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The Republicans Debate the Media – and Win

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OK, I judged a little harshly the debate process. Talk does matter, when it fights and wins. What I saw from the October 28th, 2015 debate was much better.


Ten Republicans fought against the media, rather than the Media pitting ten Republicans against each other.

How much longer will it take for conservatives on the national stage to recognize that they are in a war, and not just with President Obama and his regressive political class?

This is not a fight about how much of the government will we cut out of our lives, but whether Americans will embrace the vision of our Founders, or flounder under the burden of state, where unenumerated power revokes our liberty.

I choose the former, and like Carly Fiorina, I want more than just a President with an R after his – or her! – name! I want a President with a Grrrrr! in his step, too.

US Senator Ted Cruz has stepped up to that fight, too, blasting the poor list of questions from the immoderate CNBC “moderators.”

Even hard-core, anti-Cruz Democrats in my South Bay home recognized that the loaded and bloated questions from the pseudo-journalists were all intended to skewer candidates rather than bring out comprehensive discussions and decisive contrasts.

In a previous article, I noted that the five Democrat presidential contenders discussed substantive issues. At first, I granted some kudos to the liberal forum. Then I recognize, and how easily the viewers in the social media sphere can forget: the five – now three – Democratic candidates were hitting softballs from indulgent parents, and every verbal hit or miss (mostly miss) would have been lauded a home run. “A progressive who likes to get things done”, would meet with laughter and derision if a more diverse and less biased forum had staged the Democratic debate.


The CNBC free-for-all was anything but centered, fair, or balanced. And yet, we owe CNBC and their misleading, meandering propaganda affiliated a votive thanks. They wore their embarrassing, left-wing slant on their shoulders, on their faces, and in their mouths.

And every Republican that matters (Jeb and Kasich do not count, for too many reasons to count) kicked the media in the teeth. I loved every minute of it.

Although never a Rubio fan, and still wary of his stance on any issues, he indicted the “mainstream media” with the perfect one-liner, however scripted: “

I saw so much of the Old Chris Christie whom I had loved and adored, punching back at the media, and demanding the truth. Why were the Republican candidates discussing fantasy football, anyway? Fantasy is a liberal talking point – no, core value – with “Weekend at Bernie” Sanders promising free stuff for everyone, and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley claiming the mantle of common sense gun control and good governing in general (the Republican in the Annapolis, MD governor's mansion would suggest otherwise). In the face of Big Government promises from Grandpa Bernie, the New Jersey Governor reminded the audience: “Keep an eye on your wallet.” Indeed! If Christie stops pandering to illegals and follows through on his threat to “punch the national teachers unions in the face”, I could vote for the guy.

Dr. Ben has become a considerable and serious candidate. Fine, I could vote for Donald Trump. Anyone-but-Hillary is OK with me. If he can build a wall with a nice magnificent door right in the middle, more power to him. In fact, but for two, the remaining members of the GOP phalanx are worthy voting for. I cannot and probably will not have to hold my nose for Chamber of Commerce Bush and anti-conservative Kasich. Bush is floundering, and has to fix his own campaign. He is more of the same, doubling down on Common Core, amnesty, and Not Fighting. The Ohio Governor had the mendacious audacity to ask “What’s happened to the conservative movement?” The answer: it’s growing, expanding, with the voters and their grassroots coalitions are reasserting their preemince against Washington. Watchdog.org has routinely blasted Kasich’s glowing self-praise, as Ohioans move out and Medicaid rolls expand and costs increase.


Kasich’s first remarks at the debate exposed how little he really belongs there. A “progressive” slip of the tongue had me laughing out loud: “We have people on this stage who want to deport eleven people.” Yes, starting with Hillary, Bernie, and ending with Barack – but don’t to forget add about ten million, nine hundred ninety-nine thousand, eight-nine illegal aliens, and you got it about right, Johnny! If the negative incentives were removed for illegal immigration – free health care, food stamps, government bought and paid for by We the People – then many of the illegals would self-deport. US Senator Ted Cruz advocated for this at the outset, the only candidate on that stage (so far) to demand wider welfare reform.

For the past two weeks, I took a break from the national circus to focus on the fights on the front line in my South Bay home. Finding a little free time to listen and learn, I was really impressed with the Election 2016 GOP line-up on October 28th. Rubio had it right again – and had a good night in general – when he pointed out that every candidate on that stage had strong bonafides for being there. Democrats could not scratch together five notable contenders. Only one gentleman-scholar in that bunch, Jim Webb, dropped out with hints of coming back . . . as a Democratic spoiler turned Independent.

Even the weakest contender during the Republican’s third debate, US Senator Rand Paul, showed some class and panache, forced to answer real questions and promote his ongoing fight against the Washington cartel. Notice also that he and Christie never tangled once, despite CNBC putting them right next to each other. . .


Final review for GOP Debate Number 3? The Media was the big loser. Oh so happy. The winners? All of them were winners. OK, OK. . . if I had to select three, it would be: Win: Rubio; Place: Christie; Show: Ben Carson.

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