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Eco-Groups' Post-Debate Silence Shows Kamala Harris Is Lying on Energy

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AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Meet the new Kamala Harris. Spoiler alert: She‘s the same as the old Kamala Harris.

Tuesday’s one and only presidential debate saw Vice President Harris double down on her major flip-flops of the past two months. Pandering to get elected isn’t news, but we should all pay attention to the lack of outrage from the environmental community. Granted, many of the granola-eating, trust-fund babies have been busy supporting Hamas over the last year, but to watch the standard-bearer of the climate cult party seemingly abandon them would usually mean some protester has to glue themselves to something. 


Don’t forget, it was the climate community who protested the DNC demanding Joe Biden drop out of the race, but now they are quiet as Kamala embraces the center on the debate stage? There’s a reason for it, but first some context.

In 2019, Kamala Harris stood on the world stage and declared her intent to ban fracking, aligning herself with the climate extremists of her party. Fast forward to 2024, and that promise has all but vanished. Now, Harris claims she has no intention of banning fracking. The very environmental groups that once loudly celebrated her original stance are now silent.

What’s even more astonishing is that Harris has performed other similar reversals, with no objection from the climate-conscious organizations that championed her in the past. Just six months ago, as Vice President, Harris supported sweeping electric vehicle (EV) mandates introduced by the Biden-Harris administration. Today, her position has changed but not to worry because her “values” remain consistent. The Harris campaign now says she doesn’t back the mandates. Where is the outrage from groups that have built entire campaigns around transitioning to EVs? Nowhere to be found.

But wait, there’s more. Harris was an advocate of banning plastic straws, rallying around the cause when it suited her presidential run in the primary years ago. But that, too, is a thing of the past. Her campaign has now “walked back” her fight against single-use plastics, and yet, the same environmental organizations remain conspicuously quiet. 


What makes Harris’ reversals particularly troubling is that climate organizations, which don’t hesitate to protest anything, are now throwing their support behind a candidate who is pro-fracking, anti-EV mandate and will let you keep those plastic straws. While she abandons the very policies that once energized these groups, they’re spending a whopping $55 million on an ad campaign promoting her.

How is this possible? The truth is painfully simple: Kamala Harris is lying. The Harris campaign has carefully avoided putting her directly on record for these flip-flops, and Tuesday’s debate moderators never pressed her on them. Instead, her campaign staff delivers the new positions through the friendly filter of the mainstream media so that Harris can maintain deniability later. If she wins, her team will likely brush aside any accusations of inconsistency. She will claim that she never explicitly changed her position, but we know better.

And here’s the real kicker: she hasn’t even offered a legitimate explanation for these shifts. Aside from one 17-minute joint sit down on CNN, Harris has yet to sit for a solo interview where she is pressed on her stances, her reasoning, or her long-term energy strategy. The public deserves an honest answer. Why has she flip-flopped on fracking, EV mandates, and plastic straw bans? What influenced her shift in these critical environmental policies? Her silence is deafening, but even louder is the silence of the groups who will deface the Constitution, but funnel millions for Kamala. 


Environmental groups should be Harris’s toughest critics, but they aren’t. Why? Because the truth is, they don’t value honesty—they value the power and influence they hope Harris will grant them if she ascends to higher office. By staying quiet, they expose their own hypocrisy. They’d rather ride the coattails of political convenience than remain consistent with their purported values.

Kamala Harris (or her campaign) claims she changed her mind on some of the most pressing energy issues of our time. The public has a right to know why—and soon. But don’t expect any cries from environmental groups. They’ve made their choice. And it’s not the truth. It’s power.


Larry Behrens is the Communications Director for Power The Future. He has appeared on Fox News, ZeroHedge, and NewsMax speaking in defense of American energy workers. You can follow him on X/Twitter @larrybehrens.


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