, Republican National Committee The February 26 debate is still happening, with National
Unity: Trump, DNC, Hillary, and Jeb Hitting Rubio on Missed Senate Votes
– Donald Trump has been slapping at him on the issue for weeks, with the Democratic National Committee and a pro-Hillary Clinton SuperPAC … Absenteeism can be a potent hit against sitting politicians, as several recently-elected Republican Senators can attest.…
The Real Scandal
– Clinton took turns looking bored, annoyed and amused as the members of the House Select Committee on Benghazi (with the notable exception … It takes zero imagination to conceive of what the press would do if a Republican presidential candidate were exposed as having lied … A Republican would be eviscerated.…
Hillary Won. America Lost
– We've come a long way since bipartisan investigations like the Watergate committee that investigated a Republican president, when then-Sen … Howard Baker -- the lead committee Republican -- asked, "What did (Nixon) know and when did he know it?" … Then New York Republican Rep.…
Priebus, Take Control of These Debates
– Candidates had to have 2.5% in national polls. This is an inane standard. … Nothing else matters at this time than these four states, yet a network decides the relevance of a Republican candidate based on national … The discussion should be about one thing and one thing only: why is Priebus and the Republican National Committee (RNC) letting FBN…
NYT: Fusion GPS Still Investigating Trump-Russia Ties, But No One Knows Who's Paying For It…igating-trump-russia-ties-but-no-one-knows-whos-pay-n2431752
Republican leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee have asked the Justice Department to investigate whether Mr. … Grassley, Republican of Iowa, said of Mr. Simpson’s turn before the Judiciary Committee, which he leads. … The objective would have been to spy on the opposition Republican campaign.…
Ohio GOP Senate Candidate Drops Out of Race to Be With Family
Republican Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel is dropping out of the Buckeye state's 2018 U.S. … Ilana, Josh, and their family as they confront her health challenge together. — Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) January 5, 2018 The NationalRepublican Senate Committee echoed these sentiments “Josh, Ilana and the entire Mandel family will be kept in our prayers during…
Don't Dance on Bannon's Grave Yet
– The president distanced himself from his former aide and included this dig: "We have many great Republican members of Congress and … It isn't as if Trump woke up yesterday and realized that Bannon's efforts to primary every sitting Republican senator (save Ted Cruz … National Committee after him.…
Implosion: How Steve Bannon Mortally Wounded Himself, in Three Steps…bannon-mortally-wounded-himself-in-three-easy-steps-n2430083
– Steve Bannon is now at war with the entire Republican Party, with President Trump and his family leading the charge.   … yesterday afternoon -- which very much sounded like it was personally dictated by Trump, probably because it was -- both the RepublicanNational Committee and the Senate Leadership Fund (Mitch McConnell's group) highlighted it as "in case you missed it" emails blasts…
Who's The Most Vulnerable Senate Democrat In 2018?
– Bill Nelson could be in the fight for his life with Republican Gov. Rick Scott. … Present were Democratic National Committee chair Tom Perez, his aides and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee staff. … Donnelly was elected in 2012 due to idiotic remarks about rape and pregnancy made by Republican Richard Mourdock.…
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