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How Do You Compromise with a Progressive?

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of

I forced myself to watch Bill Maher this Friday as I was trying to chart out this column. Thankfully I hadn’t just eaten.

It was sickening to listen as cerebral dwarves Maher and some not-so-bright jackass from the fascist rag The Nation talked about how Republicans and the Tea Party are evil and the cause of all our economic problems while Rhodes Scholar and former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley, D-N.J. sat there smirking like a broken Muppet. The world in which progressives live makes the world J.K. Rowling created for Harry Potter seem normal.


And it wasn’t just the economy conservatives had wrecked. This august panel also blamed conservatives and the Tea Party for what they determined was the rebirth of racism in this country. More than that, they believe racism is worse now that at any time in recent history. The evidence of this, as is often the case with progressives, is their say-so. There’s nothing like being lectured by three wealthy white progressives about the plight of minorities in the world.

Maher’s show is the hollowed-out tree for intellectual elves on the political left to gather and make themselves feel good about their failed ideas…outside of MSNBC, naturally. As such, these elfin academics took a moment to lament the primary loss of Sen. Richard Lugar, R-ish-Ind., to Richard Mourdock because Mourdock doesn’t support “compromise.” That got me wondering – How do you compromise with people like this?

Many progressives scoffed at the concept of a “War on Terrorism.” Many more equated the United States to the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11. Still others subscribed to the stupidity that if only we’d talk with our attackers, find out what they want and negotiate with them we could avoid attacks in the future.

Putting aside the fact that these are the same people who demand terrorists at Gitmo get a presumption of innocence and due process yet simultaneously call for the head of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case, how do you negotiate with a terrorist?

Turns out it’s strikingly similar to negotiating with a progressive. You don’t. Not at all.


Chief amongst the desires of al Qaeda is us dead and Israel destroyed. Assuming your position is not wanting to be dead and not having Israel destroyed, which can be a lot to ask of far too many progressives these days, what do you compromise on? Allow them to murder some of us and destroy part of Israel?

Progressives’ goal is to raise taxes, spend more, grow government and make an ever-growing number of people dependent on government services, so those people will vote continually to keep them in power. Conservatives, though not necessarily Republicans, seek to bind the government to the Constitution, that pesky document that progressives all too often treat as a small speed bump on their way to their tyrannical Utopia.

Conservatives want less government involvement in people’s lives, smaller, constitutionally limited government and lower taxes for everyone. When two sides are pitted against one another, one side wanting higher taxes and more spending while the other wants lower taxes, or at least no increase, and less spending (or even just a decrease in the rate of increase) how do they compromise? Where is the middle ground?

It’s always the side that wants a bigger, more intrusive, ever-expanding government who wins in that compromise, no matter how much “compromise” there is, because they get more. And the goal is always “more.”

Progressives are like heroin addicts, only less honest. They both want “just one last fix” before they’ve finally had enough and will get serious about quitting. But a junkie will ask you for money for that next fix; progressives simply will deem a need for more of your money and then vote to take it. Neither is ever really done, and “just one more” is never enough with either.


The simple fact is there is no negotiating with terrorists or junkies just as there is no negotiating with progressives. “Compromise” might as well have six fewer letters when it comes to protecting individual liberty because there is simply no room for it anymore. We’ve already given away too much of our founding soul to give away any more and remain the nation, the people, we are meant to be.

There’s a reason all the people of the world who seek freedom and opportunity always try to come here. For them, and for our future, we can not allow politicians to negotiate that away any further in the name of compromise.

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