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Biden to Brag About 'Made in America' While Sourcing Giveaways from China

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Before President Biden even begins his Tuesday afternoon speech billed as "remarks on his administration’s work to rebuild our manufacturing to make more in America, create good-paying union jobs, and lower energy costs for Americans," he's already undermined the American enterprise to which the White House repeatedly declared a commitment.


Rather than purchasing his "freebies" from American companies, Biden has continued to use our nation's foes to fill orders for government giveaways. China, for example, is the country from which Biden chose to source Wuhan coronavirus tests — something CCP-run state media continues to brag about. Colleagues at RedState and PJ Media reported on the "free" COVID tests they received, all stamped "MADE IN CHINA." As Katie reported today, many of Biden's ironically Chinese tests might not even work due to the Biden administration's genius that relied on the USPS to deliver the tests.

From his first hours in office, President Biden has been seemingly hell-bent on stripping America of its industrial independence as well. Biden claims to be pro-union, but killing the Keystone XL Pipeline also cost 8,000 union jobs. Shutting down pipeline projects at home and restricting future projects took an energy-independent America and turned it into one subject to the whims of OPEC and foreign conflicts. 

Despite campaign promises to put American workers first, Biden incentivized Americans to remain out of the workforce with extended and enhanced unemployment benefits that further crippled the ability of U.S. manufacturers to compete with imported goods. And labor shortages abounded thanks to Biden's since-struck down vaccine mandate for private employers — just another broken Biden promise.


The supply chain crisis has also demonstrated the risks of relying on foreign imports to fill shelves. Additional regulations and soft-on-crime policies have made the barriers to entry (and success) in the U.S. economy even more difficult to overcome.

So while Biden is planning to speak about the importance of Made-in-America goods and supporting U.S. companies and workers, his administration's track record has already proven Biden's commitment to be only as deep as the words on he stumbles over on his teleprompter.

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