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The Evil of Black Racial Violence

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

“Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good” (Romans 12:9). “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11). “To fear the Lord is to hate evil [.]” (Proverbs 8:13). “Let those who love the Lord, hate evil” (Psalm 97: 10).


The Christian’s Bible, its Old and New Testaments, is ridden with resounding renunciations of evil and God’s call to combat it in no uncertain terms. Regrettably, contemporary American Christians hear little of this from the pulpits of the churches to which they belong. From my Pope, for example, we can count upon hearing incessant denunciations of the free market, say; but as for real evil, not so much.

And one of the greatest evils, perhaps the greatest evil, facing America today is verboten in “respectable society,” including in the Church. It is the evil of black criminality and violence.

Though blacks constitute but 13% of the nation’s population, over 50% of all murders are committed by blacks. The latter are also disproportionately represented as the perpetrators of assault, rape, and robbery. Blacks commit crimes at a rate far exceeding that of Asians, whites, and Hispanics. The numbers are staggering. Moreover, blacks are less likely than the members of any other race to be the victims of interracial crime, and more likely than the members of any other race to be the perpetrators of interracial crime and violence.

For many people, however, statistics may have an air of unreality. This accounts for why veteran investigative journalist, the fearless and indefatigable Colin Flaherty, eschews them altogether in favor of the moving image.

This author of such hits as White Girl Bleed A lot and Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry created a Youtube channel in which, multiple times a day every day, he shares with his viewers videos of the phenomenon of black-on-nonblack criminality and violence from around the country.


Colin’s visual approach kills two birds with one stone as it simultaneously supplies two invaluable services: It reveals the ubiquity and all too common savagery of black-on-nonblack crime and violence, on the one hand, while, on the other, putting the lie to the notion of “white racism.” Colin frequently puts his detractors out to pasture. Thus, if there is all of this white-on-black racism, as they tirelessly insist, then where’s the video, he asks?

(I too have found Colin’s channel particularly handy in my exchanges with self-styled “anti-racists.” Whenever they wax indignant over, say, a Paula Deen who is reported to have used a racial epithet decades ago in describing a black criminal who victimized her, I now offer this response: “If you are really that concerned about ‘racism,’ then how about I arrange for you to receive daily videos from Colin Flaherty of black-on-nonblack violence?” Unsurprisingly, my interlocutors never take me up on this offer. They do, however, cease with their moral exhibitionism—at least around me).

Written stories of individual acts of black-on-nonblack violence, like video, can also be more effective than statistics in conveying the wickedness of this phenomenon.

One especially graphic story of which everyone in the country would have intimate knowledge had the victims been black and the victimizers white is that of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, a young white couple in their early 20s from Knoxville, Tennessee. Ten years ago on January 6, the two were carjacked. Over a span of days, they were repeatedly raped, sodomized with instruments, and murdered by four black men and a black woman. Chris was shot execution-style in the head and his body was burned. Channon was stuffed in garbage bags and left to slowly suffocate after having been made to ingest a chemical agent of some sort that her assailants hoped would erase traces of their semen from her mouth.


Among those who are aware of it, this grisly event is now known as the “Knoxville Horror.”

The “Wichita Massacre” occurred earlier, in December of 2000. Two black brothers carried on a six day campaign of crime in Wichita, Kansas. All of their victims were white. On the final night of their crime wave, they robbed, physically beat, and tortured five white friends, three young men and two young white women. The criminals forced the men, at gunpoint, to have sex with the women and the women to have sex with one another. They too continually raped their female victims.

Later, the brothers drove their prey to a deserted football field, shot them in the backs of their heads, and drove over their bodies with the cars that they stole from them. One of the five, a white woman, survived.

More recently, on New Year’s Day, 19 year-old Austin Fareni, a soldier in the United States Army who returned home to spend the holidays with his family, was jumped by a dozen or so blacks while leaving the Mummers Parade with his mother, Lori, and his girlfriend. According to the former, seconds before attacking him, the assailants made derogatory remarks regarding Austin’s military uniform. When Lori and the serviceman’s girlfriend tried intervening, they were punched in the face and Austin’s girlfriend was thrown into the street.

Austin wound up in Jefferson University Hospital where he had to have plates inserted into his face. His mother says that he will also have his jaw wired shut for the next eight weeks.

On January 4, Chicago Police arrested four young blacks after they videoed themselves beating, threatening, and tormenting a special needs white man who they had abducted and bound. These perpetrators cut the man’s head, kicked and beat him, made him drink water out of a toilet, and threatened to “shank” him. The terrified captive screamed and begged his tormentors to stop. Instead, they laughed while shouting, “F**K Donald Trump, nigga! F**K white people!”


Police report that the man, who is in stable condition, has been traumatized by his ordeal.

Go figure.

Regrettably, I no more expect to hear the priests of my church talk about any of this wickedness this Sunday than I expect for Al Sharpton, Barack Obama, or any other leftist “anti-racist” to do so.

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