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Trump Campaign Responds After Biden Hides from Public Eight Days Out from Election

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Their spouses are out holding events and campaigning, but Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris are not showing their faces once again on Monday. Eight days before the election.


Dr. Jill Biden will be holding a "Women for Biden" event in Georgia on Monday, while Sen. Harris's husband Doug Emhoff will hold get out the vote events in North Carolina.

President Trump and Vice President Pence, however, have very busy days in the public eye. Trump will be holding three rallies across the battleground state of Pennsylvania today, while Pence will be bringing their message to Minnesota.

While hiding from the press isn't exactly great optics, Biden and Harris tend to get in trouble when they do allow questions. Biden will snap at reporters for asking about his son Hunter's shady foreign business dealings, while Sen. Harris awkwardly laughs when asked about being the most liberal member of the United States Senate and how that will square with a nominee who has pledged to be more moderate.

"I, somebody, said that, and actually it was Mike Pence on the debate stage," Harris reacted when confronted by 60 Minutes' Norah O'Donnell. 

Actually, it wasn't just Pence who said it, as O'Donnell noted. The non-partisan GovTrack made the conclusion.


In just over a week we'll find out if hiding was an effective campaign strategy. The Trump-reelection campaign, meanwhile, will continue to take advantage of Biden's no-shows.

"On yet another day where Joe Biden is hiding in his basement while President Trump is out on the campaign trail, the Trump campaign has released a new ad highlighting Biden's 47 years of absolute failure and status as the embodiment of the Washington D.C. swamp," Trump's re-election campaign said in a statement on Monday. "Joe Biden is a diminished, Washington D.C. insider who has spent 47 years in politics and has done nothing for the American people, instead using his status to enrich his family and himself.  With mere days left until the election, he hides from the American people and the press, refusing to answer for his radical agenda, record of failure, and evidence of corruption. Joe Biden simply has no explanation for his disastrous policies and decades of failed leadership."


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