Results for: Republican Party presidential candidates, 2016

Why Whitmer Is Nervous About the Upcoming Election…lls-claiming-harris-is-in-the-lead-make-her-nervous-n2644462
– Kennedy Jr., Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver, and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. … , twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton lost to Trump by 11,000 votes. … We’ve had 12 years of a Republican governor, and then we have term limits, so eight years of a Democrat, then eight years of a Republican
What If Trump Runs Ahead of His Poll Numbers -- Again?
– As I try to understand public opinion in yet another presidential election year with former President Donald Trump as the Republican … In Senate races, Republican candidates are leading in polls in only two of half a dozen Democratic-held seats that have seemed vulnerable.In … and 2022.Finally, the gap between 2016 and 2020 polls and actual election results was greatest, as Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini…
Lots of Tumult and Little Bounce This Election Year
– What if they held a tumultuous election, with an early one-sided debate, a candidate substitution and third-party withdrawal, and no … has had a chance to watch the 43rd Republican National Convention nominate, for the first time in the party's history, the same presidential … National conventions used to produce perceptible bounces for candidates.…
–  Harris, a 59-year-old woman who has been in public office for nearly three decades, is now a presidential candidate whose substance … Her presidential campaign was widely regarded as a fiasco that was over almost as quickly as it began. … Martinez is a Republican strategist and veteran of three presidential campaigns who also served as chief of staff to United States…
JD Vance Becomes the Corporate Media’s Worst Nightmare
– routinely appearing on liberal networks to spar with partisan journalists and dismantle the latest fake narratives about the GOP presidential … continued on Tuesday night following the debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on ABC.Just moments after both candidates … in terms of the hoaxes and fake narratives that the corporate media-Democrat Party apparatus is rolling out against Trump.…
Here's What Caused RealClearPolitics' Co-Founder's Jaw to Drop When He Saw This Headline About Harris…sweeks-fantastical-piece-about-harris-winning-texas-n2643434
– mix that indicates future performance will be any different from past performance; I don't see anything that may shake up the presidential …  "In 2022, up and down the statewide ballot, solid red candidates like Governor [Greg] Abbott and indicted and impeached, but … Pennsylvania has long tortured the Republican Party, who have only won this state in the 1988 and 2016 elections.…
Major Poll Shows Harris Leading Trump, but Should We Be Skeptical?
Candidates traditionally gain a few percentage points in the days and weeks after announcing their running mate. Ms. … An unnamed generic candidate — whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican — almost always fares better in the polls than named candidates … An unnamed generic candidate — whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican — almost always fares better in the polls than named candidates
The Battle Lines Are Drawn
– It now appears that the 2024 presidential battle lines are finally drawn, barring an admittedly unlikely surprise at the Democratic … about the entire process that led her and the Democrat party to this point in time.On the Republican side, there are no doubt a few … Admittedly, these tasks may be difficult when to some extent both political parties and both of our presidential candidates have significant…
This Latest Poll Out of Montana Means Senate Race Is Still One to Watch
– With third-party candidates on the ballot, Trump has 54 percent to Harris' 39 percent, while 5 percent support Robert F. … Decision Desk HQ and The Hill even regard it as a "Lean Republican" race now.Tester won in 2018 with 50.3 percent of the vote to Republican …  The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) chairman for this cycle, Sen.…
The Clearest Choice America Has Ever Had
– and Vice-Presidential candidates this year. … The nation elected a pro-American, fiscal conservative as its Chief Executive in 2016. … In 2016, America went back the other way and elected the pro-American Trump.…
The Most Important 42 Miles in American Politics
– They want to be seen.For decades, presidential candidates from either party have rarely shown up in places like East Palestine and … This is not a place where presidential candidates go, but it is where presidents can be elected or defeated," said Sracic, who lives … The old Republican Party was an uncritical partner with big business such as Norfolk Southern," he said.…
Here's How the Race Between Trump and Biden Looks in the Battleground States…en-trump-and-biden-looks-in-the-battleground-states-n2641893
Candidates tend to enjoy a boost after their nominating conventions." … Donald Trump and the Republican Party will begin their convention week with a narrow but consistent advantage across the battleground … United States case on presidential immunity.…
Notice Anything Different Regarding Trump Over the Past Couple of Days?…ampaign-implodes-trump-is-channeling-a-new-strategy-n2641327
–  He's allowing the bonfire to consume the Democratic Party. … Party writ large needs to do to inflict more damage. … It’s what Trump did to Biden in the debate and what he’s doing to the Democratic Party.…
Joe Biden's Path Is 'Narrow to None' If He Loses This Key State…facing-a-polling-disaster-in-key-battleground-state-n2641341
candidates, Trump still leads Biden, with 42.4 percent among overall voters to Biden's 38.1 percent. … While 40.2 percent say they're "unsure," 39.5 percent selected the Republican. … This has created favorable conditions for the McCormick campaign as well as Republican races across the commonwealth."…
Democratic Governor Admits the Truth About the 2024 Presidential Race in His State…vernor-admits-the-truth-about-the-race-in-his-state-n2640899
– 1972," there have been plenty of Republican presidents since then. … any U.S. state, last voting for a Republican candidate, former President Nixon, in 1972." … “You’ve got the debate between the two presidential candidates next week.…
Hoo Boy: Biden's Debate Stakes Just Got Even Higher
– distaste for both candidates but that Mr. … Trump has so far better consolidated the support of his own party. Only 72 percent of voters who said they cast a ballot for Mr. …  Trump's sentencing by the Biden donor judge in the case is July 11, days before the Republican National Convention.…
The New York Times Has Bad News on Biden's Support Among Another Key Demographic
– men in most presidential elections going back decades. … “Women are not single-issue thinkers,” said Kellyanne Conway, a Republican pollster, Mr. … Even so, 41 percent of young women said there was no difference between their financial situation between the two candidates.…
Is There Another Trump VP Name Not on the List?
– Glenn Youngkin, a Republican, could be on the short list. "And I think I could consider that," he said. "Yes. … The subheadline claims, "The Virginia governor seems to have lost his way, both in his state and his party." … Among the key takeaways is that Republican candidates still won in districts that President Joe Biden won in 2020, and even that Congressional…
Trump Narrows the Field for Veep
–  Let’s see how the alleged candidates rate. … The fact is that the race of a Republican is irrelevant. … He’s black, but being black is not relevant for a Republican nominee.…
Pandering vs. Patriotism
– Democrat candidates have received criticism for taking certain voting blocs for granted; the conventional wisdom after the 2016 presidentialpresidential campaign.The second difference is the content of Trump's speeches. … presidential candidates had visited the Bronx since Reagan -- the last Republican presidential candidate to win the state of New York.A…
Are Both Biden and Trump a 'Drag' on Senate Races?…umps-popularity-or-lack-thereof-affect-senate-races-n2639634
– The Senate could very likely flip to Republican control. … Bob Casey Jr., leads Republican David McCormick by 46-41 percent. …  There's also states where it's not a battleground for the presidential race, and Trump will still help the Republican nominee…
Is New Hampshire Another State in Play?
– The 2024 presidential election is one to watch if there ever was one. … Kennedy, Jr.], and other unnamed candidates,” Klingler said. … Even if they don't go for a Republican in 2024, they might in future years, especially if a Republican actually bothers to spend the…
Get Ready for More Rigged Presidential Debates
– Since 1976, every four years, the presidential nominees of the Republican and Democratic parties have met for televised debates. … The largest viewing audience for a presidential debate was the first 2016 encounter between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. … The latest Real Clear Politics average of polls, including third-party candidates,  shows Trump ahead by 2.8 percent.…
What Do We Make of These Latest Battleground State Polls?
– Nevada, where Biden won in 2020 by better margins than Hillary Clinton did in 2016, has been one of Trump's best states when it comes … Joe Lombardo, a Republican. … Half of swing-state voters say they’re worried about violence surrounding the US presidential election, suggesting misgivings about…
Did You Expect These Poll Numbers for Trump Out of Minnesota?
– The race was much closer in 2016 and in 2000. … “Minnesota is a blue state,” said Michael Brodkorb, a former deputy chair of the Minnesota Republican Party. … “Minnesota remains an uphill climb for any statewide Republican candidate, but President Trump has a real shot here,” former Republican