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This Is All Wrong

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
AP Photo/Seth Wenig, Pool

Editor's Note: Watch the latest episode of Kurt Schlichter's "Stream of Kurtiousness" below! ---> Join Townhall VIP to get exclusive access to Kurt's weekly VIP columnVIP podcast, and, of course, the "Stream of Kurtiousness" video series! All uncensored! Use promo code KURT to get 50% off your membership.

Donald Trump's conviction in the New York "hush money payment" trial is not about the law. I've practiced law for 30 years, and this is nothing like the law. You know your gut at some point is telling you this. You're thinking, "I don't understand... the judge doesn't seem to be playing it fair. I don't really understand what the charges are. It just seems wrong." Good gut! You're absolutely correct. The idea that we're supposed to celebrate the rule of law because they are persecuting the political opponent of the current president is not just hypocrisy but hierarchy. They can do it and it doesn't matter to them. But your gut is right. You are correct. This is all wrong. This is a disaster. This is a joke and a bitter one.



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