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So Much Winning! I Can’t Handel It (Actually, I Can!)

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

For the Democratic Party, the special election in Georgia turned into “Do or die.”

Well, the liberal media, which is crumbling into the sea of online oblivion every day, drummed it up to look like that every day.


The corrupt, liberal media hoped that by driving this essential must-win narrative along a bumpy path, the Democratic party would have a win. But once again, the corrupt, angry, perverse Democracy failed once again.

As expected, the blogosphere, the print media, the social media went wild. With a few days of hindsight, we can analyze the special aspects of this special election.

The district, the region had belonged to Newt Gingrich—who became Speaker of the House for the Republican Revolution of 1994. Then the seat went to John Isakson, who would become the US Senator to replace Democrat in Name Only Zell Miller, himself an outspoken supporter of George W. Bush and a keynote speaker at the 2004 RNC Convention.

This seat could never fall into Democratic hands, could it?

OK, OK: Trump’s margin of victory was pretty slight. That’s why Democrats were convinced, even with the faintest wind of hope, that they could scoop up this seat. They found a young guy—that seems to be all that matters for Democrats, what they look like—and he was fashionable. After politicking and major shifts and pushes for money and volunteers, Ossoff topped the jungle primary turnout with 48%.

Oh so close! Surely he had a chance in the general election. The Democratic Party really could win! For some reason, though, despite Democratic donations galore into the Peach State, Republicans are peachy-keen to keep their stronghold on the state government. If the LGBT fascists and other Democratic dominant forces continue pushing their unsupported agenda unabated, Atlanta could start tilting pink along with the suburbs (or they could sit back and let the city go bust.)


But the lessons learned from this crushing loss are too many to itemize so quickly.

1. The Democratic Party is still not able to understand why they are losing, and losing badly. After eight years of “America for Second Place” success apology-ism, the American people are bouncing back. They want to Make America Great Again. The Democratic Party has gone full globalist and full commie. How can they expect to be a viable political party when they no longer respect national integrity or state sovereignty?

2. The Democratic Party brand is bad, not just the candidates, and not just their record over the past eight years. The party wanted to shove public option/single-payer healthcare onto the entire country, forgetting that these things called “states” have enough muscle and power on their own to resist Washington.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and rising star Congresswoman Mia Love were right: the political dynamic is easing away from Republican vs. Democrat (since the Democratic Party is fading away fast), and turning into tensions between corrupt, inefficient Washington DC and the states, where the action, reforms, and successes are taking place. The Democratic Party is anti-constitutional, dedicated to the progressive fantasy of centralizing power into one place. The country’s very nature, essential make-up is antithetical to their goals.

3. The Democratic Party and all liberal-allied PACS spent $50 million—this point is a big win for California Trump supporters and Golden State conservatives in general. This special election was the Democratic Party’s Gettysburg. They had to win this race, because the media frenzy and political spin was all pent up and spent on turning this purplish district (well, actually still kind of red) into a much-needed triumph.


$50 million, and every bit of it came from the blue enclaves (not Georgia): Hollywood, Beverly Hills, and Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts, where they have a Republican Governor—even if he’s a RINO—and MassGOP is now targeting moderate Democrats to turn them into Republicans.

Yet all the left-wing kings and queens, their horses, and their minions could not put Democratic hopes together again.

Why is The Democratic loss, and the GOP’s win, big for California Republicans? Our in-house liberal money machine wasted millions and got nothing for it. That’s money that won’t be attacking Dana Rohrabacher, Steve Knight, or Darrell Issa. It also signals that in California, Republicans could target a few seats for some possible 2018 victories, too.

4. The media fails are getting bigger, faster, and stronger. The whole enclave of obsessed, raving corporate talking heads and their attending cable network peers were working overtime to flip this Georgia district blue. I imagine that they brought in the Big Labor and Big Business phalanxes in large numbers, too. All to no avail. But the liberal media was not only one of the big losers. The conservative, independent, and alternative media were huge winners this time.

5. The Trump effect which supposedly endangered incumbents did not have the long-term lingering negative impacts that the Democratic Party hack-tavists were hoping for.

This is good news for Republicans going into 2018, and especially for us Californians. “President Trump” is not a bad word, or the name which cannot be named in state and local politics anymore. Karen Handel ran a relatively Trump-free campaign, but signed off on the Obamacare Repeal pledge. Name ID and connections are not going to matter as much, as long as Republicans focus on the Trump issues, even if they still avoid Trump the person.


The Karen Handel victory is another shot of optimism for the Republican Party, not just reviving hopes but ensuring victories for the months to come. In 1984, Ronald Reagan accomplished a nearly unanimous national victory against Walter Mondale. Could Trump achieve the same and bring up the Republican Party ranks in Congress in 2018 and 2020?

The Georgia victory suggests that such outcomes are a growing possibility, especially as the bi-coastal Democratic Party faces more infighting, greater discouragement, and an all-out decision to resign itself to permanent minority status or dissolution in the near future.

Now that’s a future I can Handel!

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