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California Lieutenant Governor Singles Out Justice Clarence Thomas As 'Saudi Arabian Father'

AP Photo/Steve Yeater, FIle

One of the most concerning and consistent reactions from pro-abortion Democrats in reaction to the Dobbs v. Jackson decision has been the vitriol toward Justice Clarence Thomas, one of the justices who voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, and who wrote a concurrence, but not the official opinion of the Court. 


California's Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kounalakis on Friday in reaction to the decision singled out Justice Thomas, the only black justice on the Court. 

"Who is Clarence Thomas? Is he my Saudi Arabian father who's going to tell me what I can and cannot do with my body, with my life. That's what this is coming down do," Kounalakis said during an appearance on MSNBC. 

In highlighting Kounalakis' remarks, the California Globe pointed out that even the liberal San Francisco Gate took notice of her point. 

The lieutenant governor herself shared the clip over Twitter from her campaign account. 

Kounalakis also used a talking point that many other pro-abortion Democrats have also used, which is that because of this decision which sends the abortion issue back to the states, the Court is somehow delegitimizing itself. 

"You know, it really brings up this question," Kounalakis said with emotion in her voice. "Who are these people? Who are these six people? You know, 25 percent of Americans have faith in the Supreme Court. What does that mean to this institution? We have held up the Supreme Court as this authority, as this very powerful institution of American democracy. Sadly, I think this decision is delegitimizing the Supreme Court." She then made her comment directed at Justice Thomas. 


Despite the narrative from Kounalakis and others, the Supreme Court actually made the issue of abortion more democratic by putting it back in the hands of the people to decide. This was a point especially stressed in Justice Brett Kavanaugh's concurrence. 

Kounalakis then chartered into even more foreboding territory, as she claimed "these people have a misconception about who's going to listen to them." She went on to promote her state, which Gov. Gavin Newsom, a particularly pro-abortion fellow Democrat, has sought to make, as well as the region, a so-called abortion sanctuary. "And so my message to uh, the women, and to anyone, seeking their reproductive freedom across this country is come to California. You will have that freedom here." 

In case her language wasn't problematic enough when it comes to how she thinks about the authority of the Court, Kounalakis went on to say, "Secondly, be prepared to live in defiance of these six people who think that they have the right to tell you what you can do." 

Her response was enough for MSNBC's Katy Tur to jump in and ask, "are you telling people to break the law?" 

Kounalakis responded with a "no," and offered, "I am telling people that they can access, under California law, their rights that were protected. That is going to be held in defiance in some states, and I would say yes, prepare to defy," once more doubling down on her problematic language. 


It's worth emphasizing that the Dobbs decision in no way affects California law on abortion, and the state is free to continue being as pro-abortion as it wishes to be. It does mean that the other 49 states don't have to be as pro-abortion in their laws. 

The so-called right to abortion appears nowhere in the Constitution. Rather the Court, in 1973, interpreted the Fourteenth Amendment to contain a right to privacy that included the right to abortion, based on a penumbra, or a feeling. 

Kounalakis was not the only one using problematic language over the weekend. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) made memorable remarks while outside the Court and during her appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." 

Rep. Maxine Watters (D-MN) even more strongly hinted at an insurrection, telling people outside the Court to fight, declaring "the hell with the Supreme Court," promising "we will defy them!" She even warned "you ain't seen nothin' yet." 

Tucker Carlson featured a clip of Kounalakis' comments during his Monday night show of "Tucker Carlson Tonight," during which he also highlighted violence and rage from pro-abortion activists, as well as the racist vitriol toward the Court's black justice. He also discussed the issue more at length in an opinion piece for Fox News. 


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