Remember when liberals brashly claimed that the so-called “secret video" would prove to be the coup de grace that ended Mitt Romney’s political career? Good times. The fact is, though, the former Massachusetts governor (to borrow a line from the president) is actually “doing [just] fine”:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows President Obama and Mitt Romney each attracting support from 46% of voters nationwide. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. See daily tracking history.When “leaners” are included, it’s Obama 48% and Romney 47%. Leaners are those who are initially uncommitted to the two leading candidates but lean towards one of them when asked a follow-up question.
This survey was conducted Wednesday through Friday of this past week, two full days after the Mother Jones video surfaced. So while the video was politically damaging -- and deeply embarrassing -- its dissemination appears to have no lasting negative impact. Good to know. This election is very much up for grabs -- especially now that Mitt Romney has the resources to be competitive.
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