Results for: agenda 47

New Polls: Republicans Pull Ahead on 2022 Congressional Ballot, Lead on Key Issues
– received vote shares closely resembling Trump’s job approval in their jurisdiction And yet we're routinely assured that Biden's agenda … most important problem (from 42% to 31%), at keeping the nation secure (from 43% to 31%) and at keeping the nation prosperous (from 47%…
The American Ruling Class Reaches Its Inflection Point
– "Our ruling class's agenda is power for itself," he wrote. … and admirably hawkish on immigration and national sovereignty matters, but that did not prevent the utterance of Romney's infamous "47%…
Despite Supply Shortages, Democrats Continue to Insist Holiday Season Will Be Better Under Biden…to-insist-holiday-season-will-be-better-under-biden-n2597815
– Reasons laid out touch upon Biden administration policies on the workforce; the Green New Deal agenda causing a rise in shipping prices … Overall, voters disapprove of how Biden is handling the economy 51-41 percent and disapprove of how he is handling jobs 47-44 percent…
Poll: Is Biden’s Approval Rating Affecting Democrat’s Gubernatorial Prospects?…proval-rating-affecting-next-years-midterms-thehill-n2597590
– Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, is beating his Republican challenger Glenn Youngkin by four points, 47 percent to 43 percent. … states by double-digits in 2020, our data indicates that the president's declining ratings — brought on by his stalled domestic agenda … found that, among those who say they are absolutely certain to vote, McAuliffe's lead completely dissipates, and the race is tied at 47
Why the RNC Is Intervening in a Minnesota Elections Lawsuit
– In 2018 alone, Minnesota discarded over 3,500 absentee ballots — 47% of all rejected ballots — simply because they arrived after the … "Democrats continue to try to redesign our entire election system mere months before November to fit their partisan agenda," RNC Chairwoman … Meanwhile, in Washington, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been pushing her agenda to enact mass mail-in voting. …
McConnell Breaks Fundraising Record in Quarter Two As Amy McGrath Implodes
– McGrath has raised a total of $47 million thus far this cycle, but spent $31 million on her primary, which should have been a slam … THIRTY ONE MILLION.She raised 6 & spent 9 in June.She’s raised 47 million and spent 31 of it. … “It’s obvious that McGrath would abandon Kentucky to rubber-stamp Chuck Schumer’s far-left, anti-Kentucky agenda.…
Trump: The Incumbent Outsider
– "So Biden was here for 47 years. … Instead, they nominated a man who represents the "let's go back to the good old days of the last 47 years" message that nobody believes … Even members of his own party have childishly worked to undermine his agenda and his authority for their own selfish political ends…
ICYMI: Here's Why Three Astronauts Have Endorsed McSally and not Mark Kelly…astronauts-are-endorsing-mcsally-and-not-mark-kelly-n2577451
– The three are accusing Kelly of hiding his left-wing agenda behind the word "astronaut." … "They’re planning on taking away the filibuster — the higher vote threshold to pass legislation — to push through their agenda over … day, and if Kelly defeats McSally, Kelly could be in the Senate on November 30, which would narrow the Republican majority from 53-47
It's Late, But There's Still Time
– If memory serves, an instant poll showed that the American people, by 47-43, thought Walter Mondale had bested Ronald Reagan in the … He and his campaign need to tie Biden to the repellent elements of the Democratic Party and their radical agenda on remaking an America … Trump's assignment in the next two debates: Link Biden to the people -- and their agenda -- in his coalition whom the national majority…
Manchin: Count Me As a Hard No on Court Packing
– If they have the votes to strike major blows for their agenda, and to consolidate their power, there's a strong chance they'll take … may be fool's gold (this survey is definitely an outlier), but James is an impressive candidate worthy of support: #MIsen:James (R) 47% … Peters (D-inc) 47%@trafalgar_group, LV, 9/23-25 — Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) September 29, 2020…
FEC Filings Show Ossoff Fundraised With Cal Cunningham After Adulterous Sex Scandal
– Eighty-seven percent of his donations from his quarter came from states other than Georgia, with 47 percent coming from California, … "Given his radical socialist agenda, it's no surprise that Jon Ossoff has so much appeal to liberal California billionaires and so…
Gallup: 56 Percent of Americans Say They're Better Off Than They Were Four Years Ago, And Yet...…say-theyre-better-off-than-they-were-four-years-ago-n2577752
– Just before the last Republican incumbent president won re-election in 2004, only 47 percent of Americans said they were feeling better … administration: % of Americans who say they are better off now than they were 4 years agoSept 2020: 56 percentDec 2012: 45 percentOct 2004: 47 … They have consistently given Trump high marks on his handling of the economy, and clearly aren't rejecting his agenda and accomplishments…
Trump Campaign Responds After Biden Hides from Public Eight Days Out from Election
– in his basement while President Trump is out on the campaign trail, the Trump campaign has released a new ad highlighting Biden's 47 … "Joe Biden is a diminished, Washington D.C. insider who has spent 47 years in politics and has done nothing for the American people … With mere days left until the election, he hides from the American people and the press, refusing to answer for his radical agenda,…
Joe Biden Continues to Pander: This Time It’s the Haitian-American Community…pander-this-time-its-the-haitianamerican-community-n2578393
– For 47 years as an elite Washington, D.C. insider he has no substantial record of support for this community he is pretending to now … The globalist agenda of Joe Biden has hurt Haitian American workers.…
The Left’s Attack on the Fourth of July
– But make no mistake, leftists also want to obliterate Independence Day to remake America to fit their radical agenda.  … Only 47% of college students think America is exceptional, and 44% are favorable to our nation’s history.…
Biden’s Veiled Threat to Pack the Supreme Court Should Disqualify Him from Being President…me-court-should-disqualify-him-from-being-president-n2579243
– Republicans will not appoint judges who reveal that they have an agenda to enact certain policies that they favor. … James Madison wrote in Federalist 47, “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . … The threat of enacting the liberal agenda through cases brought to the Supreme Court.…
On All Fronts, President Trump Delivers a Knock Out Punch Against Biden…dent-trump-delivers-a-knock-out-punch-against-biden-n2575223
– On Joe Biden:  At the Democrat convention, you barely heard a word about their agenda. … Joe Biden's agenda is made in China. My agenda is made in the USA.  … You can read more about President Trump's second term agenda here. …
The Five Reasons Trump Is Going to Crush Biden
– After 47 years, Joe Biden is totally going to finally fix stuff. … And if you believe that, you are not going to support Biden’s pro-dope legalization agenda because you already got yours. 5.…
Trump Campaign Brief: RNC Day One
– That is why he has advanced freedom – despite savage political attacks – to overcome the agenda of the radical left. … was shot by a radical leftist, respond to Democrats’ calls to defund the police, and explain why Americans “can’t afford another 47
Biden Makes Lofty Promises in His DNC Speech...President Trump Responds
– full of promises, and pointed out that in his four decades in Washington, the former vice president was unable to accomplish this agenda … In 47 years, Joe did none of the things of which he now speaks. He will never change, just words! — Donald J.…
Trump Unloads on Biden at Pennsylvania Rally
– The president accused Biden of spending "the last 47 years betraying the American people." … Trump said his agenda was made in America and Biden's agenda was made in China. …
The False Joe Biden Narrative Peddled at the Democratic National Convention…ative-peddled-at-the-democratic-national-convention-n2575608
– We may never know the Biden/Harris presidential agenda.   … But a look behind the door shows his 47 years in Washington, D.C., is anything but, no matter what the Washington Post and the other…
Trump Is Vaccine for Deadly Swamp Virus
– courts and our bureaucracies, free speech was squelched at our universities and advocacy of a politically correct “climate change” agenda … Our choice is to revert to total Deep State control and elect a politician who has been doing their bidding throughout his 47-year…
New Poll: Voters See Democrats as Extremists
– Voters see most of the Democratic presidential candidates as more liberal than they are and rate their agenda as outside the mainstream … Trump (47%), or whether they should argue for an even more progressive agenda than they had under President Obama (53%.)…
Are Democrats Ceding The Center To Trump?
– A Washington Post-ABC poll just found Trump at 47% approval, a new high for his presidency. … If the Democratic Party, as its alternative to Trump, decides to run on this radical new agenda, America will punish that hubris with…
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