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Chip Roy Calls on VP Harris to Use the 25th Amendment

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

On Friday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) filed a resolution calling on Vice President Kamala Harris to use her powers under the 25th Amendment to convene the Cabinet and declare President Joe Biden unfit to serve. This resolution comes after Roy posted his intention to do so on Friday morning, following Biden's disastrous debate performance.


The resolution calls on Harris "to transmit to the President pro tempore of  the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives notice that she will be immediately assuming the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."

The resolution calls to mind how "President Joseph R. Biden has repeatedly and publicly demonstrated his inability to discharge the powers and duties of the Presidency, including, among others, the powers and duties of the Commander-in-Chief." 

Roy upped his calls for making use of the 25th Amendment in response to a comment from Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who is a Biden campaign surrogate. "We have a great team of people that will help govern. That is what I’m going to continue to make the case for," Khanna said.


Notice how Roy's resolution mentions how these displays of Biden's inability to govern have happened "repeatedly."

Thursday night's debate performance wasn't just a one-time thing, as we've seen such signs from the president for some time now. When media outlets, such as the Wall Street Journal, dare to highlight such concerns, the liberal mainstream media and the Biden team seek to discredit such reports and gaslights the American people by claiming otherwise about Biden's cognitive decline.

The Biden White House recently used a narrative about so-called "cheap fakes" when it comes to video evidence that so clearly speaks to concerns about the president. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been particularly relentless with such talking points, as she was last week.

While the mainstream media has provided cover for the Biden team before on such a narrative, Guy mentioned earlier on Friday following the debate that there was none of that this time. 


Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) is also supportive of the Cabinet considering such a move. As The Hill quoted him as saying:

“There’s a lot of people asking about the 25th Amendment, invoking the 25th Amendment right now because this is an alarming situation,” Johnson said. “Our adversaries see the weakness in this White House as we all do. I take no pleasure in saying that. I think this is a very dangerous situation.”

“I would ask the Cabinet members to search their hearts,” Johnson continued, mentioning reports that Democrats are “panicking” after Biden’s debate performance. “I would be panicking too if I were a Democrat today and that was my nominee. I think they know they have a serious problem.”

“But it’s not just political. It’s not just the Democratic Party. It’s the entire country. We have a serious problem here, because we have a president who, by all appearances, is not up to the task,” Johnson said. “And these are very dangerous times. This is a very serious moment in American history. And it needs to be regarded and handled as such. And we hope that they will do their duty, as we all seek to do our duty to do best for the American people.”

Harris herself had an aggressive response when CNN's Anderson Cooper dared to question her about Biden's performance on Thursday night. A poll from The Economist/YouGov America also showed Americans don't exactly consider her to be "qualified" to be vice president or president. 


However, in reposting The Daily Wire's Jeremy Boreing about his views on using the 25th Amendment, Roy reminded one's views of Harris don't matter here.


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