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New Jersey Democrat: We Need Illegals To Mow Our 'Beautiful Lawns'

AP Photo/Julio Cortez

New Jersey is quickly becoming the California of the east coast in terms of wreckless far-left policies that hurt American citizens. Whether it's their doctor-assisted suicide bill or shelling out nearly 4 million in taxpayer money so people unlawfully in the country can go to college, it's clear that Democratic officials in New Jersey aren't paying attention to the right issues. Where their main priority is focused on, it seems, is making sure that there are plenty of illegal immigrants around to do menial labor so their yards and gardens look nice. Don't take my word for it, listen to NJ Democratic Rep. Tom Malinowski tell a group of high schoolers and constituents that they're simply too good to do landscaping and this type of work should be left to illegal immigrants.


"Because the reason this happens is there are a lot of jobs in our community that like it or not, for better or worse, Americans are not willing to take," Malinowski said at an event titled "Coffee with Your Congressman." "Who do you think is taking care of our seniors? Fifty percent of the elder care workers in the state of New Jersey are immigrants, most of them legal, most of them documented."

"Who do you think is mowing our beautiful lawns in Sommerset County? We don't usually ask, but a lot of those workers are undocumented. There are just not a lot of kids, sorry, from Montgomery High who are going to be doing that full time. You guys are going into robotics for goodness sakes," he said to the crowd.

"You're a bunch of elitists. You're not going to mow lawns," he said to laughter.

New Jersey considers itself a sanctuary state. Here are the list of rules for police officers when dealing with suspected illegal immigrants:


The "Immigrant Trust Directive" says all levels of NJ law enforcement:

  • Cannot stop, question, arrest, search, or detain any individual based solely on actual or suspected immigration status;
  • Cannot ask the immigration status of any individual, unless doing so is necessary to the ongoing investigation of a serious offense and relevant to the offense under investigation;
  • Cannot participate in civil immigration enforcement operations conducted by ICE;
  • Cannot provide ICE with access to state or local law enforcement resources, including equipment, office space, databases, or property, unless those resources are readily available to the public;
  • Cannot allow ICE to interview an individual arrested on a criminal charge unless that person is advised of his or her right to a lawyer.

Among the directive's exceptions and exclusions:

  •  Nothing stops officers from assisting federal immigration authorities in response to emergency circumstances.
  • Officers may participate with federal authorities in joint law enforcement task forces, provided the primary purpose is unrelated to federal civil immigration enforcement.
  • Nothing in the directive prevents officers from requesting proof of identity from an individual during the course of an arrest or when legally justified during an investigative stop or detention.

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