
'Full-Blown Concession' From Biden Campaign: Trump Campaign Responds to That NYC Press Conference

On Tuesday, as Katie covered, President Joe Biden's reelection campaign held a bizarre press conference outside of the New York City courthouse where former and potentially future President Donald Trump is on trial. The once great actor Robert DeNiro showed up in a mask, gave remarks, and even got into it with Trump supporters as he yelled "f**k you" and called them "gangsters." The Trump campaign and members of the family responded with comments of their own. National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt made a particularly illustrative point.

"What you just heard from is a desperate and failing, pathetic campaign, who knows that they are losing," Leavitt began, not mincing words. "Joe Biden's sending his campaign outside of this criminal courthouse, it is a full-blown concession, that this trial is a witch-hunt that comes from the top, comes from Joe Biden, and he is using a far-left district attorney in this city, Alvin Bragg!"

Leavitt also made further points about how weak the case is. "This case would have been laughed out of any other court room in America," she reminded, also sharing that "legal scholars on both sides of the aisle, even liberal legal scholars, agree: there is no crime, there is no case. But Joe Biden knew he could use Alvin Bragg, who was sitting in that courthouse today, wasting away the tax dollars of the hard working people of this city to go after Joe Biden's political opposition!"

She had strong words for Acting New York County Supreme Court Justice Juan Manuel Merchan, who is overseeing the case, and who has a conflict of interest, especially when it comes to his adult daughter. 

"And the man overseeing this case is a corrupt and highly partisan and crooked judge, who is highly conflicted for reasons that President Trump can't even talk about because this judge imposed an unconstitutional gag order on the former President of the United States and the leading front runner in this election!"

In calling the trial out as a "disgrace," a "witch hunt" and a "scam," Leavitt also pointed out how "the American people see through this," as she pointed to high recent rallies in the Bronx and New Jersey as well as his lead over Biden in the polls. Trump currently has a lead of +1.1 over Biden, per RealClearPolling

She also had strong words for DeNiro and Michael Tyler, the communications director for Biden's reelection campaign who was also present. While Biden may have DeNiro, Trump commands the support from average Americans.

"Everywhere he goes, everyday Americans," Leavitt continued, speaking out the support Trump has. "Not elitist, out of touch Hollywood actors like Robert De Niro, who have no idea the real problems that people in this city and across this country are facing. President Trump is backed by the hardworking men and women of this country!"

"And I could not help but laugh when Joe Biden's spokesperson actually came out here," Leavitt, also shared with laughter in her voice, speaking about Tyler, "and accused President Trump of being a threat to democracy. Joe Biden is the real threat to democracy. He is weaponizing our justice system!"

Leavitt also called out the trial overall and the distraction it serves, as she spoke further to the press gathered there. "Look at all of you! This is a communist show trial! There are real problems in America, and you are all out here covering this because Joe Biden is weak, he's pathetic, he's a threat to democracy, not only with this weaponization of our justice system, but with his wide open border invasion that is allowing a mass invasion of illegal people into this country: terrorists, criminals. Our economy is in shambles. We are heading towards World War III. Those are the issues real Americans care about."

In closing, Leavitt struck a hopeful message. "That is why President Trump is going to win this election and ultimately he will be vindicated of this sham crooked trial, because he has the truth on his side and he's an innocent man.

When it comes to Tyler, as Leavitt referenced, he really did claim in his response to CBS News' Robert Costa that Trump is a threat to democracy. 

When asked why the Biden campaign came, Tyler responded "because you are all here, you've been incessantly covering this day in and day out, and we want to remind the American people, ahead of the next debate, at the first debate, on June 27, of the unique, persistent, growing threat that Donald Trump poses to the American people and to our democracy. So, since you all are here, we are here communicating that message as we will do day in and day out until the debate in Atlanta."

With such a response, about narratives the Biden reelection campaign and Biden himself have already been hitting the American people over the head on, this is clearly a desperate campaign. It's also curious that the debate would come up, and it's worth wondering if Biden will even show. 

Nick Arama at our sister site of Red State highlighted some reactions as to what a bad look it is for the Biden campaign to roll up and demand a conviction as the case is about to enter closing arguments. 

This press conference and the White House's and Biden's reelection campaign response could end up backfiring, in a huge way. As Arama's headline fittingly read, "HOT TAKES: Let the Mockery Begin of Insane Biden Effort at Trump Trial—and How It May Help Trump."