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Latest Palestinian Poll Should Kill Further Discussions About Ceasefires

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

It’s not like this is a shocking survey. We’ve known that for years, the Palestinian people, the so-called innocent civilians, support Hamas. They voted them into power back in 2005 and have allowed the terror group to rule the Gaza Strip for nearly a generation. The international community thinks Hamas can be reasoned with—are they taking hits from Hunter Biden’s crack pipe? You cannot if anything has shown us over the past few weeks and months. They’ve rejected every ceasefire proposal because civilian casualties are not a byproduct of their operations; it’s their agenda. 


And the people here, for the most part, support Hamas. A new poll from the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research should kill any further talk of a ceasefire until Hamas has been eliminated and Israeli forces have set up security operations for the region. Enough. No one here supports a path to peace. Across the board, there is 60-plus percent support for the terror group, with roughly the same number rejecting a two-state solution. The exact figure delusionally thinks Hamas will win this war. Almost 70 percent support the 10/7 attacks.


It's why civilians helped Hamas detain Israeli hostages. They’re no different. It’s why I’m not really crying over the 100-200 ‘civilians’ who allegedly got wasted during Israel’s justified and successful rescue operation last weekend. They weren’t innocent people—they were terrorists who got what they deserved. 

The Left can whine all they want. It doesn’t change the fact that they’re antisemites who’ve become the political whores for the radical Muslim world. Nix any further ceasefire talk and wipe out the terrorist scum in Gaza.

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