
Allred's Response to Cruz Daring to Call Him Out for Failing to Protect Girls' Sports Is Just Laughable

In the final weeks leading up to the November election, Democratic Rep. Colin Allred has become increasingly desperate as he looks to unseat Republican Sen. Ted Cruz in the U.S. Senate race out of Texas. Allred has a history of supporting radical leftist transgender policies, though he's now claiming otherwise in a new ad.

As we've been covering, Allred has been at odds with Texas values, particularly in this area, from social media posts and statements, to the legislation he's sponsored. On Friday, however, he tried to hide from his past in an ad that's been circulating over X. 

"Ted Cruz is lying again. But now he's lying about our children," Allred claims, as he goes on to speak about being a dad and a Christian. "My faith has taught me that all kids are God's kids," the congressman claims, despite being pro-abortion to the point where he's even willing to nuke the filibuster in order to get legislation that would go even further than Roe v. Wade. 

"So let me be clear, I don't want boys playing girls' sports, or any of this ridiculous stuff that Ted Cruz is saying," the congressman continues, as he rants some more about Cruz. 

Allred addresses other issues, and even claims that Cruz "has done nothing to secure the border," despite how the senator sponsored legislation such as the Secure the Border Act and the Justice for Jocelyn Act

"He's full of it, you know that," Allred insists to conclude his ad. 

Allred's ad was posted by Semafor's David Weigel, and in addition to the hundreds of replies, there's also been even more quoted reposts communicating a similar theme as to how the congressman's words don't match up with his past. 

"This is truly desperate and pathetic. Things have gotten so bad for the Allred camp that they've resorted to flat-out lying on the airwaves. The logic here is truly mind-boggling, considering this is so easily debunked," a Cruz campaign spokesperson said on Friday. "With 25 days left until Election Day, Allred is making it clear he'll do anything to cover up his radical ideology that he knows is not resonating with Texans. Hopefully, members of the media will call him on this, as Texans deserve to know the truth." 

Others have also shared the ad to point out how Allred had the chance to protect girls' and women's sports, but that he failed to do so when he voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act in April of last year. 

And, as we covered last week:

Allred is running for a statewide race despite how he supports legislation that even he acknowledges would "override" Texas law. Last month, Allred spoke with the Bulwark's Tim Miller at an event with The Texas Tribune, with such an appearance full of liberal promises

The congressman referred to the Save Women's Sports Act, a state law from 2023 that builds upon a 2021 law, as "heartbreaking" and one "targeting the most vulnerable people," though he's also pro-abortion. 

Allred is an original cosponsor of the Equality Act, which calls on the federal government to develop and implement a Transgender Bill of Rights. Such a resolution allows for transgender students to play on sports teams and use facilities that line up with what they say is their gender identity.

The congressman also voted against a Parental Bill of Rights in Congress last year.

Allred was also previously just fine with posting his support to social media for children as young as 10 looking to transition, as well as speaking out against Republican efforts to protect girls' and women's sports.

The congressman has had such a habit of avoiding questions from citizen journalists that Cruz released an ad on "Can't Comment Colin." 

Allred's lack of forthcomingness also pertains to the issue of protecting women and girls' sports as well, it turns out.

This Friday ad comes after Cruz called his opponent out for his leftist policies, including an ad titled "Radical" over Allred's position on allowing boys to participate in girls' sports and to enter girls' private spaces in other ways.

While Allred may be responding with claims that Cruz "is lying again," the ad points to Allred's own vote history to support its claims. 

Also mentioned in last week's reporting is how Texas voters are at odds with Allred's views on transgender ideology, including boys being able to play on girls' sports teams. A poll conducted by the Manhattan Institute in late June showed that Texans are not on board with such leftist policies. Perhaps that's why the congressman is now trying to change his tune, as he seeks higher office in a red state.

There's been numerous polls on this Senate race, and Cruz consistently has had the edge, and Republicans overall are favored to not only hold onto this seat, but also gain back control of the chamber. This race is regarded as "Lean" or "Likely Republican." 

Decision Desk HQ gives Cruz a 75 percent chance of winning his race.