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The Most Important Election in American History?

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We’ve had some important presidential elections in American history, of course. The election of 1800 decelerated the Federalists’ attempt to expand the federal government. 1828 led to increased democracy. James K. Polk’s election in 1844 allowed for the entrance of Texas into the United States. 1860 was perhaps the most important election we’ve ever had because it preceded our tragic internecine war.  And there have been other important elections as well. 1912, 1932, 1960, 1980 come to mind. 


But this year might be the most important election in our nation’s history. The ideological division in America is the greatest it has ever been—even during the pre-War Between the States era.  And the contrast between the two candidates (regardless of whom the Democrats finally nominate) could not be more dramatic:  one a decided pro-American patriot, the other an unequivocal Leftist totalitarian heading a party that gives every indication it hates everything traditional America stands for and wants to continue to take the country down a determined leftward, morally decadent path. 2024 will decide which course the country will follow.

Rip Van Winkle slept for 20 years and was surprised at the country he woke up in. Patriotic, God-fearing Americans have slept for about 60 years, but are beginning to awaken.  And they are utterly appalled at the nation they have woken up in.  

America isn’t anything even close to what it was in 1960. It certainly isn’t the America our Founding Fathers created.  It isn’t the Judeo-Christian nation universally acknowledged prior to the Marxist, atheist intervention.  For the past 60 years, a lot of us were uneasy, sensing something wasn’t quite right. But, until Obama, and especially Biden, we didn’t realize the depth of the anti-Americanism, the full intention of what the Left was trying to do with and to our country.  We noticed the increasing immorality and growth of government, but the horrific degeneracy, decadence, and economic recklessness have exploded in our faces the past few years.  We are finally, under Biden, realizing the true nature of the Left.  It has totally taken over the Democratic Party, which is not the Democratic Party you and I grew up with.  And certainly not the Democratic Party of Andrew Jackson and James Polk.


This year’s election is important, incredibly so.  Let me try to explain why.

1.   If the Democrats win, they will continue to try to force the country in the direction they are currently taking it.   It is crucial to understand that the Left, in one critical sense, really cares little to nothing about transgenderism, climate change, the Ukraine, DEI, the plight of black people, and the other issues they ceaselessly pound the American people with.  They care only that these issues are the current “crises” and instruments they can use to gain power.  Power is Leftism’s goal, and they will employ whatever tools necessary and handy to achieve that goal.  Their great “enemy” in America is you and I, as manifested especially in our current support of Donald Trump. “You and I” means traditional America—limited government, Judeo-Christian values, virtuous freedom, equality of opportunity for all citizens, America First, men and women, the nuclear family, capitalism—anti-Leftist ideals.  Since those are the values “traditional,” God-fearing Americans believe in, the Left, the Democratic Party, opposes all of them. The division is colossal and currently unbreachable.

If Biden/Democrat wins this year, he will continue to push open borders, moral decadence, racism and “genderism,” government growth, and Marxist propaganda—the same things that have been forced upon America the last several years.  There will be no change.  We’ll have four more years of what we have had since Biden’s inauguration in 2021.  Four more years of it may prove impossible to ever reverse.


2.   If Trump wins, then there will be a retarding of the leftward course of the country.  He’ll stop the invasion of illegals, and hopefully get most of them out of the country.  The American military will no longer be a DEI experiment, and will be returned to something the country can be proud of.  Other “Trumpian” measures like this will be of pressing importance and will cause patriotic Americans some sense of relief.

But there is something more important about this election than just policy issues.  As noted, decent, God-fearing patriotic Americans are finally waking up to what the Left and the Democratic Party has been doing and the direction they are taking the country.  Four years of Trump, four years of a contrast between him and Biden, and especially, four more years of Townhall and other great conservative sites educating more and more of the American people—that’s what this election truly means.  The Democratic Party and its media will, of course, continue to promote, with intensified aggression, their agenda.  But an increasing number of Americans will awaken and perceive what is truly transpiring.

Winning in 2024 means we can slow down the Leftward drift of the nation and use that deceleration to educate and enlighten the public to true American values and their contrast with Leftist globalism and degeneracy—to wake up some more Rip Van Winkles.  Four more years of Democratic Party rule will bring in millions more illegals to put into poverty and government programs, inflate the economy, and suffocate the middle class.  It will give the Democrats four more years to entrench their globalist climate change itinerary and cement their decadent ideology into the American system, matters that will be difficult to capsize.  Four more years will give the Deep State nomenklatura that much more time to tighten its grip on the country for its own self-interest.  2028 may be too late.


If we win this year, we might be able to save the country.  If we lose, it may be hopeless.  Look what Biden has done the last three years.  2024 could be the most important election in American history.

Check my substack mklewis929.substack.com.   There’s lots of other good stuff on Leftism, the Founders, etc., along with Biblical studies, so sign up.  Follow me on Twitter:  @thailandmkl.   Read my western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma all available on Amazon.  


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