Results for: cable ratings

'The Bible' series retains strong ratings
– (March 10), placing it second among all cable programming. … Among both broadcast and cable programs, CBS' "60 Minutes" finished first with 11.58 million viewers. … year and was the top show that night on either broadcast or cable TV.…
Top-rated 'Bible' series concludes Sunday
– NASHVILLE (BP) -- History Channel's "The Bible" miniseries concludes Easter Sunday, having grabbed the attention of Hollywood with huge ratings … In its first four weeks, The Bible has finished the week either No. 1 or 2 among cable programs.…
Late-Night TV Wars Capture Cultural Snapshot
– Conan doing “Tonight” was not a ratings hit, and heaven knows, neither was NBC’s genius decision to cram Jay Leno into the last hour … There he was, with far more youthful, edgy humor cred than Fallon may ever have, banished to basic cable. … But even at mitigated viewer levels, there are millions of people, and thus millions of dollars, up for grabs in the ratings race about…
'Bible' series concludes, now on DVD
– During the five Sundays it was broadcast, The Bible finished either first or second among cable programs. … Mainstream media sites have taken notice of the high ratings.…
Duck Dynasty: The Pro-God, Guns, Family and Capitalism Reality Show Rules the Ratings Roost…and-capitalism-reality-show-rules-the-ratings-roost-n1667049
– Duck Dynasty kicked off its fourth season last Wednesday and they did it with a bang, raking in the highest ratings for any cable
Is Cable News Going The Way Of Print?
– But the news business, particularly cable news, has changed so much in that time that I’m thinking I may need to start seeing other … Yet that’s what cable news has become. I understand the use of contributors. … All too often cable news is moving away from the informed and/or involved guest to the one on the payroll.…
Willie Robertson for President
– others, in print and on TV, a lot of words devoted to the phenomenon of Duck Dynasty, the A&E show that has climbed to the top of the cableratings mountain.…
Plunge: MSNBC Ratings in Free Fall
– America's least-watched "major" cable "news" network has continued its ratings slide this summer, falling off a cliff within the key … board and have sustained especially dramatic erosion during the key primetime hours: MSNBC continued its rough 2013 in the ratings … Not all the ratings data is bad for the network, however: MSNBC was the only cable channel to see viewership growth last…
Are The Short Sellers Right About These 2 Stocks?
– Both of these firms garner inferior consumer ratings, and despite billions being spent to upgrade their networks now, they still can't … Street Journal also notes Google's plans to roll out super-strong Wi-Fi in U.S. cities where it offers its fiber-based telecom and cable
Grassroots Coalition Takes On Comcast
– Possibly the worst offender is Comcast, the largest cable company in the country and owner of NBCUniversal – the parent company of … What this means is that you, the cable customer, don’t just watch shows, you’re also paying the salaries of liberal talking heads like … That’s why the best way to force change at Comcast is to leverage its Achilles’ heel and primary revenue source – its cable business…
Coming Up Short On Dr. Gosnell
– Washington Post TV reporter Lisa de Moraes joked on Tuesday: "CNN may have figured its way out of its ratings problem. … In that key demographic, Bourdain finished 106 percent ahead of cable news rival Fox News Channel and 65 percent ahead of MSNBC in…
Broadcast nets: Ailes is What's Good For You
– acceptance remarks, Ailes noted that Fox (on which I occasionally appear) has racked up 137 consecutive months as the number one cable … news network and that it has the top 13 shows on cable. … He didn't say that CNN and MSNBC are in a ratings decline. He didn't have to.…
– While other networks, broadcast and cable, were telling us the story on the IRS scandal was pretty much over, Fox was still revealing … still watch Fox News (right up until Hubcap O’Reilly at 8:00) and I revel in the way they clobber CNN and annihilate MSNBC in the ratings
Fox News Crushes MSNBC in Ratings During Zimmerman Trial Verdict…s-crushes-msnbc-in-ratings-during-zimmerman-verdict-n1641058
– Saturday evening and we learned that Zimmerman had been acquitted of second degree murder and was free to go, many Americans turned to cable … And unsurprisingly, most viewers did not turn to MSNBC: MSNBC's ratings woes came into sharp relief on Monday with the release … Despite branding itself as "the place for politics," MSNBC went wall-to-wall on the Zimmerman trial after watching its ratings tank…
As Its Ratings Slide, The Confessions Of A Recovering CNBC Pundit…s-slide-the-confessions-of-a-recovering-cnbc-pundit-n1638360
– The latest Nielsen ratings show that business network CNBC is in a ratings free fall. … By some measures the cable channel is experiencing its lowest numbers since 1994. … once again suffering a big ratings slide.…
Megyn Kelly is Killing it in the Ratings
– On her premiere night, Megyn had Senator Ted Cruz as a guest and did great in ratings. … But what’s even more impressive is how she did even better in the ratings on her second night doing the show. … In her second night on Fox News’ new primetime lineup, Megyn Kelly clocked the highest adults 25-54 rating across all of cable news…
The Tipping Point We've Dreamed Of?
– The President's job approval and favorable ratings are sinking like a stone. But these are snapshots of the moment. … asked all the time: How did Obama win twice when conservative talk radio is so popular and Fox News beats the stuffing out of its cable
The AP: Say, Martin Bashir’s Comments About Sarah Palin are Really Hurting that Network, Huh?…bout-sarah-palin-are-really-dogging-the-network-huh-n1753461
– Palin on MSNBC hasn't ended questions about whether the remarks deserve punishment from his bosses, giving unwanted attention to a cable … network dealing with sinking ratings along with loose-lipped hosts. … It's a problem in cable news. It's a certain coarseness where everything goes.…
Ferguson, the 'Local Crime Story'
– The entire nation couldn't wait two hours for the local news, or turn to cable news? … They expected -- and were far too eager -- to chronicle a riot and squeeze some ratings out of the mayhem.…
Alfred Charles Sharpton, an American Excess Story
– Alfred currently peddles his brand of low-brow commentary on the MSNBC cable news network, which fortunately receives dismal ratings
President Trump Has a Word of Advice for Fox News' Reported Suspension of Judge Jeanine…e-for-fox-news-reported-suspension-of-judge-jeanine-n2543254
– News has become a target for liberals and other news organizations because the conservative outlet consistently has the highest ratings … Trump's word of advice to Fox News: stay true to the loyal conservative viewers who consistently watch the cable news network.…
Oh Yeah, That Has To Be It: CNN Host Has A Pathetic Reason For Why Liberal Media Ratings Are Trash…he-mueller-report-has-gutted-cnn-and-msnbcs-ratings-n2543924
– For now, CNN and MSNBC’s ratings are heading back into the toilet  (via AP): Rachel Maddow isn’t backing away from her coverage of … Hannity and Maddow have run neck-and-neck atop the cable news ratings this year, with Maddow having the slight edge. … News that there have been plenty of big stories for the media to cover since Mueller finished his investigation and suggested the ratings
CNN Explains Why Fox News Had Much Better Ratings This Week in Wake of Mueller…ains-why-fox-news-had-much-better-ratings-this-week-n2543891
– bombshell that special counsel Robert Mueller and his team found no collusion between President Trump and Russia was a boost for cable … In Brian Stelter's ratings analysis, he acknowledged that yes, they're trailing Fox. … It's true that Fox's prime time ratings have popped this week while CNN and MSNBC's ratings have been below average.…
Nielsen Wasn't Right For Trump's 'Bad Cop' Role On Immigration…wasnt-right-for-trumps-bad-cop-role-on-immigration-n2544480
– Trump also demands -- and rewards -- loyalty, particularly in the form of effusive praise on cable news. … According to a report last week in the Washington Post, Trump added that the ratings for this Oval Office confrontation with Nancy…
New Nielsen Numbers Show Milestone for Fox News, Bad News for CNN
– For 69 consecutive quarters, Fox has been the most-watched cable news network in both daytime and primetime. … #FoxNews now marks 69 consecutive quarters as the most-watched cable news network! That is 17 years and three months. … Compared to last year, Fox's primetime ratings are up 11 percent. It's a much different story over at CNN.…
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