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Bill Maher Pinpoints the One Issue That's Going to Get Dems 'F**ked on Election Day'

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

Bill Maher’s transition from being the Left’s comedic katana to slash Republicans to now being one of the most vocal critics of ‘wokeism’ has been a trip to watch. It seems the HBO host has more fire directed at his side of the aisle than that of the GOP, though he still has plenty to say. Yet, for now, Maher is torching liberals’ inane tendencies from free speech to Israel and now immigration. 


In high school, it would have been alien for the HBO host to have a segment where he appears to support the Republican position more. It’s not a one-off thing. He mentioned this last week, too, when he noted that the immigration levels in this country are out of control. Quotas should be set and appeared stunned by the seismic shift in support among Latino voters. Trump is more trusted to handle the immigration crisis, which includes Hispanic voters who favor the former president over Biden by over 20 points. 

The pandering to open the borders and issue mass amnesty doesn’t even resonate with the demographic Biden and the Democrats are pandering to, and Maher sees immigration as the issue that could “get them f**ked on Election Day.” The HBO host saw how European voters in the recent EU parliament elections clearly told their elected representatives that they were uncomfortable with the current levels of immigration. The same sentiment is here, except for Democrats who want unlimited numbers allowed in, which is insane. 


“Voters keep saying over and over again, ‘we are not comfortable with this level of immigration,’ and I understand why, it doesn't make you racist to say that,” added Maher. 

He went on to say that 62 percent of registered voters would deport all migrants living here illegally, with 64 percent of Latinos supporting giving the President authority to shut down the US borders. 

So, Democrats could be erecting a funeral pyre for their own political agenda come November, though there’s plenty of voter data staring at them, clearly stating their agenda is wrong. 

However, I won’t stop the Left from walking into the meat grinder.

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