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'Clowns': Kathy Hochul Denigrates New Yorkers Who Dare to Support Trump

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

Former and potentially future President Donald Trump held a massive rally in the Bronx, New York, on Thursday. While New York is a blue state, and the Bronx is especially a bright blue part, the crowd Trump was able to draw was not insignificant. But that didn't stop New York Democrats, including Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul, from denigrating those who made the effort to show up.


Speaking to CNN's Jake Tapper, Hochul could hardly have been more dismissive, and this attitude wasn't merely the case when addressing the Trump rally, but also crime rates and illegal immigration in New York.

"Well, I'll tell you, won't make a difference at all, Jake, and that is for Donald Trump to be the ringleader, and invite all his clowns to a place like the Bronx. New York will never ever support Donald Trump for president," Hochul huffed. The governor is likely correct that the Bronx and New York State will not vote for Trump, but that makes her dismissive attitude all the more unnecessary.

"We know him better than anyone. And that means we understand what he's all about, just for himself. So, this state will go solidly behind Joe Biden for president as it has in the past. So, he wants to spend his time doing these made-up fake rallies and retaining their supporter here, be my guest, because while you're doing that, Donald Trump, Joe Biden's out there on the other side, making sure he's delivering for all Americans," she went on to say. 

Tapper had asked Hochul, "What more do Democrats need to do to solidify and mobilize their base?" And it's debatable if we can call what she offered an answer. 

"And so, go ahead, spend all the time you want in New York, because we'll be with Joe Biden, and Joe Biden's out there winning over the rest of the battleground states," Hochul added. The Trump campaign does believe that states like New York and New Jersey are in play. Even if that might not play out as the campaign hopes it will, Biden likely won't win "the rest of the battleground states," given Trump has a lead in every one of them. 


The interview also touched upon crime and immigration, though. After providing lip service by noting stories of violent crime in New York City are "deeply disturbing," Hochul pivoted to talking about gun control, even though New York has some of the strictest gun laws there are. 

She also claimed that "the crime rate has been going down," but as Mia and I have covered before, that's a Democratic talking point that's been used to gaslight people. 

Hochul also got testy when talking about the bail system and how illegal immigrants were arrested and freed under the no-cash bail system, despite assaulting police officers. 

Speaking more specifically about immigration, Hochul laughably claimed that immigration "will be an issue against [Republicans] in the November election as well," claiming, "So, there is a path to deal with the border crisis. It makes sense. And Republicans rejected it once again [Thursday]." Republicans voted against Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's (D-NY) bad border bill, and even Tapper pointed out that a significant number of Democrats voted against moving forward with the bill, more than did so back in February. 

Hochul is right that immigration is an issue in November, but it's one where Trump has a massive lead over Biden on who voters trust to better handle it, as multiple polls show. 


"I would say right now New York is back," Hochul claimed at the end of the interview. We'll see about that, especially if Trump performs better in New York this time. After all, Hochul almost lost the 2022 gubernatorial election to Republican Lee Zeldin. 

When it comes to the rally, people travel from out of state to attend Trump rallies, that's nothing new. But, there were locals present, including those who said they voted Democratic but will now vote for Trump. Former local politicians were also there to endorse Trump, namely Reverend Ruben Diaz, Sr., who served on the New York City Council and in the New York Senate. 

It wasn't merely Hochul who was triggered, but Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who had previously posted "God is good" along with a clip of rain in the area. On the day of the rally, there was sun and thousands of attendees. 


Attendees present also slammed AOC when speaking to reporters at the Trump rally.

Although Trump was the first Republican nominee in over 40 years to campaign in the Bronx, this is not the first time he's been in such a bright blue part of the state.

Last month, when in New York for the hush money trial, Trump visited Sanaa Convenient Store. It was then that he predicted New York might be in play.

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