Reporting on the Mirror – NBC NEWS
- We won’t have Chuckles around to ridicule anymore!
The Happy Hour flag on the RFTH yacht will be at half mast for this week, as yesterday brought sadness. Sunday saw Chuck Todd sitting at the desk on "Meet The Press" for the last time.
Considering months back his daily show was outcast to the network’s streaming platform NBC News NOW this means there will be far less of Chuck to go around. Following this final broadcast, there was a gathering of his contemporaries and bosses. The names in attendance are enough to explain why Todd and MTP has not been a news driver for some years:
Symone Sanders-Townsend, Jen Psaki, Luke Russert, Ali Vitali, Amy Walter, Pete Williams, Amna Nawaz, Donna Edwards, Neal Katyal, Ruth Marcus, Monica Alba, Jake Sherman, Kimberly Atkins Stohr, Cornell Belcher, Barbara and John Cochran, Kristian Denny Todd, Sena Fitzmaurice, Hallie Jackson, Courtney Kube, Carol Lee, Susan Page and Danielle Pletka.
Not too many right-of-center names to be found. These are the kinds of personalities he was always appealing to on Mr. Todd’s Mild Ride, and it makes for good amusement to consider they were gathered happily as they celebrated his 10-year run of driving the show into the basement.
Fact check:
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) September 10, 2023
Chuck Todd took over Meet The Press as the #1 show.
Today it is in last place. https://t.co/S75V16WfLn
Artisanally-Crafted Narratives – NATURE MAGAZINE
One of the biggest scams with the climate activist set is that arguing with them using data and other facts is futile, because “the science is settled.” This is intellectually insulting because for one science should be all about exploring and challenging the school of thought. Also, if there is so much fact-based rigor to these claims then there should be no worry in anyone challenging it, as the facts and data will prove things correct.
A long-standing reality is that there is a scientific consensus regarding climate claims as a result of conflicting data and papers being dispatched by the gatekeepers of the narrative. You’ll magically arrive at a consensus opinion when only one opinion is permitted.
Backing this contention is Ph.D. climate scientist Patrick Brown of The Breakthrough Institute, as he reveals the process of having climate studies accepted. Doc Brown penned a piece at The Free Press that explains if you want to have your work published in an esteemed outlet such as Nature, you need to check your work and then remove anything that would be considered in conflict with the talking points:
I knew not to try to quantify key aspects other than climate change in my research because it would dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Science, want to tell.
Gratified at the outpouring of responses to this important and courageous piece by @PatrickTBrown31. https://t.co/mubB5oy0rc
— Bari Weiss (@bariweiss) September 6, 2023
Anti-Social Media – ESPN
- ‘What is this strange practice one is exhibiting, kneeling and bowing in gratitude…?!?!’
Maybe they are just confused when someone is kneeling and it is not in protest of the National Anthem?
Following her victory in the US Open tennis tournament, Coca Gauf had cameras following her as she went through post-match cordialities and then as she went over to her bench Ms. Gauff - who is openly devout - kneeled down and could be seen openly praying courtside.
This struck the minds at the host network ESPN as a curiosity, if not an outright mystery:
Coco Gauff took a moment to soak it all in after winning her first Grand Slam title.
Former coach and current NBC Sports analyst Tony Dungy helped out the confused souls at ESPN by walking them through what it was they were witnessing.
I hate to break this to you SportsCenter but Coco Gauff was not “soaking it all in” at this moment. She was praying. She has been very open about her Christian faith in the past. It seems pretty obvious what she is doing here. https://t.co/UOZ6zoCEPC
— Tony Dungy (@TonyDungy) September 10, 2023
Both Kinds of Standards – POLITICO
- Are we NOT freaking out and screeching about the threat to our democracy today?
Curious bit of news to come out of the nation’s capital: People trespassed inside the Capitol and occupied the offices of select members. You know, just like what occurred on that fateful January 6, way back when. Funny enough, we are not seeing the press raging about this affrontery and how the very foundations of our country are being shaken, as the Constitution sits in peril to these acts of insurrection.
Oh wait, these people are upset that there is a looming threat that US international aid for HIV/AIDS Care will expire on September 30, so they occupied Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s office. This is a cause the press finds favor with, and as a result, we are seeing some distinctly different coverage of this insurr–...er, this event.
Healthcare correspondent for Politico, Alice Miranda Ollsteain, covered this fracas and had rather muted language she used to describe these…"activists."
BREAKING: Activists are occupying @SpeakerMcCarthy’s office demanding a full 5 year reauthorization of PEPFAR, which some Rs are opposing. Background: https://t.co/nQVnCxPDE0 pic.twitter.com/wCZx4Z6wzu
— Alice Miranda Ollstein (@AliceOllstein) September 11, 2023
- Hollywood is beginning to shame each other, and all we can do is make more popcorn.
I feel like I need to remind everyone that there are still a pair of strikes taking place in Hollywood. The writer’s Guild is on something like month #4, or whatever, and then the actors got in on the…(you know). People do not appear too concerned over this, but there is some testy attitudes bubbling up.
The late-night talk shows have gone dark since the WGA walkout, but other daytime options like "The View" manage to stay on the air. Joining that program will be "The Drew Barrymore Show," about to begin its new season, and there was a question about the validity of this happening.
Comedienne/actress/writer Felicia Day had questions about how Drew was managing this, showing concern that the hostess might be going with replacements.
Sooo who is writing her opening monologue and literally everything else on this show when it starts up again next week? Scab writers?! Ughhhh gross Drew Barrymore. Gross. https://t.co/Li1hthpUm7
— Felicia Day🇺🇸 (@feliciaday) September 11, 2023
What is actually gross is that Ms. Day seems to think it is more important to honor the handful or so striking writers on her program rather than find a way to keep the show going and ensure that the dozens more people who work on the program and are not striking can still earn a living.
Pulitzer Prize Nomination – AXIOS
There is this need in certain circles of the media to be on the lookout for trends and to be among the first to report on such. It is a rather vacuous practice to start, but there are times when it gets to the point of desperation. (Recall the WaPo columnist trying to tell us that men cutting down trees and plants of women is an ongoing development.)
At Axios, this desperation has floated to the surface in a non-frothy manner. Trend-Spotter Jennifer Kingson tries to insist that the hot new…wait…the cool new trend is coming this Fall: Ice
You read that correctly. Ice is set to become all the rage, be it a drink additive or – some other ice-related stuff:
Ice — in exotically shaped cubes, boozy popsicles or suffusing your coffee — is having its moment in the zeitgeist. "There's this trend of people trying to be more sophisticated about how they keep their drinks cool," Leana Salamah of the International Housewares Association tells Axios.
This is the kind of reporting that inspires one to start forming snowballs to throw at journalists.
Ice is appearing everywhere, from iced drinks to ice sculptures, all at once.
— Axios (@axios) September 11, 2023
While this ice trend is mostly about harmless fun, the growing prevalence of drought and water insecurity point to a future where ice will be at an ever-greater premium. https://t.co/QjhDVgWwmr
"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage of the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation, where Brad Slager looks to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.