Results for: abortion pregnancy

2015's Most Pressing Social Justice Issue: The Unborn
– Most importantly, only abortion kills nearly 100 percent of its victims. … Abortion is also an injustice that focuses heavily on poor women, according to the pro-abortion research institution Guttmacher. … Likewise, the abuse of women is also rampant in abortion facilities.…
LIVE OPEN THREAD: The State of the Union Address
– throughout all nine months of pregnancy.   … According to the abortion zealots, Joni Ernst flunks the "pro-woman" test because she rejects a radical stance that repulses a large … But Ernst won't be discussing abortion, I'd imagine.…
The Last Shall Be Dead?
– In God’s kingdom we look for teenage moms surprised by pregnancy. … Do we have a god, as the Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights believes, who knits us together in our mothers’ wombs but smiles as … Other Nixon appointees were also pro-abortion, but that’s a story for another day.…
An Open Letter to Cecile Richards (Please Stop Killing the Dream)…er-to-cecile-richards-please-stop-killing-the-dream-n1945096
– Today, your blood-soaked abortion empire kills the “unwanted” over 330,000 times a year. … Steve Jobs, an adoptee, was glad he “didn’t end up as an abortion.” … And you’ve been handsomely rewarded for putting a false face on abortion—a salary of $523,616.…
FOIA Reveals Maryland NARAL’s Strategies to Close a Pro-life Pregnancy Center…narals-strategies-to-close-prolife-pregnancy-center-n1943708
– to shutter pro-life pregnancy centers across the country. … Fewer abortion clinics means more mothers choosing life for their children, whereas, fewer pregnancy centers means fewer opportunities … Unconstitutional Attack on Pro-life Pregnancy Centers.”…
Rights v. Responsibility: A Critique of the Natural Birth Movement
– More from Slate's Laura Helmuth: "In the United States today, about 15 women die in pregnancy or childbirth per 100,000 live births … of women who advocate for natural birth rights rely upon the same kind of sentimental, subjective rights language employed by abortion
How The Contraception Mandate May Spread Measles: Politicizing Preventive Care Increases Public Distrust…iticizing-preventive-care-increases-public-distrust-n1949650
– Religious people who didn’t want to provide contraception or early abortion pills were told they should lose their lawsuits because … Pregnancy is not a disease. It is a healthy condition that impacts people’s deepest beliefs. … When public health experts equated pregnancy with immunizable disease, they politicized preventive care.…
Three Pro-Abortion Bills Were Just Defeated in Virginia
– Three state senators introduced three distinct pro-abortion bills in Richmond, only to have them defeated one-by-one by the Senate … In reality, 78 percent of women who view their ultrasound reject abortion. … Terry McAuliffe (D-VA), who once vowed to be a "brick wall" against restrictions to women's abortion rights. …
Archbishop Gomez: 'No One Has Right to Decide Who Can Live and Who Can Die'
– It would prohibit a doctor from killing an unborn child during or after the 20th week of pregnancy unless it was necessary to save … But she insisted she had more "standing" than other members of Congress -- or the pope -- to talk about abortion. … "As we are remembering that tragic day when abortion was legalized in our nation, some of our leaders here in California introduced…
Will Republicans Go the Way of the Whigs?
– after the 20th week of pregnancy? … This is an issue upon which most Americans are united -- the vast majority of Americans find late-term abortion morally abhorrent. … Representative Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., removed her name from the bill, stating, "We got into trouble last year" over issues like abortion
Life and Love on the March
– "I wouldn't have even considered abortion if it weren't legal." … A small number of pro-abortion activists stopped the crowd in its tracks, not wanting it to advance. … But roadblocks from those who support abortion weren't the only obstacles facing the pro-life cause.…
Republicans Unanchored
– She became a national heroine for the pro-abortion movement and media. … She ultimately failed while earning the moniker (from me) "Abortion Barbie." … Ellmers has succeeded where Davis failed and is now the Republican Party's own "Abortion Barbie."…
Republicans Surrender to Infanticide
– Why else would the GOP pull its 20-week abortion limit bill? … A new Marist poll finds that 84 percent of Americans favor some level of further restrictions on abortion. … A Quinnipiac poll found that 60 percent of women support limiting abortions to the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.…
House Republicans' Late-Term Abortion Debacle
– Worse still, the two female members whose objections to language in a bill banning most abortions after five months of pregnancy were … (2) Late-term abortion prohibitions are widely popular.   … Our legal abortion regime is far more extreme than the laws in places like France and Germany.  …
Fetal Pain is Grounded in Science
– Countless mothers, fathers, siblings, grandparents, friends and abortion workers have been wounded by the shockwaves of abortion. … This is the terrible legacy of legalized abortion in the United States. … after 20 weeks of pregnancy [18 weeks post-fertilization].…
Surprise: White House Unlikely to Sign Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act Into Law…gn-paincapable-unborn-child-protection-act-into-law-n1945807
– months gestation – the threshold after which unborn babies feel pain – in order to rein in the number of lives lost to late-term abortion … Increasingly, poll after poll shows voters are rejecting late-term abortion as a viable and safe option for terminating a pregnancy … "Late term Abortion in America has its defenders, but no true or principled defense.…
NC Poll: 69 Percent of Tarheel GOP Voters Aged 18 to 49 Support 20-Week Abortion Ban…op-voters-aged-18-to-49-support-20week-abortion-ban-n1952727
– Kaplan said poll sought to find the solid baseline for opinions on abortion rights without the gaming of questions that other pollsters … “By a similar margin, 54 percent to 27 percent, North Carolina Republicans believe the GOP should work to end abortion in America,” … Aldrich said the abortion issue is a very important in North Carolina's 2nd Congressional District, located in the central part of…
Into the Lion’s Den
– Next, they made the bold move of asking me to give a speech on abortion. … A good friend has outdone me by offering the same pastor an additional $5000 to start the pregnancy fund. … There, a bold student group got more than just funding for me to speak on abortion.…
West Virginia Overrides Governor's Veto On Abortion Law
– Earl Ray Tomblin veto of an abortion law that would ban the practice after 20 weeks. … In other words, late-term abortion is banned in West Virginia (via AP): The ban provides some exemptions for women in medical … effort to increase abortion restrictions.…
No Wishy-Washy Candidates, Please
– that a woman has a right to end a pregnancy at any point during those nine months?” … Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy and he said that it’s “not a change … It doesn’t matter what candidates say who oppose abortion, whether they hide from their positions or not, the abortion lobby is going…
Even After A Brutal Rape, She Decided To Choose Life… At Age 12…a-brutal-rape-she-decided-to-choose-life-at-age-12-n1965953
– The attack resulted in a pregnancy. … Her doctor said she should have an abortion, but when she asked if aborting her child would wipe away the emotional pain of her assault … She’s now 35, but has no regrets in her decision to choose life (via Life News): She said, “If abortion wasn’t going to heal…
Scott Walker Pledges to Sign Controversial Pro-life Bill
– But there’s no doubt in my mind the decision of whether or not to end a pregnancy is an agonizing one. … The governor avoided giving a straight answer and ultimately said it was up to the courts to decide what to do about abortion rights … In this open letter, Walker was referring to the controversial Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that bans abortion after 20…
Self-Appointed, Unbiased “Fact Checkers” Strike Again…3/selfappointed-unbiased-fact-checkers-strike-again-n1965182
– Anthony List, and our latest fact sheet on America’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. … Services that represent a direct response to pregnancy, i.e., resolving the pregnancy, break down as follows: Abortion services … : an abortion, an adoption referral, or a prenatal referral.…
Dems: Hey, There's That Abortion Language Republicans Were Talking About…at-abortion-language-republicans-were-talking-about-n1973168
– (a) The limitations established in the preceding section shall not apply to an abortion— (1) if the pregnancy is the result of an … But they contend it's a stretch to argue the abortion provision was, as Republican Sen. … Politico did report that the abortion language is on pages four and five of the Senate bill.…
Walker Begins Making Inroads In New Hampshire, So Does Bush
– " … In the heat of his re-election campaign last year, Walker softened his position on abortion, saying the decision was … between "a woman and her doctor" in a television ad about legislation requiring women to have pre-abortion ultrasounds. … Walker's team says he has not changed his abortion stance and cites his perfect rating with Wisconsin anti-abortion groups.…
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